target attribute what is
Treasury workstation definition ticketing/labeling text type explain threshold (SBO) what is thrift.

SAP terms and definitions T

  • Term target attribute (FS-AM-PR-PR) Definition can be defined for the characteristic value of the attribute compare help with
  • Term Date Planning Transportation Explain transportation planning date must be selected early enough so that the transport is available on why help with
  • Term Quantity Transferred What is generated a delivery. The system contains both an actual quantity, through which a delivery is how better help with
  • Term Condition Dependent Time Meaning info records and contracts are time-dependent. In the case of quotations and scheduling agreements when help with
  • Term Line Target Abbreviation representative must achieve in the sales pipeline. The target line is used in sales pipeline determines help with
  • Term Agreement Throughput How to using a pipeline etc. owned by another company or legal entity. For the purpose of the movement comparing to help with
  • Term Cs Ec Transfer Help investment in a consolidation unit is sold to another consolidation unit within the same depends on help with
  • Term Meeting Review Talent Crossword discussed and decisions are made about potential successors which help with
  • Term Component Tax Examples An object that defines the tax amount value type. Example Tax rate Tax base amount Tax values difference help with
  • Term Plan Target Encyclopedia The working times in the target plan can be changed. In SAP Shift Planning, the target plan is used when help with
  • Term Picking Step Two Information about storage areas based on total material requirements, and then distribute it to picking areas based pros and cons help with
  • Term Distribution And Transportation Tutorial and distribution of oil and oil products similarities help with
  • Term Event Independent Time Error Academic event without a set schedule and location. Example: E-learning offering how much help with
  • Term Data Time Answer times. Example Documents absence times due to inability to work (illness) Describes attendance how many help with
  • Term Pages Tab Means what Web item that enables the arrangement of Web items in tab pages compare help with
  • Term Sd Classification Tax Description of the customer's country why help with
  • Term Type Object Triggering Definition Triggering object type and method identify the commission-related activity (type). The object that how better help with
  • Term Time Lead Total Explain of the last unfixed operation in the optimization horizon, that is, in the time interval to be when help with
  • Term Allocation Price Transfer What is assigned to one responsibility area (profit center) for a CO object assigned to another determines help with
  • Term View Technical Meaning data objects. This is the view that is available in transaction SE16. By default, a technical view comparing to help with
  • Term top-level navigation (EP) Abbreviation Navigation within the title area of the mySAP Workplace depends on help with
  • Term translator (BC-SRV-EDI) How to versa. The translator is part of an EDI subsystem which help with
  • Term text type (CRM-BF) Help Header note Description difference help with
  • Term Component Target Crossword Time Sheet to record times for several applications; the working times can be transferred to SAP when help with
  • Term Ehs Type Transport Examples packaged, closed freight, or bulk pros and cons help with
  • Term time series data management Encyclopedia Module in SCM Basis for storing and recalling time series data similarities help with
  • Term Manual Table Information about The information available in the ABAP Dictionary about one or more tables how much help with
  • Term Agreement Deposit Time Tutorial The time deposit agreements are differentiated as: New transaction Rollover how many help with
  • Term totals item (EC-CS) Error A financial statement item that summarizes a group of value items or other totals items (or both compare help with
  • Term Cluster Table Answer Database table that contains the data of several logical cluster tables why help with
  • Term time scale (BC-FES-GRA) Means what The actual bar where the time is displayed. It can be customized how better help with
  • Term License Tax Description is used to determine the tax type that the license refers to when help with
  • Term Tickler Definition an approaching tickler process end date. One or more ticklers, each with its own lead-time, are determines help with
  • Term 1 Tabcat Explain three table categories according to whether they: contain a language field (type LANG or SPRAS) and comparing to help with
  • Term test project (XAP-RPM) What is A project that is used only for test purposes depends on help with
  • Term Variant Transfer Meaning method for valuation of the transferred asset in the receiving company code The transaction types which help with
  • Term Constraint Based Time Abbreviation basis; that is, for specific periods, for the SNP optimization run. The following bounds (limits difference help with
  • Term type of reported data How to financial reporting data. Types of reported data are used for consolidation units and, where when help with
  • Term Strapping Tank Help storage object can be determined from the depth of material in that storage object. Accurate tank pros and cons help with
  • Term Engine Trex Crossword Superordinate term for the TREX search engine, TREX text-mining engine, and TREX attribute engine similarities help with
  • Term three-step stock transfer procedure Examples corporate group, consisting of three separate steps. In cross-company-code stock transfers how much help with
  • Term time-based maintenance plan Encyclopedia maintenance plan with only one time-based maintenance cycle (single-cycle plan). You can use a time how many help with
  • Term test project (XAP-RPM) Information about Project for test purposes compare help with
  • Term Activity Teaching Tutorial event. Examples: Teaching activities can be: Prepare lecture Hold lecture Follow up lecture Prepare why help with
  • Term Trend Error chart. The check for trends is a stability test that is covered by the Western Electric Rules how better help with
  • Term Quota Time Answer A time interval during which employees can be at work or absent, under certain conditions when help with
  • Term Logic Time Means what authorizations already exist for a user using the period of responsibility of the user, the determines help with
  • Term time wage type selection Description or time data processing in payroll in the day processing of time data. The selected time wage comparing to help with
  • Term Printing Duplex Tumble Definition from top-to-bottom, making the opposite edge the lead edge of the second side depends on help with
  • Term Process Tickler Explain Federal Nature of Action (NoA) with a future effective date. For each process established in the which help with
  • Term threshold value (EP-PCT-MAN) What is Value at which the status of a key performance indicator (KPI) changes difference help with
  • Term Sbo Title Meaning to which the accounts listed below it belong. This account is not an active account. Therefore when help with
  • Term Capacity Continuous Time Abbreviation in which the production dates/times are determined exactly (that is, down to the second pros and cons help with
  • Term Flw Pp Takt How to passes through one takt of the production line, where it is processed in the minimum takt time. In similarities help with
  • Term Title Page Tab Help Text displayed in the tab index. The tab page title describes the function of the tab page how much help with
  • Term text element (BC-DWB-TOO) Crossword Text elements are used to store texts displayed on the selection screens or output screens of ABAP how many help with
  • Term Mode Technical Examples synchronization report and the partner profiles compare help with
  • Term Container Task Encyclopedia contains the control information in the form of constants and object references: Information for why help with
  • Term Value Truth Information about of logical expressions only. A data type for boolean data objects that can contain truth values is how better help with
  • Term text variable for selection parameters Tutorial on the variables defined in the sets that are entered in the report definition. A selection when help with
  • Term Aba Bc Transaction Error parameter, variant, and OO transactions. A transaction is started by inputting a transaction code determines help with
  • Term type two cash flow disturbance Answer remaining cash flows of the underlying payment flow. This includes such items as delayed payments comparing to help with
  • Term Tr Translation Means what out, in the context of determining price/rate gains and losses for position outflows depends on help with
  • Term Sd Value Target Description a vendor within the framework of a contract. The customer uses a release order to release the which help with
  • Term Step Planning Target Definition Target within a planning step link difference help with
  • Term Bex Bw Table Explain application. Links for navigation are also included with the table. Characteristics and structures when help with
