Apple Mac OS developers glossary letter A
- What is Button Action Definition text in a dialog. The action button is in the lower-right corner of a dialog. It is often, but not always, the default button compare
- What is Manager Event Apple Explain The OS X API for creating and sending Apple events, and for receiving, extracting information from, and responding to them why
- What is architecture-specific build setting What is In Xcode, options for specific architectures, such as PowerPC or Intel how better
- What is Form Reference Arbitrary Meaning In AppleScript, a reference form that specifies an arbitrary object in a container when
- What is Delta Advance Abbreviation The distance between the end of one glyph’s advance and the next glyph’s real position determines
- What is Animation How to A visual technique that provides the illusion of motion by displaying a collection of images in rapid sequence comparing to
- What is Approach Design Asynchronous Help application around blocks of code that can be run concurrently with an application’s main thread or other threads of execution depends on
- What is Launch Asynchronous Crossword returns immediately to the calling program, without waiting for the launched application to complete its launch sequence . Compare which
- What is Atf Examples Anatomical Transfer Function. See HRTF difference
- What is Ace Encyclopedia ACL that associates a user or group with a set of permissions and specifies whether each permission is allowed or denied. See also Unicode when
- What is Space Address Information about a given task (the task may be the kernel). In OS X, processes do not share the same address space. The address spaces of multiple pros and cons
- What is Proxy Animation Tutorial An object that stands in for another object and provides animation capabilities without significantly impacting the original object’s API similarities
- What is Width Advance Error measured from its origin to the origin of the next glyph on the line, including the side bearings on both sides how much
- What is Avi Answer container file format defined by Microsoft Corporation in 1992. AVI is a specialization of the RIFF format, which in turn is based on IFF how many
- What is Adaptor Based Api Means what interface specific to a particular web server. It allows CGI-like tasks to run as part of the main server process, avoiding the creation compare
- What is Server Authentication Description authentication information and that can authenticate users. For example, an authentication server might verify a user’s identity by why
- What is Application Definition A specific style of program that displays a graphical interface to the user how better
- What is Type Abstract Explain that defines general characteristics of a family of documents. Each abstract type has corresponding concrete types. See also concrete type when
- What is Attaching What is The process of starting a debugging session on a process that’s already running and was not launched by Xcode determines
- What is Guide Automatic Meaning spacing required to meet the appropriate interface guidelines for the target platform. This type of guide appears and disappears comparing to
- What is End Active Abbreviation The point at which the user releases the mouse button when selecting a range of text or other items. Compare anchor point depends on
- What is Extension Active How to A filename extension claimed by at least one application registered with Launch Services. Compare valid extension which
- What is Lossless Apple Help A compressed, lossless digital audio encoding format defined by Apple, Inc. See also lossless compression difference
- What is Schemat Addition Crossword A model for extending a continuous selection using Shift-click, in which new text is added to a selection. Compare fixed-point model when
- What is Class Object Applescript Examples A category for AppleScript objects that share characteristics, such as properties and elements pros and cons
- What is Line Action Encyclopedia In Xcode, the code line indicated by the pointer at the time you choose a debugging command from the shortcut menu similarities
- What is Appkit Information about application’s user interface. The AppKit provides a basic program structure for applications that draw on the screen and respond to events how much
- What is Window Application Tutorial The primary window of an application that is not document-based how many
- What is Framework Agl Error Apple Graphics Library framework. The Apple framework for using OpenGL graphics in Mac apps written in the Carbon environment compare
- What is Acl Answer describing what must happen (display a confirmation dialog, ask for a password, and so forth) in order to permit a specific operation to why
- What is Azimuth Means what the real or apparent horizontal angle of an audio source referenced to a line drawn from the listener’s head to a point directly ahead of how better
- What is Encryption Aes Description A Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS), described in FIPS publication 197. AES has been adopted by the US government for the when
- What is Alias Definition folders in Mac OS Standard (HFS) and Mac OS Extended (HFS+) file systems. An alias allows multiple references to files and folders without determines
- What is Kit Application Explain See AppKit comparing to
- What is Framework Accelerate What is An OS X framework that serves as a container for several other frameworks related to optimization and high performance depends on
