Meaning IMMUNIZATION STRATEGY: A bond portfolio strategy whose goal is to eliminate the portfolio's risk, in case of a general change in the rate of interest, through the use of duration
More terms such as Immunization strategy in Dictionary I.
- Definition Immediate Family:
- Examples NASD rules of fair practice to refer to one's parents, brothers, sisters, children, relatives supported financially, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law immunization strategy definition.
- Definition International Petroleum Exchange (IPE):
- Examples Energy futures and options exchange based in London immunization strategy explain.
- Definition Interest Expense:
- Examples Interest expense is the money the corporation or individual pays out in interest on loans immunization strategy what is.
- Definition Initial Margin:
- Examples deposited by both buyers and sellers of futures contracts to ensure performance of the terms of the contract; (2) amount of cash or eligible securities required to be deposited with a broker before immunization strategy meaning.
- Definition International Monetary Fund (IMF):
- Examples An organization founded in 1944 to oversee exchange arrangements of member countries and to lend foreign currency reserves to members with short-term balance of payment problems immunization strategy abbreviation.