  • Term Available Total What is The original budget plus or minus all budget updates and restrictions pros and cons help with
  • Term Docking Cross Transportation Meaning a planned cross-docking is executed. The goods are brought from goods receipt via one or several similarities help with
  • Term Code Title Abbreviation Technical name of the GUI title in Menu Painter how much help with
  • Term Provision Trip How to by which they are taxed how many help with
  • Term Ehs Template Help format of a report in the SAP Environment, Health and Safety component and specifies where data compare help with
  • Term transition (BC-SRV-PMI) Crossword Represents a possible sequential relationship between two technical steps in a technical process why help with
  • Term table index (BC-TRX) Examples Index for which the content comes from a database table how better help with
  • Term Id Tracking Encyclopedia message can be sent to it. Examples of tracking IDs are container numbers or shipment numbers when help with
  • Term Object Temporary Information about is made between the following types: temporary quantity assignment This is written for the determines help with
  • Term Network Telecommunications Tutorial term for all resources that connect service access points in separate locations and make these comparing to help with
  • Term Link Way Two Error transferred in both directions. Example Host A and Host B are linked to each other by a cable. The depends on help with
  • Term Identifier Time Answer the daily work schedule. The time identifier is used in time evaluation and time data processing in which help with
  • Term Shrinkage Theoretical Means what Calculation of goods lost based on either shrinkage rates, empirical values, or legal requirements difference help with
  • Term Option Term Description services can be ordered after the option line is activated when help with
  • Term Line Remuneration Transferred Definition Remuneration line that is transferred as a result of the transfer of entitlement or liability pros and cons help with
  • Term Set Tool Explain part of production resource/tool (PRT) processing. The sequence in this BOM list must correspond to similarities help with
  • Term Asa Sv Task What is cross-client objects (original) so that only he or she can process them. Client-specific objects how much help with
  • Term Aba Bc Toolbar Meaning Name for the standard toolbar in the ABAP Workbench how many help with
  • Term transaction type (FS-SR) Abbreviation used to differentiate between insurance-related accounts according to: Directly written insurance compare help with
  • Term Indirect Transfer How to Plan-to-plan transfer that is executed via the plan holder and must, therefore, be reported why help with
  • Term total weight of a packing proposal Help Contains the tare weight of the packaging material and the weight of the materials packed on it how better help with
  • Term Number Invoice Tax Crossword you a new set of numbers for each calendar month. You number customer tax invoices sequentially when help with
  • Term Range Tolerance Examples Range of allowed values between the minimum and maximum values determines help with
  • Term Model Series Time Encyclopedia causal models and judgmental models. Time series models develop forecasts by assessing the patterns comparing to help with
  • Term Field Technical Information about Tool BI system so that technical Bank Analyzer-specific logic can be used there depends on help with
  • Term Node Top Tutorial The first and highest node in a hierarchy tree which help with
  • Term Relationship Template Error When new physical documents are created, a relationship is created that specifies the physical difference help with
  • Term Type Wage Time Answer as well as for employees paid by the hour. These primary wage types are selected in time evaluation when help with
  • Term Ps Transfer Means what project in which funds are becoming low pros and cons help with
  • Term Ip Tcp Description for communication between computers similarities help with
  • Term Permits Duties Tariffs Definition A key functional area of SAP for Oil ; Gas that deals with the handling of excise duties how much help with
  • Term theme (CRM-ISA-AUC) Explain and custom tags to define static and variable properties for a product or auction category,and the how many help with
  • Term Mode Test What is the test mode indicator is set for these programs, the sessions are only simulated. Data is not compare help with
  • Term task group (EC-CS) Meaning A group of several tasks. Tasks are executed in either the data monitor or consolidation monitor why help with
  • Term Difference Transaction Abbreviation acquisition, retirement, depreciation) can, after translation into another currency, lead to a how better help with
  • Term target costs (IS-EC-BOS) How to subcontracting which are involved in the realization of a project. The resource is created as a when help with
  • Term Transmission Help transfer number, which is saved in the account statement. This provides a link from the account determines help with
  • Term target time for labor value Crossword The number of units of time that have been predefined for a specific labor value comparing to help with
  • Term test procedure (BC-TWB) Examples modules with fixed initial parameters, and can be processed in the foreground or background to test depends on help with
  • Term tax-type-specific function Encyclopedia Records and anaylses that you use for a specific excise duty type which help with
  • Term Mode Transportation Information about road, rail, sea, or air difference help with
  • Term Achievement Target Tutorial valuation. Example The commission recipient exceeded his target ( sale of luxury limousines: USD when help with
  • Term tolerance limit for reducing an invoice Error the vendor up to a certain tolerance limit pros and cons help with
  • Term Training Answer of knowledge or certain qualifications similarities help with
  • Term text item (LO-HU) Means what notes on packing, for example, Only pack in pairs or Use separating layer how much help with
  • Term Catalog Task Description the period when they open the catalog how many help with
  • Term Sap Telesales Definition inbound and outbound calls and efficiently supports sales activities over the phone. It handles compare help with
  • Term transfer rule (FS-AM-CM) Explain participant accounts in a card-account relationship why help with
  • Term Equipment Based Time What is specific period of time. This period of time is always calculated in days for time-based equipment how better help with
  • Term Service Transition Meaning document (such as an inbound delivery notification) to a follow-on document (such as an inbound when help with
  • Term transaction currency (EC-CS) Abbreviation business transaction can be posted in transaction currency as well as local currency. This can determines help with
  • Term Ts Ca Transfer How to A function for posting time sheet data in the target components comparing to help with
  • Term Record Transaction Help exchange. Businesses are required to keep copies of transaction records by law depends on help with
  • Term tax determination procedure (PP) Crossword For example, using the tax determination procedure, you can determine the value-added tax of a which help with
  • Term Section Table Examples and describing the capacity requirements groups displayed in the diagram section such as all difference help with
  • Term Test T Encyclopedia independent variable is correlated to the dependent variable; that is, it tells you whether or not when help with
  • Term Function Task Information about task functions after calling a task pros and cons help with
  • Term Data Dependent Time Tutorial specified as time dependent in the asset master record (for example, allocation to cost centers similarities help with
  • Term Description Template Error application area for the Collaboration Room template, how the template is structured, and which how much help with
  • Term Version Cost Target Answer costs are used as a reference base when: Splitting the actual costs posted to a cost center to the how many help with
  • Term Point Planning Transportation Means what activities. It organizes the responsibilities in a company according to, for example, shipment type compare help with
  • Term Level Return Tax Description level indicates part of the total tax that is levied and reflects the distribution of the tax why help with
  • Term Linkage Type Definition workflows and tasks, the type linkages required are defined by the workflow system. A type linkage how better help with
  • Term Service Transaction Explain A J2EE Engine module that manages the transactions running on J2EE Engine server processes when help with
  • Term table (SCM-APO-FCS) What is and in which demand planning data can be maintained determines help with
  • Term Utilization Target Meaning checks. The intention is to bring utilization to a desired target (for example, 95%) below the comparing to help with
  • Term Territory Tax Abbreviation identical to the national territory. For example, the tax territory of the Federal Republic of depends on help with
  • Term text-like data type How to types are c and string. The corresponding generic data type is csequence which help with