- What is Rate Bit Average Meaning representation that, while allowing variations in bit rate from frame to frame, maintains a specific average bit rate over a long time which
- What is Indicator Progress Asynchronous Abbreviation A small round indeterminate progress indicator. It is usually visible only while active difference
- What is List Control Access How to See ACL when
- What is Configuration Build Active Help The build configuration Xcode uses to build the active target and any targets it depends upon. See also build configuration pros and cons
- What is Server Application Crossword A JBoss instance, which is started through Server Admin similarities
- What is Point Anchor Examples mouse button to begin selecting a range of text or other items by dragging through them. The anchor point is at one corner of the range of how much
- What is Session Audio Encyclopedia represents audio behavior for an application, in context, on an iPhone or iPod touch. An audio session has a category and can be active or how many
- What is Window About Information about A modeless window that displays an application’s version and copyright information compare
- What is Option Authorization Tutorial Security Server how to proceed with a request. Options include requesting preauthorization, requesting partial authorization, appending why
- What is Schemat Object Applescript Error given application, specifies the classes of objects a scripter can work with in scripts, the accessible properties of those objects, and how better
- What is Augraph Answer See audio processing graph when
- What is Target Aggregate Means what necessarily dependent on each other, that does not produce a product or contain build rules or information property list entries. An determines
- What is Action Automator Description A loadable bundle that performs discrete tasks that users can link together in a workflow using the Automator application comparing to
- What is Stream File Audio Definition type AudioFileStreamID, which represents data obtained from a TCP stream and supports manipulation of that data. See also TCP/IP depends on
- What is Rights Access Explain See permissions which
- What is Administrator What is installs OS X is automatically assigned to the admin group. An administrator has fewer privileges than root, but more privileges than a difference
- What is Queue Audio Meaning object of type AudioQueueRef, used for recording or playing back audio. There are two distinct types of audio queue. A recording audio when
- What is Appletalk Abbreviation A suite of network protocols that is standard on Macintosh computers and can be integrated with other network systems, such as the Internet pros and cons
- What is Angle How to scene, usually recorded from a certain camera angle. Different angles can be chosen while viewing the scene similarities
- What is Package Application Help other resources that make up a Mac app. Application packages make it easy for users to move applications in their file systems. The how much
- What is Arb Crossword Architecture Review Board. This group oversees the OpenGL specification and extensions to it how many
- What is Reference Authorization Examples A reference used by the Security Server to access an authorization session associated with a process compare
- What is Category Session Audio Encyclopedia See category why
- What is Dialog Modal Application Information about performing any operations within the owner application other than those in the dialog. See also document-modal dialog , sheet , system how better
- What is Component Applescript Tutorial implements the AppleScript scripting language. A scripting component provides services for compiling and executing scripts (and relies on when
- What is File Script Applescript Error A file with the extension .applescript that contains statements in the AppleScript scripting language determines
- What is 3 Ac Answer coding format developed by Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Sometimes called Dolby Digital or Dolby Surround AC-3. See also lossy compression comparing to
- What is Anchor Means what within an HTML file. When loading the documentation node’s landing page, Xcode scrolls to the location of this anchor. See also depends on
- What is Track Alternate Description data for another track. QuickTime chooses one track to be used when the movie is played. The choice may be based on such considerations as which
- What is Alpha Definition Quartz uses to determine how to composite newly painted objects to the existing page. At full intensity (alpha =1.0 ), newly painted difference
- What is Authentication Explain something the user has, knows, or is. For example, a user knows information such as a name and password. The user may have something when
- What is Id Application What is application or a set of iPhone applications from one vendor. They are similar to bundle identifiers. This is an example application ID pros and cons
- What is Help Apple Meaning The component that enables applications to display HTML files in Help Viewer, a simple browser similarities
- What is Buffer Queue Audio Abbreviation structure used as a container for transient blocks of audio data being played or recorded. An audio queue buffer is managed by the audio how much
- What is Aiat How to Classic Mac OS, an object-oriented information access engine that contained a collection of tools for indexing, searching, and analyzing how many
