event class execute condition what is
Eye coordinates definition event source explain event queue what is equalization meaning explicit.

Apple Mac OS developers glossary letter E

  • What is Class Event Definition to, typically associated with an particular action or user-interface element. Example classes are window events and volume events. Compare compare
  • What is Condition Execute Explain In Xcode, a state that triggers a breakpoint why
  • What is emphasized mini mechanizm font What is The bold version of the mini system font how better
  • What is Entitlement Meaning A property that allows an application to access a protected iOS feature or capability when
  • What is Executable Abbreviation An application that uses a project’s product and can be launched in order to debug that product determines
  • What is Encrypt How to read by unauthorized entities, in such a way that its original state can be restored later (decrypted). In most cryptographic systems comparing to
  • What is Emmi Help Mach’s interface to memory objects that allows their contents to be contributed by user-mode tasks. See also external pager depends on
  • What is Transformation Extract Crossword In Xcode, a refactoring operation that creates a function or method with the selected code as its body which
  • What is Handler Event Examples A callback procedure or function that processes one or more events difference
  • What is Encryption Encyclopedia in which it cannot be made sense of without the use of some key . Such transformed data is referred to as ciphertext. Use of a key to when
  • What is Expression Information about In AppleScript, any series of words that has a value pros and cons
  • What is Environment Executable Tutorial Defines how Xcode should execute a product in response to the Go command similarities
  • What is Port Exception Error A Mach port on which a task or thread receives messages when exceptions occur how much
  • What is Object Enterprise Answer to the key-value coding protocol and whose properties can map to stored data. An enterprise object brings together stored data with methods how many
  • What is Expression Error Means what In AppleScript, an expression, usually a text object, that describes an error compare
  • What is Euid Description Effective User ID. See UID why
  • What is Extension Definition dynamically added to a running system; often used as a synonym for kernel extension. (2) A feature of OpenGL that’s not part of the OpenGL how better
  • What is Entity Explain distinguishable object about which data is kept. An entity typically corresponds to a table in a relational database; an entity’s when
  • What is Type Event What is event kind that uniquely identifies an event to the Carbon Event Manager. See also event class , event kind determines
  • What is Egid Meaning Effective Group ID. See GID comparing to
  • What is Encoding Abbreviation a signal from one representation to another. For example, compressing linear PCM data to AAC format is a form of encoding. Can be applied depends on
  • What is Track Event How to In audio, a stream of MIDI or event data which can be played using a music player . See also channel , sequence which
  • What is Install Easy Help A metapackage or distribution package installation that a user performs using the default option selection difference
  • What is Handler Error Crossword In AppleScript, a collection of statements that are executed in response to an error message when
  • What is Ethernet Examples A family of high-speed local area network technologies at the physical layer of the OSI model pros and cons
  • What is Coalescing Event Encyclopedia See mouse event coalescing similarities
  • What is Framed Externally Information about format where information about the sizes of the frames is transmitted separately from the audio data stream. Compare internally framed how much
  • What is Event Tutorial application that some action is occurring, or has occurred. (2) In AppleScript an action an object can respond to. For example, a button how many
  • What is List Edit Error In QuickTime, a data structure that arranges a media structure into a time sequence compare
  • What is Description Effect Answer A data structure that specifies which component to use to implement an effect in a movie and how the component is configured why
  • What is Type Feature Exclusive Means what one of the available feature selectors, such as whether numbers are to be proportional or fixed-width. Compare nonexclusive feature type how better
  • What is Font Mechanizm Emphasized Description The bold version of the system font when
  • What is State Edit Definition current state of a movie or track with respect to an edit session. QuickTime uses edit states to support undo facilities determines
  • What is Erosion Explain operation that is similar to dilation. It takes dark pixels in an image and spreads them around, causing them to “eat away” (or erode comparing to
  • What is Eomodeler What is A tool used to create and edit models depends on
  • What is Endpoint Meaning See MIDI endpoint which
  • What is Ebu Abbreviation European Broadcasting Union. A Europe-based, international, audio and broadcasting standards organization difference
  • What is Pane Handling Error How to A pane in the Print dialog that lets the user specify the actions to take when certain errors occur when
  • What is Objects Embedded Help Graphics, sound, or movie data that is in a text object along with text data pros and cons