  • Term Context Task Help When executing a task the system will make this information available to other functions difference help with
  • Term Document Target Crossword A document to which the data from another document, the reference document, is copied when help with
  • Term Edge Network Telecommunications Examples A topological connection between two network nodes. A data transmission link pros and cons help with
  • Term Drug Sensitive Time Encyclopedia patient at a specific time. If a time difference occurs, the administering employee must enter a similarities help with
  • Term Variable Table Information about A variable that can be used for forms, reports and clause selection how much help with
  • Term Type Event Tax Tutorial to be calculated. Example Taxable at customer location - Tax event type 1 Taxable at vendor how many help with
  • Term Account Target Error The account (bank number and account number) of the paying party of the target item compare help with
  • Term Agent Telesales Answer and, for example, creates sales orders why help with
  • Term Proportionality Time Means what in progress analysis. In the time proportional method, the POC is calculated in relation to elapsed how better help with
  • Term Object Bucket Time Description a portfolio fair value hedging relationship. It also contains all the key figures from hedge when help with
  • Term Item N Top Definition are proposed for which business partners in which scenario (Telesales, Internet Sales). To each top determines help with
  • Term Termination Explain Buyback of all assets in a funding transaction comparing to help with
  • Term transaction currency (FS-AM) What is from the account currency, a currency exchange is required depends on help with
  • Term text variable (BC-TWB) Meaning Variable for creating language-specific texts which help with
  • Term Alias Tenant Abbreviation a multitenant portal difference help with
  • Term Pool Text How to Multiple text pools in different languages can be defined for a program. Normally when the program when help with
  • Term Directory Transport Help A directory that manages all data to be transported between SAP systems pros and cons help with
  • Term Securitization Traditional Crossword underlying set of credits is used to service at least two vertically arranged risk items or similarities help with
  • Term Terms Delivery Technical Examples management system and is valid for one or more materials how much help with
  • Term Pricing Dimensional Two Encyclopedia screen. Each screen is matrix-based and both the rows and columns of the matrix are freely how many help with
  • Term Lane Tolerance Information about which a historical value should lie. If a value is outside the tolerance lane, the system deems it compare help with
  • Term top-level work item Tutorial task is started as a single step, the associated dialog work item is the top-level work item. If a why help with
  • Term Sbo Type Template Error specified percentage rate or period of time. Templates are used for recurring transactions how better help with
  • Term Skip Task Answer and not yet started. There are three types of task skip: Force skip - A skip performed by a when help with
  • Term text determination procedure (CRM-BF) Means what A group of text types that you want to display or maintain in a business context determines help with
  • Term Structure Table Description fields and also indicates the fields that constitute the primary key comparing to help with
  • Term thread (EP-KM-COL) Definition single forum. A thread is defined as an original message and all of its replies depends on help with
  • Term Unit Transportation Explain transportation unit (TU) can be a fixed part of the vehicle which help with
  • Term Ticket Time What is recorded. This document is used for confirmation of work order completion and remuneration of work difference help with
  • Term Direct Transfer Meaning Plan-to-plan transfer that is made directly from bank to bank, and thus does not require reporting when help with
  • Term Capacity Required Total Abbreviation capacities is not active, the system enters the total required capacity straight away. If the pros and cons help with
  • Term Mining Terminology How to identification and optional terminology classification similarities help with
  • Term time-dependent product determination Help product for each bucket in a planning horizon how much help with
  • Term Removal Device Technical Crossword performed until billing-related removal has been performed, that is, the device must no longer be how many help with
  • Term total revaluation at retail Examples valuated at the new price in a plant compare help with
  • Term Periods Time Encyclopedia specified with a period factor and an appropriate period unit (days, weeks, months). It is why help with
  • Term target range of coverage (PP-MRP) Information about target range of coverage is defined in the range of coverage profile how better help with
  • Term Tarmed Tutorial Medical service catalog (Switzerland when help with
  • Term Date Technical Error with the business partner number and the business date, the technical date serves to uniquely determines help with
  • Term target costs (CO-OM-CCA) Answer particular activity. Target costs are calculated using the planned costs for the cost center and comparing to help with
  • Term Installer Template Means what therefore only be entered once centrally depends on help with
  • Term template (IS-M-AMC) Description content attributes. The system replaces the placeholders with the values in the ad content which help with
  • Term Documents Transport Definition The documents required to transport dangerous goods such as delivery notes or a packing list difference help with
  • Term Wcm Pm Tag Explain An operational tag given to an object on location that shows that the technical object is tagged when help with
  • Term Dwb Bc Transaction What is self-contained unit such as an address change for a customer or executing a program. From a dialog pros and cons help with
  • Term Crm Group Target Meaning and which is drawn up especially with this activity in mind. Target groups can be created both by similarities help with
  • Term text type (SRM-EBP) Abbreviation Standard text types are supplied in the system, but it is also possible for you to define your own how much help with
  • Term Account Temporary How to objects to business objects. The assignment objects are parked for a limited time in this temporary how many help with
  • Term File Trace Help have the prefix dev_, and are used for the dispatcher (dev_disp), for all work processes (dev_w* compare help with
  • Term Protocol Transmission Crossword more cooperating functional units. A single protocol is usually only responsible for a clearly why help with
  • Term Ps Interval Time Examples The relationship type determines whether the time interval is calculated from the start or finish how better help with
  • Term Engine Tax Transaction Encyclopedia A tool that determines and calculates transaction taxes such as VAT and sales taxes when help with
  • Term Time Lead Transportation Information about goods by ship, the freight space must be booked. The time between the booking of the freight space determines help with
  • Term Flag Termination Tutorial Flag indicating that a test procedure terminates when an error occurs comparing to help with
  • Term Type Term Error are rate-based, value-based, or fixed term depends on help with
  • Term takt-based scheduling (AP-PPE) Answer lead time of an order not from the duration of the activities, but by multiplying the number of which help with
  • Term Level Trigger Means what biological material that, if exceeded, requires additional measures in terms of health protection difference help with
  • Term travel expenses assignment specification Description 039;s travel expenses are to be posted (Travel Expenses Master Account Assignment) At present, the when help with
  • Term Taskhandler Definition process and manages its resources when the dispatcher assigns it an ABAP program to process. The pros and cons help with
  • Term table key (BC-DWB-DIC) Explain Group of fields that identify each record in a table uniquely similarities help with
  • Term Field Time What is calculations the contents of time fields are converted into the number of seconds since 00:00:00 how much help with
  • Term Scale Tax Meaning calculations for Payroll Australia are based on the following tax scales: 0 No taxation 1 No tax how many help with
  • Term Measurement Data Transaction Abbreviation Qualitative and quantitative measurement of the data generated by the commission case process compare help with
  • Term threshold value (PLM-CPR) How to meets the requirement, the system displays the icon of the severity that is assigned to the why help with
  • Term Id Transaction Help executed exactly once. A message can be clearly identified by its transaction ID (TID how better help with
  • Term Review Technical Crossword implementation components and operational procedures such as security, backup, performance when help with
  • Term Consultant Tax Examples An expert who is officially authorized to give advice and act as a representative in tax matters determines help with