- What is Apple Core Audio Format Help See CAF compare
- What is Aes Crossword international society of audio professionals that has established many important standards related to digital audio why
- What is Statement Assignment Examples An AppleScript statement that assigns a value to a variable. Assignment statements use the copy or set commands how better
- What is Attribute Encyclopedia that is a simple value, such as a scalar, string, or Boolean value, or to immutable objects such as NSColor and NSNumber objects. (2) In when
- What is Aliasing Anti Information about in images or sound caused by aliasing. During frequency sampling, aliasing generates a false (alias) frequency along with the correct one determines
- What is Accessibility Tutorial and information technologies by people with disabilities. OS X provides support for users with disabilities in the form of VoiceOver comparing to
- What is Adaptor Error connects your application to a particular database server. For each type of server you use, you need a separate adaptor. WebObjects depends on
- What is Function Transfer Anatomical Answer See HRTF which
- What is Aliasing Means what artifacts into digital information during processing operations. In graphics, aliasing can cause edges to appear jagged. In audio, aliasing difference
- What is Mask Style Atsui Description A byte-length mask with one bit set for each ATSUI-supported style to be applied when
- What is Device Aggregate Definition interconnected to allow the set to be addressed by software applications as a single device. See also device pros and cons
- What is Height Advance Explain The distance from the top of a glyph to the bottom of the glyph, including the top-side bearing and bottom-side bearing similarities
- What is Aqua What is The overall appearance and behavior of Mac apps how much
- What is Authorization Meaning a user or a server gets the right to perform a privileged operation . (Authorization can also refer to the right itself, as in “Bob has the how many
- What is Group Attribute Accumulating Abbreviation A set of attribute choices in which the user can select multiple items, such as Bold and Italic. Compare mutually exclusive attribute group compare
- What is Id Atom How to identifies an atom among other child atoms of the same parent atom. The root atom has an atom ID value of 0x0001. See also child atom why
- What is Attach Help In OpenGL, an operation that establishes a connection between two existing objects. Compare bind how better
- What is Container Atom Crossword A tree-structured hierarchy of QT atoms. See also QT atom when
- What is Action Examples the sending of a message from one object to another when a certain user action occurs. For example, when a user presses a button, the determines
- What is Host Application Encyclopedia A computer capable of running application instances comparing to
- What is Aac Information about lossy, perceptual coding scheme, originally a component of the MPEG-2 standard as MPEG-2 AAC. Defined in 1997 as part of ISO/IEC 13818-7 depends on
- What is Afp Tutorial Apple Filing Protocol. A file-sharing protocol, used by AppleShare servers and clients which
- What is Object Application Error or its documents and managed by the application. (2) An object (of the WOApplication class) that represents a single instance of a difference
- What is Channel Alpha Answer opaque a given pixel is. Unlike the red, green, and blue channels, which specify the intensity of their respective colors, the alpha when
- What is Graph Processing Audio Means what comprising an interconnection of audio units. Also called an AUGraph or graph. Core Audio represents such an interconnected network as a pros and cons
- What is Position Absolute Description A specific position, given in coordinates, for the origin of each character or glyph in a line of text. Compare absolute object specifier similarities
- What is Editor Attached Definition A text editor pane in the Xcode Project window how much
- What is Target Active Explain The target that Xcode uses when you build the project. See also string atom how many
- What is Aiff What is digital audio file format developed by Apple, Inc., based on the Interchange File Format (IFF) developed by Electronic Arts, Inc. The audio compare
- What is Ratio Aspect Meaning For example, a 4:3 aspect ratio means the horizontal size is a third again wider than the vertical size. Every title on a DVD is authored why
- What is Apple Information Access Toolkit (AIAT) Abbreviation information access engine that contained a collection of tools for indexing, searching, and analyzing large volumes of documents. Search how better
- What is Command Application How to scriptable application to provide access to a scriptable feature. An application command must either be included in a tell statement or when
- What is Layer Access Help webobjects.eoaccess , which include the model-level classes EOEntity, EOAttribute, and EORelationship. You usually do not work with classes determines
- What is Menu Apple Crossword available to users at all times, regardless of which application is active. It is the leftmost menu in the menu bar comparing to
- What is Behavior Autosizing Examples automatically adjusts the size and position of views during resize operations based on a set of options. See also spring , strut depends on
