wing what is
Definition of WinG for programmer: Windows 3.1. It was later built-in to Windows 95. In Win32, the.


Definition WinG

Explanation WING: WinG is an API to provide fast graphics performance on Windows 3.1. It was later built-in to Windows 95. In Win32, the equivalent of WinG functionality is provided via API calls such as CreateDIBSection(), SetDIBColorTable(), BitBlt(), and StretchBlt().

Other definitions in programming such as WinG in Dictionary W.

Manual Windows Server Mechanizm:
Help System is an integrated set of server software from Microsoft. It forms the infrastructure for operating the back end of an information technology system. Microsoft divides its server offerings into wing definition.
Manual Warez:
Help primarily to copyrighted material traded in violation of its copyright license. The term generally refers to releases by organized groups, as opposed to peer-to-peer file sharing between friends or wing explain.
Manual WAMP: Microsoft Windows, Apache, MySQL And Perl/PHP/Python:
Help for the combination Microsoft Windows, Apache, MySQL and one or more of Perl, PHP and Python, defines the Windows based Web platform. It is modelled after the more well-known LAMP, referring to the wing what is.
Manual Winny Program:
Help as WinNY, is a Japanese peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing program similar to Freenet that claims to keep user identities untraceable. While Freenet was implemented in Java, Winny was implemented as a wing meaning.
Manual Windows API:
Help refers to the core set of application programming interfaces available in the Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is designed for usage by C/C++ programs and is the most direct way to interact wing abbreviation.
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