Usage glossary for computers letter O
- What is Off topic / Old Testament Definition or "Off Topic". Shorthand used in newsgroups to indicate that a posting is drifting off the topic for the newsgroup. 2. Old Testament. The first part of the Christian Bible, containing the compare
- What is Recognition Character Optical Explain process of extracting words (and possibly layout and formatting information) from an image containing text. cf OMR. Most scanners will come with bundled OCR software. Relevant links: http://jocr.s why
- What is On the other hand What is OTOH Chat abbreviation for: On The Other Hand how better
- What is Service Location Opengis Meaning Implementation Specification. OpenLS provides open interfaces to core LS services including: Route planning. Location utility Presentation (i.e. creating display information showing, map, r when
- What is Open GIS Consortium (Europe) Abbreviation OGCE Open GIS Consortium (Europe). Relevant links: determines
- What is One Time Password / One Time Programmable How to which can be used once only. A one time password is a security measure. 2. One Time Programmable. Refers to a non-volatile memory device (such as an EPROM) which can be written to (i.e. programmed comparing to
- What is Definition Source Open Help OSD Open Source Definition. Relevant links: depends on
- What is Out Of Office / Crossword taken to refer to the "Out Of Office" notification generated by email systems (such as Microsoft Exchange) when an individual has set their status as out of the office. 2. OOo is the common which
- What is Unit Organisational Examples OU Organisational Unit (under Windows 2000 AD and later difference
- What is Object Oriented Process, Environment and Notation / Openly available /To access Encyclopedia Environment and Notation. 2. Openly (or freely) available. cf Open Source. 3. To access (a file). For example to open a file means to access the file, typically to view its contents when
- What is Megabytes Million One Information about Petabyte Unit of storage. Sometimes abbreviated to PB. 1 petabyte = 2 to to the fiftieth power (250) bytes = 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes = 1024 terabytes.See also exabyte pros and cons
- What is Network Technology Oracle Tutorial OTN Oracle Technology Network. Relevant links: similarities
- What is Alliance Mobile Open Error OMA Open Mobile Alliance.Relevant links: - Open Mobile Alliance home page how much
- What is Services Location Open Answer OLS Open Location Services (Open-LS). See also OpenLS how many
- What is Order to cash / Online Technical Communities Means what Technical Communities. A set of private newsgroups from Microsoft which provide online technical support and which are managed by Microsoft support professionals. OTC are available to Microsoft compare
- What is Analysis Oriented Object Description OOA Object Oriented Analysis why
- What is Optical Mark Reader / Optical Mark Recognition Definition device that recognises marks made on the page. OMR is frequently used when processing questionnaires and answer sheets, i.e. any type of form where boxes have been ticked. cf OCR. 2. Optical Mark Rec how better
- What is On-Line Analytical Processing Explain Specialized tools that sit between a database and user in order to provide various analyses of the data stored in the database. The term was coined in 1993 by Dr. Codd. Relevant links: www when
- What is Object oriented, platform independent, programming language What is language developed by Sun Microsystems, designed for platform independence and frequently described as "write once run anywhere" language. Sun Microsystems describe Java as "A simple determines
- What is Operating system / Open Source / Ordnance Survey Meaning Unix, Linux, Windows. 2. Open Source. 3. Ordnance Survey. The national mapping agency of Great Britain. Relevant links: - Ordnance Survey websi comparing to
- What is Object Linking and Embedding Abbreviation OLE Object Linking and Embedding. OLE was later enhanced and renamed by Microsoft to COM and OLE controls renamed to ActiveX controls depends on
- What is Open Systems Interconnection / Open Source Initiative How to See OSI 7 Layer Reference Model 2. Open Source Initiative. A non-profit organisation dedicated to managing and promoting the Open Source Definition for the good of the community which
- What is Over the top / Online teaching tools Help OTT 1. Chat abbreviation: Over The Top. 2. Online Teaching Tools difference
- What is Organizational Breakdown Structure / Observation Crossword OBS 1. Organizational Breakdown Structure. Structure chart normally shown as a tree diagram showing the management structure of an organisation. 2. Abbreviation for "Observation" when
- What is Project Directory Open Examples Directory Project (ODP). DMOZ is an acronym for "Directory Mozilla", which reflects the directory's loose association with the Netscape Mozilla project. You can search DMOZ here: dmoz pros and cons
- What is Earnings Target On Encyclopedia OTE On Target Earnings. Abbreviation frequently used in job advertisements for jobs that pay a commission similarities
- What is Oracle's Procedural Language extension to SQL Information about PL/SQL Oracle's (RDBMS) Procedural Language extension to SQL how much
- What is Open framework for building Java web applications Tutorial building Java web applications. It helps users to develop application structures. Relevant links: - Homepage of the Apache Struts project how many
- What is Journal Open Error BLOG An open journal or diary that is available for others to read on the internet. The term is derived from "web log" (web log). See also blogging and blogger compare
- What is Dbms Relational Object Answer ORDBMS Object Relational DBMS why
- What is Connectivity Database Open Means what standard developed by Microsoft aiming to provide a consistent interface to relational databases regardless of which database engine is used (e.g. SQL Server, Oracle or MySQL). In theory to migrate how better
- What is OSI Seven Layer referencemodel Description Seven layer reference model Normally refers to the OSI Seven Layer reference model, See OSI Seven Layer reference model when
- What is Object Management Group / slang Definition OMG 1. Object Management Group. 2. Slang for "Oh My God" determines