  • Term terms and conditions for remuneration Encyclopedia The value of the conditions contained in a condition table comparing to help with
  • Term time-dependent address usage Information about type. You can assign addresses to address types with time-dependency using the address usage depends on help with
  • Term Medium Transmission Tutorial The medium with which a message is output. Example Printer Telefax EDI which help with
  • Term Amount Transfer Error account, and credited to one funded account. The transfer amount can be equal to or greater than difference help with
  • Term time series data type Answer series data. The time series data type maps the technical attributes and structure of a time series when help with
  • Term Counter Transaction Means what on the selected application. A transaction counter can be changed manually. Refer also to: Counter pros and cons help with
  • Term two-dimensional time dependency Description and business validity, which is stored in the application tables. This concept provides on overview similarities help with
  • Term Menu Tool Definition infotypes for multiple object types in one step. Apart from that, you can also translate the names how much help with
  • Term Trm Le Task Explain resource. Example Putaway, picking, replenishment and labeling how many help with
  • Term time profile (BC-CCM) What is of transaction steps over a day. The time profile enables you to identify periods of high and low compare help with
  • Term Jas Bc Template Meaning configuration for a specific use case scenario why help with
  • Term Common In Tenancy Abbreviation are free to dispose of their specified fractional share of the property (independently of the how better help with
  • Term Id Team How to generates a unique team ID value itself or validates the value entered by the user. In both cases when help with
  • Term View Time Tracked Help period by filtering out all non-tracked events and displaying only those with tracked time determines help with
  • Term Person Test Crossword A person to whom a measurement is related comparing to help with
  • Term trigger of the commission contract type Examples Assignment. The function that is currently supported for a trigger of the commission contract type depends on help with
  • Term triggering event (FS-BA-AN-PA) Encyclopedia A data record that is the basis for performing allocation which help with
  • Term type of scheduled payment Information about before the actual disbursement of the scheduled payment. Example Medical devices Combined benefit difference help with
  • Term Type Tree Tutorial Engine. For example, the tree type PAYM represents the payment program in Financial Accounting when help with
  • Term Person Taxable Error A person or company obligated to pay tax pros and cons help with
  • Term Entry Terminology Answer related to one concept similarities help with
  • Term Restriction Time Means what Period in which a benefit is limited how much help with
  • Term Trx Bc Taxonomy Description Hierarchy of categories used to classify documents based on their content how many help with
  • Term task list group (PM) Definition more task lists according to their logical features. If a group contains several standard task compare help with
  • Term termination rule (PA-BN) Explain termination dates applicable to employee groupings for plans in a benefit program why help with
  • Term third-party share of collateral value What is basis of a syndicated loan agreement, a collateral pooling agreement, or a private written how better help with
  • Term Stream Time Meaning of generated time intervals. The time interval itself is calculated using rules that can be when help with
  • Term technical type (PP-BD) Abbreviation product or similar products. BOMs can be assigned to one of the following technical types determines help with
  • Term Sd Category Tax How to A classification that the system uses to determine country-specific taxes during pricing comparing to help with
  • Term Block Text Help content. A text block is used to insert ad text. Graphics, which may be wrapped by text, can also depends on help with
  • Term Identification Tracking Crossword container number or shipment number which help with
  • Term Dependency Time Examples present moment in time. Changes are recorded using change documents. The following distinctions are difference help with
  • Term Period Concession Tax Encyclopedia calculated as a result of tax depreciation specifications. The increased depreciation, because of when help with
  • Term Coupling Tight Information about of complex data is exchanged between them pros and cons help with
  • Term Trivalent Tutorial FALSE. This is known as bivalent logic. Trivalent logic deviates from bivalent logic by introducing similarities help with
  • Term Allocation Time Error the person, group, or organization. For example, Meeting from 09:00 to 12:00; Overtime from 17:00 how much help with
  • Term Form Tax Answer Such reports are generated in the Tax Reporter component of US Payroll by means of preconfigured how many help with
  • Term Profile Dampening Trend Means what predict such a decrease on the basis of historical data. This profile specifies, per period, the compare help with
  • Term Fi Tranche Description can be transferred consistently at runtime using flow control to InfoCubes of the Business why help with
  • Term Amount Tax Definition example, and sent to the tax authorities how better help with
  • Term Bw Test Explain option, if necessary. A test consists of several elementary tests. You can select the required when help with
  • Term transaction type (IS-EC-CEM) What is retirement, change of activity type, shipping determines help with
  • Term Pp Term Meaning The word or words that designate a thing or idea comparing to help with
  • Term Table Totals Abbreviation Database table containing totals records depends on help with
  • Term Cts Bc Task How to changes to Repository objects and Customizing settings performed by employees within a development which help with
  • Term Telegram Help Message with defined structure for exchanging information between two communication partners difference help with
  • Term Number Registration Tax Crossword It serves as an identification number for corporate income tax and is required for VAT reporting when help with
  • Term Thumbnail Examples Scaled down view of a graphic file, giving the user a rough idea of the file contents pros and cons help with
  • Term Id Hierarchy Territory Encyclopedia path of the territory hierarchy similarities help with
  • Term text determination (CRM-BF) Information about A process using a communication structure to define which texts should be called-up at what point how much help with
  • Term Class Therapeutic Tutorial Is used to classify drugs Example Agent for the prevention of caries Agent for acid-based diseases how many help with
  • Term Time Target Error A product of quantity produced and standard time for each base quantity compare help with
  • Term Speech To Text Answer Speech generated by a computer from text why help with
  • Term Form Statement Time Means what employees' time statements. The time statement form determines the layout of the time how better help with
  • Term Group Template Description Summary of order templates when help with
  • Term type one cash flow disturbance Definition replacement of the original payment flow by the creation of a new payment flow. Example Unscheduled determines help with
  • Term Weighting Term Explain Value that indicates the significance of a term for the search in the retrieval system comparing to help with
  • Term Date Tax What is applied are those valid on this day. The tax date is the usually the same as the invoice date but depends on help with
  • Term Tenure Meaning placed based on the employee's type of appointment which help with
  • Term Time Turnaround Abbreviation Component Maintenance Cockpit uses this parameter in the ROC-based scheduling of orders and difference help with
  • Term translation entry (EC-CS) How to translation key and exchange rate indicator. In the Consolidation system, you can also create when help with
  • Term Workbench Test Help procedures, manual test cases or external applications. You can also put test documentation in the pros and cons help with
  • Term Service Queue Task Crossword The tasks are read and carried out by one of the Content Management systems available in a load similarities help with
  • Term Rule Twelfth Examples hours of travel on a trip day, a certain number of twelfths of the daily allowance (per diem) is how much help with
  • Term Track Encyclopedia Configuration unit of the Change Management Service in which software components are managed how many help with
  • Term Down Tear Information about An activity by which a work center is restored to its normal state after processing operations compare help with
  • Term Rule Term Tutorial period of time. A term rule consists of a calculation rule, a surcharge rule, and two period why help with
  • Term transaction type (FIN-CGV-MIC) Error routine or whether the process is performed as an exception. The transaction type of a process how better help with
  • Term Scenario Technical Answer rule strategy sequence. The technical scenario corresponds to the communication technology that when help with