  • What is Modeling Relationship Entity Crossword representing the components and interrelationships in a database system. Also known as ER modeling, this discipline factors a database similarities
  • What is Command Speech Embedded Examples A command embedded in textual input that a speech synthesizer interprets and applies to the pronunciation of the spoken version how much
  • What is Number Error Encyclopedia An integer that identifies an error how many
  • What is Rule Odd Even Information about paint a pixel. The outcome does not depend on the direction that path segments are drawn. Compare nonzero winding number rule compare
  • What is Transformation Encapsulate Tutorial creates accessors for the transformation item, reduces its visibility, and changes code that directly accesses the item to use the why
  • What is Form Reference Every Error In AppleScript, a reference form that specifies every object of a particular type in a container how better
  • What is Message Error Answer A message that is supplied when an error occurs during the handling of a command when
  • What is Javabeans Enterprise Ejb Means what that provides an infrastructure through which data-based components can be developed and deployed in a variety of platforms determines
  • What is Evaluation Description The conversion of an expression to a value comparing to
  • What is Objects Enterprise Definition frameworks for building feature-rich database applications that encapsulate business logic, yet are independent of any particular data depends on
  • What is Statement Exit Explain In AppleScript, a statement used in the body of a repeat statement to exit that statement which
  • What is Unit Effect What is In Core Audio, an audio unit of type'aufx' that employs DSP to modify a stream of digital audio. See also DSP difference
  • What is Kind Event Meaning A specific type of event within an event class (for example, a mouse-down event). Compare event class when
  • What is Offset Edge Abbreviation associated with a text layout object that specifies a position between byte values. Edge offsets in source text are related to caret pros and cons
  • What is emphasized small mechanizm font How to The bold version of the small system font similarities
  • What is Context Editing Help group of enterprise-object instances. An editing context, which is an instance of the EOEditingContext class, provides an in-memory view of how much
  • What is Loop Event Crossword execution loop that obtains events from the Window Server and places them in an event queue. The event loop also fires timers how many
  • What is Control Enabled Examples A control state where the control appears normally (that is, not grayed out) and responds to user input when active compare
  • What is List Empty Encyclopedia In AppleScript, a list containing no items why
  • What is Menu Edit Information about A menu that provides commands for changing (editing) the contents of documents. It contains commands such as Cut, Copy, and Paste how better
  • What is Timer Event Tutorial A timer mechanism that fires once, or at periodic intervals, calling a callback procedure when doing so when
  • What is Elevation Error the real or apparent vertical angle of an audio source referenced to a line drawn from a listener’s head to a point directly ahead of the determines
  • What is Character Ellipsis Answer menus, buttons, and other controls to indicate that additional information will be required to complete the command. Generate an ellipsis comparing to
  • What is Pager External Means what between virtual memory and a backing store. External pagers are clients of Mach’s EMMI. The pager API is currently not exported to user depends on
  • What is Track Effect Description In QuickTime, a modifier track that applies an effect (such as a wipe or dissolve) to a movie. See also modifier track which
  • What is Target Event Definition An object to which an event is sent. An event target is typically a user-interface element, such as a control or a window difference
  • What is Exception Explain program control that occurs when an error or other special condition is detected during execution. An exception transfers control from the when
  • What is Handler Run Explicit What is level of a script object that begins with on run and ends with end . A single script object can include an explicit run handler or an pros and cons
  • What is Equalization Meaning operation that makes the resultant image conform to a uniform histogram, ensuring an equal frequency of pixel intensities similarities
  • What is Queue Event Abbreviation A first-in-first-out stack where events pertaining to a thread are stored. Each preemptively scheduled thread has its own event queue how much
  • What is Source Event How to type of event that a device driver can be expected to handle; there are currently event sources for hardware interrupts, timer events, and how many
  • What is Coordinates Eye Help the observer at the origin. Eye coordinates are produced by the modelview matrix and passed to the projection matrix compare

Definitions for Mac OS developers

Apple library, Mac for software engineers.

Apple Eye coordinates definition event source explain event queue what is equalization meaning explicit run handler abbreviation exception how to event target help. OS Mac.

What is Event class definition execute condition explain emphasized mini for developers.