render texture relative what is
Render definition role mask explain rule what is RSS meaning Randomization Services abbreviation.

Apple Mac OS developers glossary letter R

  • What is Texture To Render Definition In OpenGL, an operation that draws content directly to a texture target compare
  • What is Specifier Object Relative Explain that does not include enough information to identify an object or objects uniquely. When AppleScript encounters a partial object specifier why
  • What is Refactoring What is for the purpose of improving its readability and maintainability while retaining the program’s functionality and behavior. See also how better
  • What is Text Recognized Meaning In Ink Services, Ink words processed by the recognition system when
  • What is Baseline Roman Abbreviation The baseline used in most Roman scripts and in Arabic and Hebrew determines
  • What is Ram How to Random-access memory. Memory that a microprocessor can either read or write to comparing to
  • What is Position Relative Help character or glyph in a line of text given in coordinates relative to the preceding character or glyph. Compare absolute position depends on
  • What is Resampling Crossword samples of a digitized signal at a rate different from that of the original recording. Specific types of resampling include downsampling which
  • What is Pipeline Rendering Examples The order of operations used by OpenGL to transform pixel and vertex data to an image in the framebuffer difference
  • What is Control Root Encyclopedia An invisible control within which all other controls for window are embedded when
  • What is Certificate Root Information about without recourse to another certificate. Rather than being signed by a further certification authority (CA), a root certificate is verified pros and cons
  • What is Distance Reference Tutorial parameter that specifies the real or apparent distance of an audio source from the listener beyond which the source’s level attenuates similarities
  • What is Object Loop Run Error CFRunLoopRef opaque type. These objects provide the interface for implementing an event-processing loop in a thread how much
  • What is Rms Answer of a time-varying value, such as voltage, current, or sound pressure. An RMS value is derived as the square root of the mean of the how many
  • What is Row Means what In a relational database, the dimension of a table that groups attributes into records compare
  • What is Format Raw Description double angle brackets («, »). AppleScript uses raw format when it cannot find a script term in any available dictionary, or cannot display why
  • What is Rgba Definition Red, green, blue, and alpha color components how better
  • What is Right Explain In security, a named privilege. The Security Server authorizes rights for a user to perform a privileged operation when
  • What is Component Reusable What is In WebObjects, a component that can be nested within other components and acts like a dynamic element determines
  • What is Queue Audio Recording Meaning See audio queue comparing to
  • What is Reset Abbreviation unit to its just-initialized state. (2) For codecs, to clear the codec’s input buffer and return the codec to its just-initialized state depends on
  • What is Application Recordable How to uses Apple events to report user actions for recording purposes. When recording is turned on, Script Editor creates statements which
  • What is Loop Run Help monitoring in OS X. A run loop registers input sources such as sockets, Mach ports, and pipes for a thread; it also enables the delivery of difference
  • What is Mode Loop Run Crossword sources, and run loop observers associated with a particular name. When run in a specific mode, a run loop monitors only the sources and when
  • What is Riff Examples Resource Interchange File Format. A minor variation on IFF that uses little-endian integers pros and cons
  • What is Observer Loop Run Encyclopedia A recipient of notifications during various phases of a run loop’s execution similarities
  • What is Events Required Information about that present a graphical user interface should be able to respond to. These events can be sent by the Mac OS, as well as by other how much
  • What is Intent Rendering Tutorial the source color space to those that are within the gamut of the destination color space of a graphics context how many
  • What is Reverb Error See reverberation compare
  • What is Ruid Answer Real user ID. The UID inherited from the user or process that executes a process why
  • What is Reverberation Means what cumulative addition of multiple sound reflections. Apple supplies the matrix reverb audio unit to simulate reverberation using DSP (digital how better
  • What is Resolution Description of color) contained on a display, expressed in terms of the number of pixels on the horizontal axis and the number on the vertical axis when
  • What is Rom Definition Read-only memory. Memory that cannot be written to determines
  • What is Searching Ranked Explain See relevance-based result comparing to
  • What is Configuration Repository What is A set of data that tells Xcode how to use a particular source-control client tool to access a specific repository depends on
  • What is Lock Recursive Meaning A lock that can be locked multiple times by the same thread which
  • What is Component Relocatable Abbreviation A product component, such as an application binary or a plug-in, that the user may move after it has been installed difference
  • What is Rgid How to Real group ID. A group ID that is inherited from the user or process that executes a process. See also GID when
  • What is Rights Receive Help messages on a Mach port. Only one task at a time can have receive rights for any one port. Compare send rights pros and cons
  • What is Rate Crossword the pace at which time passes for a time base. A time base’s rate is multiplied by the time scale to obtain the number of time units that similarities
  • What is Form Reference Relative Examples specifies an object or location by describing its position in relation to another object, known as the base, in the same container how much
  • What is Constant Reference Encyclopedia An arbitrary data item available for use by a program to convey information for its own purposes in an operation or data structure how many
