stemming what is
What is stemming in Mac OS: inflectional word components, typically endings. Language dependent.


stemming definition

Explanation STEMMING: The algorithm-based removal of morphological and inflectional word components, typically endings. Language dependent. Stemming is sometimes referred to as suffix stripping, although some stemming algorithms perform prefix stripping as well. Information retrieval systems use stemming to improve search quality and to reduce index size. Search Kit does not support stemming; if needed, client applications implement it. Some stemming algorithms handle only regular variants, such as converting “swimming” to “swim,” and do not handle irregular variants, such as converting “swam” to “swim.”

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Help Statement Block:
Usage In AppleScript, one or more statements enclosed in a compound statement and having an end statement stemming definition.
Help Simple Value:
Usage A value, such as an integer or a constant, that does not contain other values stemming explain.
Help Scalar Programming:
Usage A programming paradigm in which values are operated upon individually. Scalar programming is more common than vector code stemming what is.
Help Service:
Usage Kit entity, based on a subclass of IOService, that has been published with the registerService method and provides certain capabilities to other I/O Kit objects. In the I/O Kit’s layered stemming meaning.
Help Suite:
Usage application’s scriptability information, a grouping of terms associated with related operations. For example, operations involving text, graphics, or databases are generally collected into separate stemming abbreviation.
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