acrobat what is
Definition of Acrobat for programmer: provides a platform-independent means of creating, viewing.


Definition Acrobat

Explanation ACROBAT: Acrobat, a document exchange software from Adobe Systems, provides a platform-independent means of creating, viewing, and printing documents. Acrobat can convert a DOS, Windows, UNIX or Macintosh documents into a Portable Document Format (PDF) which can be displayed on any computer with an Acrobat reader. The Acrobat reader can be downloaded free from the Adobe website.

Other definitions in programming such as Acrobat in Dictionary A.

Manual ABC: Another Bittorrent Client:
Help Client (ABC) is a BitTorrent client based on BitTornado. It supports a queueing system with priority, global and local (per torrent) preference setting for downloading torrent (including upload and acrobat definition.
Manual Applet:
Help application that can be a utility or other simple program. Applets are often written in Java language which are attached to HTML documents. An applet runs in the context of another progam, for acrobat explain.
Manual Allegro Library:
Help is a free video game software library, with functions for 2-dimensional imaging, basic audio, input, timers, and fixed-point and floating-point matrix arithmetic. The programs that use the library acrobat what is.
Manual Abandonware:
Help to software that is no longer being sold or supported by its publisher. Most abandonware is still considered illegal to sell unless the publisher has re-released the software as freeware acrobat meaning.
Manual ABEND: Abnormal End Of Task:
Help Abnormal end of task (ABEND) refers to software crashes or lossage. This term was derived from an error message on the IBM 360 acrobat abbreviation.
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