  • What is Time Real Information about guarantee of a certain capability within a specified time constraint, thus permitting predictable, time-critical behavior. If the user compare
  • What is Loop Response Request Tutorial The main loop of a WebObjects application, which receives a request, responds to it, and awaits the next request why
  • What is Statement Repeat Error that contains a series of statements to be repeated and, in most cases, instructions that specify when the repetition stops how better
  • What is Indicator Relevance Answer A control that indicates the relative ranking of search results—the longer the bar, the more relevant the item is to the search criteria when
  • What is Rpc Means what IPC that appears (to the caller) as an ordinary function call. In Mach, RPCs are implemented using MIG-generated interface libraries and determines
  • What is Independence Resolution Description abstract space such that drawing is the same size when rendered for raster devices of any native resolution comparing to
  • What is Integrity Referential Definition In relational databases, the rules governing the consistency of relationships depends on
  • What is Indicator Rating Explain stars that indicates the relative ranking of an object (such as a song) based on a criterion such as popularity which
  • What is Reentrant What is interleaved requests for service nearly simultaneously. For example, a reentrant function can begin responding to one call, be interrupted difference
  • What is Fetching Row Raw Meaning In WebObjects, a possible option in a fetch specification that retrieves database rows without forming enterprise objects from those rows when
  • What is Control Resize Abbreviation windows that users can drag to adjust the size of the window. It is not present if the window’s contents cannot vary in size pros and cons
  • What is Realm How to In security, a subset of a large network served by its own Kerberos authentication server and ticket-granting server similarities
  • What is Number Revision Help A value that indicates a particular version of a project that’s been committed to the repository, also known as a version number how much
  • What is Role Crossword relation to a document type. There are five roles: Editor (reads and modifies), Viewer (can only read), Print (can only print), Shell how many
  • What is Context Rendering Examples In OpenGL, a container for state information compare
  • What is Rasterization Encyclopedia In image processing, the process of converting vertex and pixel data to fragments, each of which corresponds to a pixel in the framebuffer why
  • What is Receiver Information about The object in an application designated to receive an AppleScript command how better
  • What is Form Reference Tutorial identifying an object or group of objects in an application or other container—that is, the syntax for constructing an object specifier when
  • What is Retain Error of an object. An object with a positive reference count is not freed. (A newly created object has a reference count of one.) Drivers can determines
  • What is Register Answer Services, copying its binding information into the Launch Services database and making it available for opening documents and URLs comparing to
  • What is Relocation Means what The ability of users to change the installation location of a package before an installation depends on
  • What is Authority Certification Root Description The owner of the root certificate which
  • What is Gradient Radial Definition axis between two defined ends, which typically are both circles. Points share the same color value if they lie on the circumference of a difference
  • What is Search Based Relevance Explain relevance rating for each document matching a query. In general, relevance ratings may be normalized to 100%, or nonnormalized. Search Kit when
  • What is Performance Time Real What is Performance characterized by guaranteed worst-case response times pros and cons
  • What is Recognizer Meaning The algorithmic component of Ink Services that identifies written text and gestures similarities
  • What is Relationship Abbreviation two entities that’s based on attributes of the entities. For example, the Department and Employee entities can have a relationship based how much
  • What is Parameter Required How to In AppleScript, a parameter that must be included for a command to be successful how many
  • What is Release Help of an object. When an object’s reference count reaches zero, it is freed. When your code no longer needs to reference a retained object, it compare
  • What is Handler Recursive Crossword A handler that calls itself why
  • What is User Root Examples 0. A process running with an EUID of 0 is said to be running as root. The root user owns many of the primary system processes and has how better
  • What is Statement Return Encyclopedia In AppleScript, a statement that exits a handler and optionally returns a specified value when
  • What is Window Retained Information about screen pixel values. Images are rendered into the buffer for any portions of the window that aren’t visible onscreen determines
  • What is Renderbuffer Tutorial a 2D pixel image, used for generalized offscreen rendering, as defined in the OpenGL specification for the GL_EXT_framebuffer_object comparing to
  • What is Set Character Roman Error writing system. Roman character sets include the Standard Roman character set and the ASCII character set depends on
  • What is Roi Answer image data buffer that is being operated upon by a function. It is not uncommon to allocate a large pixel buffer to hold several images and which
  • What is Script Keyboard Roman Means what A keyboard script that uses the Roman character set difference
  • What is Word Reserved Description A word that is part of the AppleScript language when
  • What is Button Round Definition A circular push button pros and cons
  • What is Call Procedure Remote Explain See RPC similarities
  • What is Atom Root What is The largest atom container in a hierarchy, with atom type 'sean' how much
  • What is Text Ruby Meaning annotations or indicate pronunciation for Asian languages. Ruby text is displayed using a smaller font size than the text it annotates how many