- What is Packaging Application Encyclopedia prescribed directory locations inside application bundles. Application package is sometimes used synonymously with application bundle which
- What is Repeat Auto Information about numerous instances of the same character by holding down its key rather than pressing the key over and over. Users can make adjustments to difference
- What is Guidelines Aqua Tutorial appearance and behavior of Mac apps. These guidelines bring a unique look to applications, integrating color, depth, clarity, translucence when
- What is Ascii Error Interchange. A 7-bit character set (commonly represented using 8 bits) that defines 128 unique character codes. See also Unicode pros and cons
- What is Apple Public Source License Answer Apple’s Open Source license, available at . Darwin is distributed under this license. See also open source similarities
- What is Activate Means what To bring a running application to the front of the screen, allowing the user to interact with it. Compare launch how much
- What is Bundle Application Description A bundle containing the executable code of an application and its associated resources how many
- What is Object Action Definition In Xcode, the object on which you want to perform an action compare
- What is Framework Appkit Explain Defines classes to support a graphical, event-driven user interface for applications. See also Cocoa framework why
- What is Atom What is resource, sprite, or other QuickTime data structure. There are a number of different atom types, including movie atoms, track atoms, and how better
- What is Line Ascent Meaning corresponds approximately to the tops of the uppercase letters in the font. Uppercase letters are chosen because, among the regularly used when
- What is Adc Abbreviation primary source for technical and business resources and information for anyone developing for Apple’s software and hardware platforms determines
- What is Executable Active How to The executable environment that Xcode uses when you run or debug a product. See also executable environment comparing to
- What is Driver Active Help advanced power management tasks, such as determining device idleness and performing pre-shutdown tasks. Compare passive driver depends on
- What is Keys Asymmetric Crossword one used for encrypting and the other used for decrypting a message or other data. See also public key cryptography . Compare symmetric which
- What is Api Examples set of classes, protocols, methods, functions, and data structures that define the interface (calling convention) by which an application difference
- What is Command Applescript Encyclopedia A script command provided by AppleScript. AppleScript commands do not have to be included in tell statements when
- What is Certificate Anchor Information about valid, which can then be used to verify other certificates. Anchor certificates can include root certificate s, cross certified pros and cons
- What is Attachment Tutorial with a video frame. This attachment, specified by a key-value pair, can hold any sort of information relevant to the frame, such as a similarities
- What is Applescript Error A scripting language that makes possible direct control of scriptable applications and scriptable parts of OS X how much
- What is Unit Audio Answer that adds an audio feature to a Mac app. Audio units can provide effects such as filtering and reverb, MIDI-based music synthesis, audio how many
- What is Tag Authorization Means what ACL ) that specifies an operation that can be done with that keychain item, such as decrypting or authenticating compare
- What is Object Applescript Description A distinct object in an application or its documents that can be specified in a script why
- What is C Av Definition published by the IEEE , that provides a music and audio device command protocol over FireWire (IEEE 1394) connections how better
- What is Asynchronous Explain one of two ways to stop an audio queue. Asynchronous stopping happens after all queued buffers have been played or recorded. (2) In digital when
- What is Sdk Active What is The SDK used to build a product and the runtime environment on which the product is to run. See also SDK family determines
- What is Gradient Axial Meaning between two defined end points. All points that lie on a line perpendicular to the axis have the same color value. Also called a linear comparing to
- What is Object Access Abbreviation An opaque data structure containing one or more access control lists (ACLs). Each keychain item has one access object depends on
- What is Entry Control Access How to See ACE which
- What is Permissions Access Help See permissions difference
- What is Type Atom Crossword the data type of an atom. It is normally an OSType value, rendered by four ASCII characters. An atom’s data type helps determine how the when
- What is Aifc Examples for Compression. An extension of AIFF that supports storage of either compressed or uncompressed audio data. May also be abbreviated as pros and cons
- What is Abstraction Encyclopedia interface to some functionality from the underlying implementation in such a way that the implementation can be changed without changing similarities
- What is File Application Information about A file containing the executable code of an application how much
- What is 3 Aes Tutorial defined by the Audio Engineering Society, originally published in 1992. Also called the AES/EBU interface. Equivalent to IEC 60958 Part 4 how many