  • Term Company Tax Transmitting Means what the entity itself and by other legal entities of identical ownership. In the Tax Reporter component determines help with
  • Term text element (BC-ABA) Description program. Text elements are; list header (standard page header), selection texts, and text symbols comparing to help with
  • Term Hierarchy Territory Definition several levels, for example: Level 0: Country Level 1: Product Line Level 2: Region Level 3: Area depends on help with
  • Term Relationship Work Temporary Explain concluded, and ends after a period of time, that is, without special termination. The end of the which help with
  • Term Category Theme What is executable functions that have related content. In the left screen area, the theme category is the difference help with
  • Term Message Termination Meaning box and terminate the program currentlyrunning when help with
  • Term Planning Transportation Abbreviation transportation planning, all planned deliveries for shipments are compiled. A route is generated on pros and cons help with
  • Term Element Title How to applications grouped on the different page elements of a tabstrip control. By clicking a title similarities help with
  • Term Rate Tax Help The percentage rate used to calculate the tax amount how much help with
  • Term Premium Tariff Crossword of the individual contract. It is used as the basis for the calculation of the collection premium how many help with
  • Term temporary budget billing plan Examples permanently as soon as the customer has accepted the relevant quotation compare help with
  • Term Context Treatment Encyclopedia to organize the treatment process why help with
  • Term trailer (IS-OIL-DS-TD) Information about transported behind the tractor. In Transport and Distribution, the tractor and trailer together how better help with
  • Term Settlement Tenant Tutorial Third-party management Service charge settlement for tenants renting codominiums owned by others when help with
  • Term type of stock exchange listing Error main index Listed but not in a main index determines help with
  • Term Descriptor Library Tag Answer version, and so on), and each of the tags it contains comparing to help with
  • Term Manager Task Means what An internal view of the order, existing in parallel to the Job Manager depends on help with
  • Term Tan Description alike) responsible for deducting withholding tax. A company can consist of more than one such tax which help with
  • Term Sequence Treatment Definition service facilities in the outpatient clinic the patient should visit and in what order difference help with
  • Term Pin Ep Template Explain portal pages, or systems) for use in the portal. Templates can be created from portal components when help with
  • Term Status Test What is The test status indicator is stored in the Status field as an administration data attribute pros and cons help with
  • Term Information Transmission Meaning date and time sent/received/read, and other attributes similarities help with
  • Term Costs Transfer Abbreviation hierarchy. Variance calculation passes the transfer costs from cost object nodes at lower levels how much help with
  • Term Promotion Trade How to within a specific time period. The aim of this activity is to increase brand capital, brand how many help with
  • Term Run Test Help payment run in the SAP Business One Payment Engine compare help with
  • Term Software Telephony Crossword telephone system. The telephony software can be installed centrally on an existing server, locally why help with
  • Term Bn Pa Termination Examples The process performed to terminate an employee's participation in benefit plans how better help with
  • Term Reporting Tabular Encyclopedia to one dimension and its attributes. Unlike with OLAP reporting, when you design a query, you can when help with
  • Term In Plug Thumbnail Information about Custom program that generates preview images of objects that have certain MIME types determines help with
  • Term Taxability Tutorial derive the applicable tax type and tax rate comparing to help with
  • Term Cycle Test Error phase 2. Temporary untagging phase depends on help with
  • Term Community Tax Answer handling transaction taxes which help with
  • Term Table Tracing Means what A table that contains the data records that are written in the course of tracing difference help with
  • Term Control Tabstrip Description and is displayed as a tab when help with
  • Term transfer rule (FS-AM-IM-CC) Definition transferring the values determined pros and cons help with
  • Term Limit Credit Tolerated Explain addition to the credit balance and, if existing, the granted credit limit. (Standard limit category similarities help with
  • Term Activity Training What is the acquisition of a specific level of education or qualifications how much help with
  • Term Category Number Tax Meaning United States, the social security number and the corporate ID number; or in Europe, the VAT how many help with
  • Term time scale (PP-CRP) Abbreviation Labeling of the time axis with one or more period patterns compare help with
  • Term table category (BC-I18-UNI) How to system are divided into three table categories: TABCAT1: tables which contain a language field with why help with
  • Term text symbol (BC-DWB-TOO) Help symbols instead of text literals in programs because they enable you to keep programs language how better help with
  • Term totals item (FI-LC) Crossword totals items (or both). Values cannot be posted directly to totals items. You can only assign a when help with
  • Term Workload Teaching Examples must be completed within a defined period determines help with
  • Term tax classification (AP-TTE) Encyclopedia their key fields such as location, validity term, and tax type comparing to help with
  • Term Hierarchy Template Information about comprise various subtemplates which, in turn, can have subtemplates of their own. Template depends on help with
  • Term telephony server (BC-SRV-COM) Tutorial PBX, or a call center system. A telephony server contains the settings that control communication which help with
  • Term target stock level (PP-MRP) Error target range of coverage * average daily requirement difference help with
  • Term Rule Trip Answer transport and accommodations types) is to be used, depending on the trip destination. A trip rule when help with
  • Term table index (BC-DWB-DIC) Means what table. A table index can be represented as a copy of a table that is reduced to certain fields, and pros and cons help with
  • Term task (BC-FES-GUI) Description functions. You call them either by choosing functions in menus or by entering a transaction code in similarities help with
  • Term third-party logistics location Definition Location of the third-party logistics provider how much help with
  • Term Quantity Input Target Explain manufacture the produced quantity of a material how many help with
  • Term Icm Rule Termination What is for terminating the partnership in the event of its unscheduled ending compare help with
  • Term Grouping Transfer Meaning Rules governing the employee transfer of participation in both contribution and entitlement plans why help with
  • Term Include Top Abbreviation program. Processing blocks must not be implemented in the top include. This is checked by the how better help with
  • Term text profile (BC-SRV-CM) How to example, internal note , response ). One text profile must be assigned to each case type when help with
  • Term Pm Pa Transfer Help the approved budget determines help with
  • Term Journal Transaction Crossword opening balances, entered in the system within a specified period of time comparing to help with
  • Term Pa Constraint Time Examples whether overlaps or collisions are permitted. Time constraints in Master Data are different from depends on help with
  • Term Bucket Time Encyclopedia Section of a maturity band which help with
  • Term Type Allocation Time Information about Parameter that identifies the type of event defined by the resource time profile difference help with
  • Term Date Target Tutorial order has been generated, the system monitors the target dates, such as, planned delivery dates when help with
  • Term Plan Test Error plans are based on one or more test catalogs pros and cons help with
  • Term type of previous document Answer previous document number to identify goods shipments. You can find the type of previous document in similarities help with
  • Term Controls Telephony Means what office in the form of pushbuttons how much help with
  • Term text symbol (BC-ABA) Description elements of the program and addressed in the program using the name text-###, where ### is the how many help with
  • Term Language Text Definition languages are specified in Customizing for Collaboration Projects compare help with
  • Term Tray Explain collapse/expand, remove, personalize and refresh why help with
  • Term Category Classification Target What is target classification category determines the system that administers classifications. Example how better help with
  • Term Header List Task Meaning Data in the task list includes: Usage Planner group Status Lot size range Header unit of measure when help with
