library static what is
What is static library in Mac OS: A library for which all referenced symbols are bound at link time.


static library definition

Explanation STATIC LIBRARY: A library for which all referenced symbols are bound at link time

More definitions for Mac OS users such as static library in Dictionary S.

Help Static Text Field:
Usage Text in a dialog that users can’t modify static library definition.
Help Suffix Searching:
Usage of substring search. A suffix search involves matching of a term in a query string to indexed terms, with an explicit wildcard character at the start of the query term. A match occurs when the static library explain.
Help Split View:
Usage A view that groups together two or more subviews, such as list or column views. A split view includes one or more splitter bars to adjust the relative sizes of the subviews static library what is.
Help Seek:
Usage To set an audio file or buffer’s read position to a specified webpage template static library meaning.
Help Syntax Formatting:
Usage In Xcode, formatting that uses different fonts and colors to identify particular elements in a source code file, such as keywords and comments static library abbreviation.
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