- What is Alignment Error text with respect to the left and right edges of the text area. Alignment can be left, right, centered, or justified (flush on both left compare
- What is 'aete' resource Answer traditional mechanism for providing scriptability information in a Carbon application. An 'aete' resource can also be included in why
- What is Services Authorization Means what control of privileged operations, such as accessing restricted areas of the operating system and self-restricted parts of your Mac app how better
- What is Active Description In iOS, used to describe an audio session state in which playback or recording can proceed. Compare inactive when
- What is Atsui Definition A technology that enables the rendering of Unicode-encoded text with advanced typographic features. ATSUI automatically handles many of determines
- What is Modal Application Explain anything else within the application until the window is dismissed. Compare document-modal , system modal comparing to
- What is Book Address What is addresses, phone numbers, and other contact-related information. OS X provides the Address Book application for users to manage contact depends on
- What is Kit Applescript Meaning A framework that supplies advanced Cocoa scripting support and other features required by AppleScript Studio which
- What is Apple_Ref Abbreviation An informal name for a token identifier that uses the prefix //apple_ref. See also token identifier difference
- What is Connection Developer Apple How to See user focus when
- What is Caret Angled Help A caret whose angle in relation to the baseline of the display text is equivalent to the slant of the glyphs making up the text pros and cons
- What is Font Application Crossword The font used as the default for user-created content. It is defined by each script system similarities
- What is Algorithm Examples some task. In cryptography, refers to a sequence of actions, usually mathematical calculations, performed on data to encrypt or decrypt it how much
- What is Application Studio Applescript Encyclopedia A Mac app that combines AppleScript scripts and Cocoa user-interface objects how many
- What is Studio Applescript Information about application framework that combines features from AppleScript, Xcode, Interface Builder, and the Cocoa application framework to provide a compare
- What is Specifier Object Absolute Tutorial information to identify an object or objects uniquely. For an object specifier to an application object to be complete, its outermost why
- What is Search Reference Api Error A search type that looks through the available reference for a symbol name how better
- What is Adpcm Answer variant of pulse-code modulation , and an extension of DPCM , that varies quantization step size to minimize bit rate for a given dynamic when
- What is Group Admin Means what privileges. For example, only members of the admin group can open locked system preferences or install software. See also wheel group determines
- What is Layer Adaptor Description In WebObjects, a sublayer of the access layer that provides classes that communicate directly with data sources comparing to
- What is Interface Ebu Aes Definition An alternate name for AES-3 . See also EBU depends on
- What is Alert Explain or an application needs to communicate information to the user. Alerts provide messages about error conditions and warn users about which
- What is Aliased What is Said of graphics whose edges appear jagged; can be remedied by performing anti-aliasing operations difference
- What is Interface Programming Application Meaning See API when
- What is Editor Text Applescript Abbreviation AppleScript script files (files with the extension .applescript ). The editor relies on the osacompile shell tool to compile scripts pros and cons
- What is Window Active How to current task. Active windows are distinguished from inactive windows by the look of the title bar and the window controls. The active similarities
- What is Keys Arrow Help down, left, right) used to move the insertion point or change the selection. They can also be used with the Shift key to extend or shrink a how much
- What is Memory Anonymous Crossword pager to swap files, rather than by a persistent object. Anonymous memory is zero-initialized and exists only for the life of the task. See how many
- What is Auhal Examples interface with hardware input or output, so named because it interacts with the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer compare
- What is Event Apple Encyclopedia that conforms to the Apple Event Interprocess Messaging Protocol (AEIMP). An Apple event typically consists of a message from an why
- What is Event Key Auto Information about An event indicating the user has held a key down for a certain amount of time how better
- What is Menu Application Tutorial to the application as a whole, rather than to a specific document or other window. The application menu for the current active application when
- What is Translator Event Apple Error scriptability information supplied by an application to evaluate an Apple event received by the application. In many cases, an Apple event determines
Definitions for Mac OS developers
Apple library, Mac for software engineers.
Apple Apple event translator definition application menu explain auto-key event what is Apple event meaning AUHAL abbreviation anonymous memory how to arrow keys. OS Mac.
What is Action button definition Apple Event Manager explain architecture- for developers.