PRIMARY WAGE TYPE title: primary wage type (PY) (SAP Library - Glossary)
PRIMARY WAGE TYPE category: Payroll (PY)
A wage type that the user can enter when editing master data online (online wage type), or that the system produces in time evaluation if predifined conditions are fulfilled (time wage type).
More terms such as primary wage type in Dictionary P.
- Manual Positive Threshold Value:
- Help amount to be reached for settlement to be triggered. Settlement items whose totals for each settlement type are below the positive threshold value are not settled. When the threshold is met or primary wage type definition.
- Manual Procedure Profile:
- Help An object that determines which procedure is defined for the order sequence within the planning horizon. For example, you can choose a first-in-first-out procedure or a manual procedure primary wage type explain.
- Manual Presentation Layer:
- Help an AS ABAP that displays the user interface. The presentation layer is usually distributed across many presentation servers. The presentation layer evaluates user actions and passes them on to the primary wage type what is.
- Manual Persistence Layer (EP-PIN):
- Help to refer to the collection of repositories used by all the components of SAP Enterprise Portal to store persistent data, that is, data that can be retrieved after any internal memory mechanism is primary wage type meaning.
- Manual Planning Scenario (PM):
- Help Scenario that is used for planning a budget within the zero-based budgeting method primary wage type abbreviation.