multiprocessing symmetric what is
What is symmetric multiprocessing in Mac OS: See SMP. Apple Multiprocessing Symmetric in computers.


symmetric multiprocessing definition


More definitions for Mac OS users such as symmetric multiprocessing in Dictionary S.

Help Syntax-Aware Indenting:
Usage In Xcode, a feature of the text editor that gives you a number of ways to control code layout. When you use syntax-aware indenting, the editor automatically indents your code as you type symmetric multiprocessing definition.
Help Suffix Searching:
Usage of substring search. A suffix search involves matching of a term in a query string to indexed terms, with an explicit wildcard character at the start of the query term. A match occurs when the symmetric multiprocessing explain.
Help Style Object:
Usage An opaque object that contains a collection of stylistic attributes. Style objects can be applied to runs within a text layout object symmetric multiprocessing what is.
Help Secure Storage:
Usage Encrypted storage of data that requires a user or process to authenticate itself before the data is decrypted. Secure storage persists when the power is turned off symmetric multiprocessing meaning.
Help Script Suite:
Usage The combination of at least one suite definition and one suite terminology that together define the scripting capabilities and terminology for Cocoa applications symmetric multiprocessing abbreviation.
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