  • Term Tile Abbreviation Mobile System consists of different components, each of which contains tile sets made up of several determines help with
  • Term Protection Tank How to Description of how a customer's tank is protected from corrosion comparing to help with
  • Term Toolbox Help A set of board-related tools that assist in performing tasks in the Visual Composer workspace depends on help with
  • Term task type (BC-CTS) Crossword following task types exist: Developments/corrections (objects processed in the original system which help with
  • Term target=actual activity allocation Examples directly but are calculated by the SAP system based on the planned activity input of the receivers difference help with
  • Term time series (SCM-APO-PPS-RSP) Encyclopedia that you have specified in restriction processing and the requirements from the sales orders are when help with
  • Term Mining Text Information about Methods for extracting information from natural-language texts pros and cons help with
  • Term tour (IS-BEV-LO-RP) Tutorial which driver, how many ship-to parties are supplied, and the total duration. There can be several similarities help with
  • Term transport unit (IS-OIL-DS-TD) Error Distribution) as a transport unit master record, and which is the basic element of a vehicle. A how much help with
  • Term Balance Trial Answer is used to point out errors in the closing balance how many help with
  • Term Signal Tracking Means what tracking signal is calculated during the forecast run and is compared with the tracking limit compare help with
  • Term Limit Tracking Description system to compare the quotient of the error total and the mean absolute deviation in the forecast why help with
  • Term time-related supply limit Definition Limitation of the goods quantity that can be delivered to a location how better help with
  • Term Transceiver Explain A transmitter and receiver combined when help with
  • Term Msa Crm Topic What is user subscription. Example: - Sales Tools Presentations Price Lists In this example, Sales Tools determines help with
  • Term Crm Type Transaction Meaning sales order, service request, visit) and specifies the control attributes (for example, text comparing to help with
  • Term Budgeting Down Top Abbreviation distributed to all organizational units below. Each budget unit receives a fraction of this depends on help with
  • Term Deal Term How to next 5 years. The actor receives an advance when the term deal is signed. The actor then receives which help with
  • Term Menu Level Task Help Menu at task level difference help with
  • Term Id Territory Crossword Unique identifier for a territory used in Territory Management when help with
  • Term Time Transit Examples The time needed to transport goods to a customer. The transit time depends on the route pros and cons help with
  • Term Strategy Bin To Encyclopedia in the warehouse for transferring goods to the warehouse. To optimize stockkeeping and material similarities help with
  • Term Ps Type Text Information about System. Example Descriptions of functions Activity lists how much help with
  • Term Invoice Tax Tutorial authorities as evidence that a VAT transaction occurred. Tax invoices are thus used to how many help with
  • Term Type Event Transaction Error occur in Inventory Management (for example, goods movements and physical inventory transactions compare help with
  • Term Group Title Answer transactions are to be divided, are grouped under a title group. The association of a title to a why help with
  • Term Matchcode Transparent Means what database view. When accessing the matchcode, the hit list is selected using this view of the how better help with
  • Term Pp Item Text Description store information for the customer or for internal purposes when help with
  • Term Reduction Price Temporary Definition A markdown of a product that is not recorded as a promotion determines help with
  • Term Violation Value Threshold Explain The threshold value is exceeded or the threshold value is not met comparing to help with
  • Term Exception Treatable What is to a runtime error. treatable exceptions are implemented using exception objects and can be handled depends on help with
  • Term System Qm Target Meaning vendor must prove that this is the case. The system prevents procurement processes if the actual QM which help with
  • Term Request Transfer Abbreviation It is the request to transfer a material to the warehouse or to transfer a material from the difference help with
  • Term Bc Thread How to distinction between single-threading, in which only one thread can run at a time in a process, and when help with
  • Term Base Time Help entire life of the cost object (cumulative time base) or for individual periods (periodic time base pros and cons help with
  • Term time-dependent project version Crossword A project version that the user generates manually at a point in time similarities help with
  • Term two-step production confirmation Examples backflush involves the following two steps: The system reads all open backflushes and corresponding how much help with
  • Term Order Unit Trading Encyclopedia unit are represented in this order: cutting spooling lagging sealing additional packing how many help with
  • Term Country Taxable Information about Country where tax is due compare help with
  • Term Roadmap Troubleshooting Tutorial Roadmap helps the administrator to localize the causes of standard problems and technical why help with
  • Term System Trusted Error maker of Remote Function Calls. Trusted systems can log on to the trusting systen without a how better help with
  • Term Control Table Answer You can use a table control to display and edit data in tables when help with
  • Term Library Verification Ticket Means what Single Sign-On. The non-SAP application can use the library to verify a logon ticket that has been determines help with
  • Term Stock Target Description replenishment process. The target stock can either be defined manually or calculated by a forecast comparing to help with
  • Term Point Tracking Definition Point in the ABAP code at which the tracking agent is called depends on help with
  • Term Owner Task Explain An employee whose software updates are are recorded in a task which help with
  • Term Aba Bc Type What is object type for objects in ABAP Objects. The corresponding generic data type is any. All types are difference help with
  • Term Versioning Dimensional Two Meaning date' and the 'system time' dimensions for identification. The 'key date' when help with
  • Term Os Pa Task Abbreviation units, work centers, and other types of object pros and cons help with
  • Term Log Transport How to system to a target system. A transport log contains: A summary of activities Details of the export similarities help with
  • Term Delivery Inbound Temporary Help Extended Warehouse Management (EWM). EWM can acknowledge the temporary inbound delivery, but how much help with
  • Term Consumption Total Crossword goods are withdrawn from stock on the basis of a reservation. Unplanned consumption is updated if how many help with
  • Term History Tagged Examples calculated forecast. Forecasts use historical data. You can have workforce management use tagged compare help with
  • Term Event Time Encyclopedia start and end of working time) that employees enter at a time recording terminal why help with
  • Term task level (BC-FES-GUI) Information about level and the application level. The task level offers functions for performing business or how better help with
  • Term Zone Off Trade Tutorial agreement. With the firm zone, the trade-off zone determines the degree to which schedule lines when help with
  • Term Number Identification Taxpayer Error A tax number assigned, in the Philippines, to legal and natural persons alike determines help with
  • Term Duty Temporary Answer The temporary assignment of a person to a force element or position outside of a usage type comparing to help with
  • Term type group (BC-DWB-DIC) Means what so that they can be accessed by any program. The ABAP statement used for this purpose is TYPE-POOLS depends on help with
  • Term time series (SCM-BAS) Description indicated by a combination of characteristics (version, location, and product) as well as, where which help with
  • Term Event Terminating Definition processing is set for the task, the end of processing must also be confirmed by a recipient after difference help with
  • Term Builder Query Taxonomy Explain based taxonomies, the content of a category is defined using search queries. Search queries consist when help with
  • Term Date Transaction What is affect. The transaction date, on which the system applies those changes triggered by sell-ins, sell pros and cons help with
  • Term Version Task Meaning are used for mapping the methods and document types within Interunit Elimination to tasks. This similarities help with
  • Term Pool Table Abbreviation Database table that contains the entries of several logical pooled tables how much help with
  • Term Members Team How to Room and access to the information and data stored there. The Collaboration Room owner must invite how many help with
  • Term Configuration Template Help version determines which attributes are used in which form to describe objects pertaining to the compare help with
