ntsc what is
What is NTSC in Mac OS: standard adopted by the committee in 1953. It was the first monochrome.


NTSC definition

Explanation NTSC: National Television System Committee. A color-encoding standard adopted by the committee in 1953. It was the first monochrome-compatible, simultaneous color transmission system used for public broadcasting. This method is used widely in the United States

More definitions for Mac OS users such as NTSC in Dictionary N.

Help Nyquist Frequency:
Usage frequency signal that can be faithfully recorded for a given sampling rate. Attempts to sample a signal containing higher frequencies results in the generation of an alias signal below the Nyquist ntsc definition.
Help Notification:
Usage mechanism for alerting interested recipients (observers) that some event has occurred during program execution. The observers can be users, other processes, or even the same process that originates ntsc explain.
Help Number:
Usage In AppleScript, a synonym for the classes integer and real ntsc what is.
Help Noncontextual Features:
Usage Features that are applied in the same manner to a glyph regardless of the adjacent glyphs. Compare contextual features ntsc meaning.
Help Nobody:
Usage very little access. To prevent someone running as root or as an administrator on one system from gaining control over another system through a network connection, such users are often mapped to the ntsc abbreviation.
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