- What is Organic Light Emitting Diode Explain Organic-LED). Low-power LEDs, based on carbon-based molecules instead of semiconductor technology. OLED displays can be brighter, lighter, more flexible and more efficient than traditional LCD comparing to
- What is Format Document Open What is standard for electronic documents using an architecture with an open format allowing different vendors to provide tools for working on those documents. ODF covers word processing, presentation depends on
- What is Original name for Netscape Navigator / Open source toolkit Meaning Netscape Navigator. The name is derived from "Mosaic" (the dominant browser at the time) + "Godzilla". The term "Mozilla" is still used by both Netscape and Microsoft which
- What is Interface Call Oracle Abbreviation OCI Oracle Call Interface. A set of low-level APIs provided by Oracle for an application to use to interface to an Oracle database difference
- What is Design Oriented Object How to OOD Object Oriented Design when
- What is Occupational Overuse Syndrome / Out of service Help OOS 1. Occupational Overuse Syndrome. More commonly known as RSI. 2. Out-Of-Service. Meaning that the equipment is not working or has been removed from service pros and cons
- What is License Subscription Open Crossword OSL Open Subscription Licence. Relevant links: - Open Subscription License Agreement and information page from Microsoft similarities
- What is Software Source Open Examples OSS Open Source Software how much
- What is On-Line Transaction Processing Encyclopedia OLTP On-Line Transaction Processing. Any number of (typically many) concurrent users adding and modifying data. Typically includes order processing, banking, stocks, and e-commerce applications how many
- What is Powerbrowser Oracle Information about OPB Oracle PowerBrowser. An now obsolete internet browser launched in 1996. Relevant links: compare
- What is OSI 7 Layer reference model Tutorial OSI Model Normally taken to mean the OSI 7 Layer Reference Model why
- What is Operator / Out of print / Observation point / Opera / Original post Error system operator. 2. Out of Print. 3. Observation Point. 4. Opera (web browser). 5. Original Post or Original Poster. Abbreviation used in newsgroup postings to refer to the initial post in a how better
- What is Object oriented programming / Out of process / Out of print Answer Out-Of-Process. 3. Out Of Print. Used to refer to books which are no longer published, and which therefore can no longer be obtained new (but may be available on the second hand market when
- What is Object Process Methodology / Office of Personnel Management Means what Management. 2. Object Process Methodology. A symbolic representation of the objects and processes within a system, integrating both object-orientation and process-orientation into a single determines
- What is Point Entry Original Description entry point of a routine (in a machine code or assembler level dump) that was the entry point to a routine before some wrapper was applied to it or some other change which moved the entry point. For comparing to
- What is One Button Disaster Recovery Definition Disaster recovery feature provided by some tape drives. This allows the tape drive to be switched into disaster recovery mode - where its firmware emulates a bootable CD-ROM allowing the system to depends on
- What is Oracle Parallel Server / Operations (department) Explain OPS 1. Oracle Parallel Server. 2. Operations, as in "Operations Department" or "Operations Center" which
- What is Manufacturer Equipment Original What is The manufacturer or producer of computing equipment (hardware or software). 2. OEM software refers to software bundled with (or licensed for use with) OEM supplied equipment. OEM software is frequen difference
- What is Outlook Express / Operator Error / Office Equipment Meaning newsreader from Microsoft that is normally bundled with Internet Explorer. 2. Operator Error. Also known as "human error". Refers to any error that is caused by a human operator. 3. Office when
- What is Object oriented / Object orientation Abbreviation OO 1. Object Oriented. cf OOD, OOA, OOP. 2. Object Orientation pros and cons
- What is Other / Outer / On the read How to quot; 2. Abbreviation for "Outer" 3. On The Road. Generally refers to the total price of a vehicle including all costs required to legally drive the vehicle, but possibly excluding insur similarities
- What is Office for Population Censuses and Surveys Help OPCS Office for Population Censuses and Surveys. Relevant links: how much
- What is Object Oriented Structured Design Crossword OOSD Object Oriented Structured Design how many
- What is On-Line Complex Processing Examples OLCP On-Line Complex Processing compare
- What is Organisation promoting the development of free software Encyclopedia Free Software Foundation Organisation aiming to promote the development of free software. See also GNU. Relevant links: why
- What is Outlook / Ordered list (tag) / Operating Losses Information about to Microsoft Outlook. 2. Ordered list HTML tag. The tag
- in HTML denotes the start of an ordered list, which is typically presented as a numbered list. Each item within the list is started with how better
- What is Consortium Gis Open Tutorial a non-profit organisation working in the broad fields of GIS, dedicated to the creation of standards in the field of Interoperable geospatial systems. OGC's mission statement (2004) is: "To lead when
- What is Open Mobile Alliance Digital Rights Management Error OMA DRM Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Digital Rights Management (DRM determines
- What is Access Web Outlook Answer Provides access to emails stored in a Microsoft Exchange server (across an intranet or internet) via a web browser. OWA requires the following ports to be opened in any firewall protecting the comparing to
Definitions for computer scientists
Computer library, software engineers in practical use.
Windows Outlook Web Access definition Open Mobile Alliance Digital Rights Management explain Open GIS Consortium what is Outlook / Ordered list (tag) / Operating. explain.
What is Off topic / Old Testament definition Optical Character Recognition for developers.