  • Term Debriefing Technical Crossword with the crew so that any maintenance tasks that are needed can be initiated. Data that arises why help with
  • Term Model Target Examples another model (element how better help with
  • Term Title Tab Encyclopedia a function code and allows tab pages to be selected by simply clicking when help with
  • Term type of module correspondence Information about enter this to create and print module correspondence. It indicates the application form, which determines help with
  • Term time profile (SCM-ICH) Tutorial periods, and the properties of the cluster type comparing to help with
  • Term Level Trace Error trace 1: Error trace 2: Complete process, short data trace 3: Complete process, complete data trace depends on help with
  • Term third-party purchase order Answer materials to (or perform the services for) a third party which help with
  • Term Event Tax Means what is applicable to a transaction difference help with
  • Term Security Layer Transport Description Sockets Layer (SSL) Version 3.0 protocol. As with SSL, the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol when help with
  • Term Field Form Tax Definition Tax Reporter component of US Payroll. By means of the tax form groups assigned to them, such boxes pros and cons help with
  • Term Schema Trip Explain The trip schema ensures that the different entry types correspond with the respective trip type similarities help with
  • Term task group (FIN-SEM-BCS) What is Group of several tasks that are executed in the consolidation monitor how much help with
  • Term text module (FS-PM) Meaning Workbench. It contains fixed text and text variables, which are filled with information from the how many help with
  • Term Register Transaction Abbreviation Federal Agencies' Centralized Trial balance system I) and FACTS II. The report shows compare help with
  • Term Object Technical How to task is performed (functional location) A physical object that is maintained as an autonomous unit why help with
  • Term Sap Unit Time Help hours, days, weeks, months or years how better help with
  • Term third party service provider Crossword Service provider with which the service provider operating the IS-U system has a relationship when help with
  • Term Toggle Examples call by automatically placing the active call on hold, and vice versa. In other words, this determines help with
  • Term Management Training Encyclopedia realization, administration and control of training within the enterprise comparing to help with
  • Term tab page (BC-ABA) Information about Page within a tabstrip control. Every tab page has a tab title depends on help with
  • Term Step Technical Tutorial in a technical process. A technical step is always assigned to a tracking agent which help with
  • Term Consultant Talent Error filling jobs and planning careers. The talent consultant helps answer the following questions difference help with
  • Term Number Tracking Answer with a single means of transport (for example a ship) are combined under a single number. The when help with
  • Term Treatment Means what inpatient medical services. It should be conceptually distinguished from prevention and pros and cons help with
  • Term T Is Telesales Description Selling products using call center technology within the context of a sales campaign similarities help with
  • Term Fi Number Tax Definition A tax number assigned, in Hungary, to legal persons. In Hungarian, it is known as adĂłszĂĄm how much help with
  • Term Field Text Explain sole purpose of displaying text and on which no user actions are possible. A text field of a how many help with
  • Term temporary PP/DS order What is lot size margins), to determine how the operations from the PP/DS PPM are to be assigned to the SNP compare help with
  • Term target range of coverage stock Meaning stock is defaulted to zero. However, you can define a specific quantity if required in Customizing why help with
  • Term Icm Validity Technical Abbreviation correspond to the time the change is to become effective. Technical validity always refers to the how better help with
  • Term Area Work Table How to NODES with reference to an identically-named structure or database table of the ABAP Dictionary when help with
  • Term Button Toggle Help pushbutton. Unlike pushbuttons that return automatically to an unpressed state after being pressed determines help with
  • Term third-party logistics provider Crossword transfer, or the storage of products for its customers. Third-party logistic providers can also comparing to help with
  • Term Depreciation Tax Examples regulations. Typically, the allowed tax depreciation amounts exceed the book depreciation amount depends on help with
  • Term Time Transfer Encyclopedia entitlements from time evaluation are transferred to the Absence Quotas infotype (2006). The quota which help with
  • Term Fi Transaction Information about various business points of view. Example Enter an invoice Post a good receipt Create a confirmation difference help with
  • Term target costs (CO-PC) Tutorial Object Controlling, the target costs are calculated on the basis of the planned values of a when help with
  • Term Position Technical Error transaction is delivered provided that a position class is assigned to the business transaction pros and cons help with
  • Term table key (BC-ABA) Answer rows. The table key of an internal table can, depending on the table kind involved, be either similarities help with
  • Term Type Process Tickler Means what are action types: Expiration of probation Tenure change Step change (WIGI) Promotion Appointment how much help with
  • Term Component Content Technical Description advertising in publications and on websites. Technical and business content components exist in the how many help with
  • Term Storage Temporary Definition be released from the customs office or other approved place at which they are presented until they compare help with
  • Term top-level navigation (EP-KM) Explain to pages within the portal why help with
  • Term Crm Task What is one or more employees needs to do by a certain date. In contrast to a business activity, the task how better help with
  • Term time evaluation for concurrent employment Meaning of your employees if you employ employees in your enterprise who have one or more personnel when help with
  • Term Confirmation Task Abbreviation of the source and destination steps in a task. When a resource confirms a task at the source, the determines help with
  • Term tax type (CRM-MD) How to which tax is used for country-specific tax determination comparing to help with
  • Term Services Trusted Tms Help you to work in different systems of a domain while only having to log on once depends on help with
  • Term Message Evaluation Time Crossword certain date. The category of the message determines how the message is handled, that is, whether which help with
  • Term Rounding Level Two Examples level rounding, the system first rounds the material quantities at SKU level and then rounds at difference help with
  • Term Profile Transport Encyclopedia manages the transport profile when help with
  • Term target days' supply Information about 039; supply is evaluated within consumer-based procurement. The reorder point procedures in pros and cons help with
  • Term Dependent Territory Tutorial a note, or contact hours of a business partner can be territory-dependent similarities help with
  • Term target costs (CO-OM-ABC) Error activity. In Activity-Based Costing, target costs are calculated using the planned costs of the how much help with
  • Term Range Record Total Answer Counts the number of grid history records how many help with
  • Term two-step stock transfer procedure Means what location or from plant to plant. Using the two-step procedure enables you to monitor the stock compare help with
  • Term Management Text Description Text determination Text access Text control Texts are entered in the following way: In external why help with
  • Term List Tdo Definition which American companies cannot trade or with which trade is restricted how better help with
  • Term User Transactional Explain series of transactions, typically within a specific application when help with
  • Term Jas Bc Tracing What is A process of creating and storing detailed information about runtime events in the system determines help with
  • Term Horizon Series Time Meaning series horizon consists of the production horizon, the checking horizon and buffer days. It is comparing to help with
  • Term transaction figures (FS-AM-IM-BC) Abbreviation according to debit and credit depends on help with
  • Term Type Specification Time How to Specification/Employ.Period. The time specification type is the subtype in this infotype which help with
  • Term text variable (PE-LSO) Help as recipient's address, recipient's e-mail address, course schedule). Text variables are difference help with
  • Term Fim Ca Transaction Crossword posting if an activity occurs in the contract, such as a change to the contract master date, or when help with
  • Term topic (MP-APP-CR) Examples First posting of a thread in the forum service of a room determining the subject of a discussion pros and cons help with
