Meaning INCOME DIVIDEND: Any payout to mutual fund shareholders resulting from interest, dividends, or other income
More terms such as Income dividend in Dictionary I.
- Definition Investment Analysts:
- Examples Related: Financial analysts income dividend definition.
- Definition Import Substitution Development Strategy:
- Examples A development strategy followed by many Latin American countries and other L.D.C.s that emphasize import substitution-accomplished through protectionism-as the route to economic growth income dividend explain.
- Definition Index Fund:
- Examples designed to match the returns on a stock market index. Mutual fund whose portfolio matches that of a broad-based index such as the S;P 500 and whose performance therefore mirrors the market as income dividend what is.
- Definition Index Model:
- Examples A model of stock returns using a market index such as the S;P 500 to represent common or systematic risk factors income dividend meaning.
- Definition Installment Sale:
- Examples The sale of an asset in exchange for a specified series of payments (the installments income dividend abbreviation.