Usage glossary for computers letter Y
- What is Problem 2000 Year Definition year rolled over from 1999 to 2000.The Y2K problem was one of storage, format and hype: Storage. In order to save on space many early computer systems only stored two digits for the year portion of compare
- What is Creationist Earth Young Explain YEC Young Earth Creationist. A derogatory term indicating an individual who supports the Creation science view that the Earth is 6,000 to 10,000 years old why
- What is Your mileage may vary What is May Vary. Expression indicates that results can vary (according to many factors which depending on the context may not necessarily be obvious) and that results may not be the same for everyone. The how better
- What is You're welcome / Young women Meaning YW 1. Chat abbreviation: You're Welcome. 2. Young Women when
- What is Date To Year Abbreviation YTD Year To Date. Meaning from the year start until the current date (or until a specified date determines
Definitions for computer scientists
Computer library, software engineers in practical use.
Windows Year to date definition You're welcome / Young women explain Your mileage may vary what is Young Earth Creationist meaning Year 2000 Problem abbreviation. explain.
What is Year 2000 Problem definition Young Earth Creationist explain Your for developers.