source event what is
What is event source in Mac OS: device driver can be expected to handle; there are currently event.


event source definition

Explanation EVENT SOURCE: An I/O object that corresponds to a type of event that a device driver can be expected to handle; there are currently event sources for hardware interrupts, timer events, and I/O commands. The I/O Kit defines a class for each of these event types, respectively IOInterruptEventSource, IOTimerEventSource, and IOCommandGate

More definitions for Mac OS users such as event source in Dictionary E.

Help Event Kind:
Usage A specific type of event within an event class (for example, a mouse-down event). Compare event class event source definition.
Help EMMI:
Usage External Memory Management Interface. Mach’s interface to memory objects that allows their contents to be contributed by user-mode tasks. See also external pager event source explain.
Help Easy Install:
Usage A metapackage or distribution package installation that a user performs using the default option selection event source what is.
Help Enterprise Objects:
Usage Enterprise Objects is a set of frameworks for building feature-rich database applications that encapsulate business logic, yet are independent of any particular data source event source meaning.
Help Edit List:
Usage In QuickTime, a data structure that arranges a media structure into a time sequence event source abbreviation.
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