login keychain ldap explain what is
Local variable definition ligature splitting explain Lanczos resampling what is lifetime meaning.

Apple Mac OS developers glossary letter L

  • What is Keychain Login Definition new login account. The login keychain is automatically unlocked at login if its password matches that of the user’s login account compare
  • What is Ldap Explain Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. A standard client-server protocol for accessing online directory services why
  • What is Specification Launch What is LSLaunchFSRefSpec or LSLaunchURLSpec , used to specify to Launch Services the manner in which an item or items are to be opened how better
  • What is Limiter Meaning In audio, circuitry or software that limits signal amplitude to a user-defined maximum. Compare level compression when
  • What is Linear Abbreviation In audio, describes a transfer function whose output signal is directly proportional to the input determines
  • What is Width Line How to The total width of a line, expressed in user space units comparing to
  • What is Lifebeat Help applications to wotaskd to report their activity. The four types of lifebeat messages are: has started, is alive, will stop, and will crash depends on
  • What is List Crossword In AppleScript, an ordered collection of values which
  • What is Locked Examples available in memory to decrypt the passwords and other secrets protected by the keychain. When an application attempts to retrieve a secret difference
  • What is Locking Encyclopedia A mechanism to ensure that data isn’t modified by more than one user at a time and that data isn’t read as it is being modified when
  • What is Indicator Level Information about A control that displays the level or capacity of something pros and cons
  • What is Parameter Labeled Tutorial In AppleScript, a parameter that is identified by a label. See also positional parameter similarities
  • What is Edge Leading Error first when reading text of that glyph’s language. For glyphs of left-to-right text, the leading edge is the left edge; for glyphs of right how much
  • What is Compression Level Answer audio signal, typically by reducing the gain ratio for amplitudes above a specific level. Compare limiting how many
  • What is Ligature Means what A glyph that is created when two or more characters are combined to create a new character compare
  • What is Variable Loop Description In AppleScript, a variable whose value controls the number of times the statements in a repeat statement are executed why
  • What is Frames Leading Definition of audio data that precede, in time, the nominal starting frame for an input stream . See also priming . Compare trailing frames how better
  • What is Gradient Linear Explain See axial gradient when
  • What is Decomposition Ligature What is component glyphs during justification so that the individual glyphs may more evenly occupy the space allotted to the ligature determines
  • What is Font Resort Last Meaning types of Unicode characters. These glyphs can be used as a backup to any other font; if the font cannot represent any particular Unicode comparing to
  • What is Join Line Abbreviation The style that Quartz uses to draw the junction between connected line segments—miter, round, or bevel depends on
  • What is Level How to signal strength resulting from a given input level and gain in an audio device or system. Level within analog audio circuitry is often which
  • What is Localization Help including its online help and documentation, for use in one or more regions of the world, in addition to the region for which the original difference
  • What is Layer Crossword prioritizing the tracks in a movie or the overlapping of sprites. When it plays a movie, QuickTime displays the movie’s tracks according to when
  • What is Atom Leaf Examples In QuickTime, an atom that contains only data and no other atoms pros and cons
  • What is Language Encyclopedia The written and spoken methods of combining words to create meaning used by a particular group of people similarities
  • What is Statement Log Information about reports the value of one or more variables to the Event Log pane of a script window, and to the Event Log History window, if it is open how much
  • What is Breaking Line Tutorial The process of determining the proper location at which to truncate a line of text so that it fits within a given text width how many
  • What is Lpcm Error and lossless uncompressed audio data format. PCM is usually assumed to mean linear PCM, but sometimes the adjective linear is used to compare
  • What is Limiting Answer In audio, the process of preventing signal amplitude from exceeding a user-defined maximum why
  • What is Loop Means what repeated. (2) In audio, an excerpt of a recording, often a few seconds long or shorter, intended to be played repeatedly as part of a how better
  • What is View Hosting Layer Description An instance of an NSView object that hosts a Core Animation layer tree. The developer is responsible for managing the layer tree directly when
  • What is Pcm Linear Definition See LPCM determines
  • What is Loudness Explain sound intensity. When SPL (sound pressure level) increases by 10, loudness approximately doubles. Compare gain , volume comparing to
  • What is Table Lookup What is computations or retrievals of certain values. In image processing, it is used to store precalculated values of an equation instead of depends on