  • What is Relationship Reflexive Abbreviation within the same entity; the relationship’s source join attribute and destination join attribute are in the same entity compare
  • What is Runtime How to program is being executed, as opposed to compile time or load time. Can also refer to the runtime environment, which designates the set of why
  • What is Assistant Research Help condensed view of the API reference and links to related documentation for the selected system or build setting how better
  • What is Result Based Relevance Crossword See relevance-based search when
  • What is Rotation Examples In image processing, an operation that moves the coordinate space the specified angle determines
  • What is Database Relational Encyclopedia relational model, which uses the discipline of Entity-Relationship modeling and the data design standards called normal forms comparing to
  • What is Specifier Receivers Information about In a script command object, the object specifier that specifies the objects in the application that should receive an command depends on
  • What is Renderer Tutorial or software only, that OpenGL uses to create an image from a view and a model. The hardware portion of a renderer is associated with a which
  • What is Number Real Error A number that can include a decimal fraction difference
  • What is Routine Answer returns a value. A routine can be used for synchronous or asynchronous operations. See also simpleroutine when
  • What is Install Remote Means what installation process. An administrator uses Apple Remote Desktop to install a package onto a set of client computers pros and cons
  • What is Graphics Raster Description example, by scanning a photo) as a set of samples of a given space. A raster is a grid of x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis (vertical similarities
  • What is Reference Definition statement that identifies an object. Constructions such as first rectangle and document "My Notes" are references. Cocoa how much
  • What is Patch Macro Root Explain a composition; the evaluation of a composition begins at the root macro patch. All patches are nested, at one level or another, within the how many
  • What is Request What is Transfer Protocol (HTTP) sent from the user’s web browser to a web server that asks for a resource such as a webpage. See also response compare
  • What is Encryption Rsa Meaning named for its inventors: Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. The RSA algorithm takes two large prime numbers, finds their product why
  • What is Position Real Abbreviation axis for the origin of each character or glyph in a line of text given in coordinates relative to the preceding character or glyph how better
  • What is Key Relationship How to In relational databases, a key (an attribute) on which a relationship joins when
  • What is Run Help A sequence of glyphs that are contiguous in memory and share a set of common attributes. See also font run determines
  • What is Record Crossword values that describes a single instance of an entity. (2) In AppleScript, an unordered collection of properties, identified by unique comparing to
  • What is Button Radio Examples A control for one of a set of mutually exclusive, but related, choices depends on
  • What is Port Reply Encyclopedia A Mach port associated with a thread that is used in remote procedure calls which
  • What is Resource Information about especially by applications. Resources include images, sounds, icons, localized strings, archived user interface objects, and various other difference
  • What is Filter Resampling Tutorial A function used to determine new pixel values for an image that has its dimensions changed somehow when
  • What is Mechanizm File Root Error The primary file system off which a computer boots, so named because it includes the root node of the file-system tree pros and cons
  • What is Repository Answer A directory tree or database that contains the files managed by a source control system similarities
  • What is Root Means what privileges. Also called the superuser. (2) The top directory in a BSD-style directory hierarchy. Written as a slash (/), it is the first how much
  • What is Form Reference Range Description In AppleScript, a reference form that specifies a series of objects of the same class in the same container how many
  • What is Result Definition In AppleScript, a value generated when a command is executed or an expression evaluated compare
  • What is Bearing Side Right Explain The white space on the right side of the glyph; this value may or may not be equal to the value of the left-side bearing why
  • What is Word Root What is See stem how better
  • What is Chain Responder Meaning The set of objects responsible for handling events in a window when
  • What is Multiplexing Reverse Abbreviation See deinterleaving determines
  • What is Fork Resource How to held an application’s resources. Use of the resource fork is discouraged in OS X, but you can store resources in the data fork comparing to
  • What is Response Help the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) sent from the web server to the user’s web browser that contains the resource specified by the depends on
  • What is Services Randomization Crossword AniOS API that produces cryptographically secure pseudorandom number s which
  • What is Rss Examples Really Simple Syndication. A lightweight XML format used for displaying changes frequently updated websites difference
  • What is Rule Encyclopedia A set of attributes used to set security policies for applications and for the system. See also policy database when
  • What is Mask Role Information about roles that an application should claim with respect to a given item in order to be considered a candidate for opening that item pros and cons
  • What is Render Tutorial specification for signal processing to some audio data. An audio unit typically contains a rendering method to obtain audio data and similarities

Definitions for Mac OS developers

Apple library, Mac for software engineers.

Apple Render definition role mask explain rule what is RSS meaning Randomization Services abbreviation response how to resource fork help reverse multiplexing. OS Mac.

What is Render-to-texture definition relative object specifier explain for developers.