  • What is Compression Lossy Meaning of information. Common lossy audio compression formats include MP3 , AAC , and IMA ADPCM . See also perceptual coding . Compare lossless which
  • What is Localize Abbreviation See localization difference
  • What is Services Launch How to enables a running program to open other applications, documents, or URLs in a way similar to the Finder or the Dock when
  • What is View List Help The primary list may by accompanied by additional columns that display secondary attributes about that items in the list. Hierarchies are pros and cons
  • What is Balancing Load Crossword load among the instances of an application. When multiple instances of an application are running and a new user accesses the application similarities
  • What is Latency Examples required for an audio sample to proceed from an input to a corresponding output. Total latency, depending on the scope of the system under how much
  • What is Library Encyclopedia UNIX feature for monitoring low-level system events how many
  • What is Lfe Information about typical channels in 5.1 Surround Sound . The LFE channel covers the bottom two or three octaves of audio and is typically used to enhance compare
  • What is Font Label Tutorial The font used for labels with controls such as sliders and icon bevel buttons. It is 10-point Lucida Grande Regular why
  • What is Pattern Dash Line Error In drawing, the repeating series of line segments and spaces used to paint a dashed line how better
  • What is Database Services Launch Answer Services records information about available applications and the kinds of documents or URLs they are capable of opening when
  • What is Launch Means what To start up an application that was not previously running. Compare activate determines
  • What is Pane Layout Description A pane in the Print dialog that lets the user set the number of pages per sheet and the type of border on a page comparing to
  • What is Coordinates Local Definition where the origin is set at the upper-left corner of the window’s content region. Compare global coordinates depends on
  • What is Options Launch Explain A set of flags specifying the manner in which an application is to be opened which
  • What is Context Layer What is CGLayerRef) designed for optimal performance. Introduced in OS X v10.4, a layer context is a much better choice for offscreen drawing than difference
  • What is Loopback Meaning In WebObjects, a mechanism that allows you to open a connection to a computer that does not go over the network when
  • What is Direction Line Abbreviation particular language is written and read. The English language has a left-to-right line direction; Arabic and Hebrew have a (primarily pros and cons
  • What is View Backed Layer How to uses a Core Animation layer to cache its drawing content. The view is responsible for managing the layer tree; the developer should not similarities
  • What is Trust Of Level Help validity of a certificate, based on the certificates in its certificate chain and on the certificate extension s the certificate contains how much
  • What is Compression Lossless Crossword information. Common lossless audio compression formats include FLAC (free lossless audio codec) and Apple Lossless . Compare lossy how many
  • What is Bearing Side Left Examples The white space between the glyph origin and the visible beginning of the glyph compare
  • What is Sequence Launch Encyclopedia an application immediately on being launched, indicated visually to the user by the application’s icon bouncing in the Dock why
  • What is Cache Layout Information about information ATSUI needs to draw a range of text associated with a text layout object. This includes caret positions, the memory locations how better
  • What is line and layout attributes Tutorial of text associated with the text layout object are displayed and formatted. Line attributes control an individual line of text; layout when
  • What is Length Line Error The distance, in points, from the origin of the first glyph on a line through the advance width of the last glyph determines
  • What is Lock Answer access to a shared resource. The most common use for a lock is in multithreaded programs where multiple threads need access to global data comparing to
  • What is Cap Line Means what The style that Quartz uses to draw the endpoint of a line—butt, round, or projecting square depends on
  • What is Literal Description In AppleScript, a value that evaluates to itself which
  • What is Lifetime Definition In AppleScript, the period of time over which a variable or property is in existence difference
  • What is Resampling Lanczos Explain resampling values in a data set. vImage uses it as a default technique for determining new pixels that did not previously exist in the when
  • What is Splitting Ligature What is The division of a ligature for hit-testing purposes into regions corresponding to each of its component glyphs pros and cons
  • What is Variable Local Meaning available only in the handler in which it is defined. Variables that are defined within handlers are local unless they are explicitly similarities

Definitions for Mac OS developers

Apple library, Mac for software engineers.

Apple Local variable definition ligature splitting explain Lanczos resampling what is lifetime meaning literal abbreviation line cap how to lock help line length. OS Mac.

What is Login keychain definition LDAP explain launch specification what is for developers.