  • Term Program Control Transport Encyclopedia A program for controlling transports between SAP Systems and for upgrading SAP releases similarities help with
  • Term Management Travel Information about requests directly from Microsoft Office Outlook. These requests are sent to the appropriate how much help with
  • Term triggering event (BC-BMT-WFM) Tutorial as a triggering event for the task or workflow that is to be started. The event linkage must be how many help with
  • Term Document Transaction Error collaboration room during initiative execution. The transaction document is stored in the compare help with
  • Term text object (CRM-BF) Answer transaction) and related texts is defined why help with
  • Term Record Medical Temporary Means what Organizational form of medical record management valid only for a hospital stay how better help with
  • Term Loss Of Type Description loss. Classifications are made according to the following types of loss: Fiscal year's claims when help with
  • Term Hmed Is Template Definition Summary of the drug and other properties of an order such as, for example, the cycle and duration determines help with
  • Term Report Triggered Explain configured and assigned to rules by the system administrator during configuration. They display comparing to help with
  • Term Ep Theme What is support more than portal theme to suit different users' tastes. Customers may create their own depends on help with
  • Term Category Transaction Meaning a transaction can consist of an advance payment request and the corresponding down payment. The which help with
  • Term Transiberian Abbreviation One of SAP's blended codepages that consists of Japanese, English and Russian script difference help with
  • Term text variable for characteristics How to A type of text variable that represents data for the characteristics used in the report definition when help with
  • Term third-party order processing Help with the instruction to supply the ordered materials to, or perform the ordered services for, a pros and cons help with
  • Term Check Cycle Test Crossword Optional check whether a test cycle is possible for the Operational WCD similarities help with
  • Term third-party partner integration Examples deployment of third-party components; certification guarantees that partner components fully how much help with
  • Term target object (EP-PCT-MGR-HR) Encyclopedia Target objects are starting points for the user to execute processes or display detailed how many help with
  • Term Pa Group Task Information about the task group Secretarial Tasks can contain the tasks of word processing, filing, and making compare help with
  • Term Certificate Treatment Tutorial information is stored in the system during the outpatient admission procedure why help with
  • Term Admission Temporary Error into a customs territory, used for a period, and reexported unchanged out of the territory how better help with
  • Term Request Off Time Answer an employee is asking for specific time when he or she will not be available for scheduling. The when help with
  • Term Document Temporary Means what temporary document as soon as the final document is created determines help with
  • Term tax deducted at source Description The term used, in India, for any form of withholding tax comparing to help with
  • Term Ideation Targeted Definition or outside of a company) to put forward ideas about a certain topic depends on help with
  • Term Quantity Scrap Target Explain to date for the operation which help with
  • Term translation entry (FI-LC) What is same translation key and exchange rate indicator. In the Consolidation system, you can also create difference help with
  • Term Id Data Time Meaning Workplace. A time data ID can represent several characteristics of a time entry. For example, the when help with
  • Term time limit for warning message Abbreviation when the valid-from date of a change master record is changed. A date shift is allowed within this pros and cons help with
  • Term Reserve Value Threshold How to period, starting from which a reserve is formed similarities help with
  • Term trace (BC-FES-ITS) Help runtime errors. The ITS maintains traces of its major components such as AGate, WGate, the how much help with
  • Term Record Tracking Crossword tracking points at runtime, and consists of header data and payload. The tracking records are how many help with
  • Term Sd Number Transaction Examples A number assigned to a business dealing for identification and tracking compare help with
  • Term Ranking Transporter Encyclopedia the pipelines for split connect delivery networks (that is, delivery networks with multiple why help with
  • Term time series data area Information about validity of a time series data area is restricted by the relevant time series data type that how better help with
  • Term Speed Transition Tutorial effectiveness to ineffectiveness for a hedge relationship when help with
  • Term Track Transport Error consists of the systems and the transport routes between these systems. Example: Development system determines help with
  • Term Chain Transportation Answer system distinguishes between the following categories: External This describes the route from the comparing to help with
  • Term Level Target Means what document header or a document item depends on help with
  • Term Number File Tax Description Employees without a tax file number pay a higher rate of tax. In the standard system, the higher which help with
  • Term Access Text Definition Direct access of SAPscript texts for the purpose of creation, display, or storage difference help with
  • Term Subtype Process Tickler Explain has two subtypes: initial and supervisory when help with
  • Term Value Classification Target What is Classification type: Region Classification value: South, north, east, west pros and cons help with
  • Term Management Promotion Trade Meaning consumer goods industry in cooperation with retailers. All activities take place in a closed-loop similarities help with
  • Term Trash Abbreviation distribution lists, and folders that are to be removed from the system are stored in the trash how much help with
  • Term Bar Tab How to and a device for scrolling through the tabs. The tab bar allows users to choose a tab where they how many help with
  • Term Law Tenancy Help influences the following: Service charge settlements Rent adjustments Periods of notice Other compare help with
  • Term Interval Tolerance Crossword an absolute value or a percentage why help with
  • Term time scale (BC-FES-GRA) Examples weeks, months, hours, minutes or seconds how better help with
  • Term String Text Encyclopedia Data object of the data type string when help with
  • Term Period Tolerance Information about The period in days within which a scheduled health surveillance protocol must be performed determines help with
  • Term Pdm Lo Template Tutorial characteristic value. This summary appears as a form or template that contain other elements such comparing to help with
  • Term Trainer Taxonomy Error trained using sample documents in order to define their content. A search function supports you in depends on help with
  • Term Status Technical Answer The status of an aircraft from a maintenance perspective which help with
  • Term Authority Levying Tax Means what Insurance provider or State paying office which calculates the collective taxation for a pensioner difference help with
  • Term Tracking Transfer Description goods issues and receipts for two-step plant-to-plant transfers using a tracking number when help with
  • Term Cart Shopping Team Definition Shopping cart that other members of a purchasing team can take ownership of and process pros and cons help with
  • Term time recording (IS-A-DBM) Explain time may be, for example: productive time related to the DBM order unproductive time billed to a similarities help with
  • Term Icm Commission Target What is date without waiting for an external payment trigger from the disbursement system notifying that how much help with
  • Term Account Time Meaning credits, and approvals for working times. Laws, collective agreements, company policy, and company how many help with
  • Term Balance Time Abbreviation are collected in time balances so that: Employee time accounts can be updated, for example, annual compare help with
  • Term takt time (AP-PPE) How to planned production volume. The takt time is calculated from the reciprocal value of the base or why help with
  • Term Afs Is Theme Help traits such as color or texture can be combined to form a theme. Themes can be part of a collection how better help with
  • Term text module (MM-SRV) Crossword service descriptions are broken down into text modules and stored in standard service catalogs. At when help with
  • Term Tutorial Examples tutorials created with the SAP Tutor simulate work processes in the software to be learned. They determines help with
  • Term Report Trial Encyclopedia test the accuracy of statements or results comparing to help with
  • Term Srv Bc Transformation Information about Transformation is the superordinate term for XSLT Transformation Simple Transformation depends on help with
  • Term Date Translation Tutorial The date on which an amount is translated into another currency which help with
  • Term time leveling (CA-TS) Error Using the report of the same name, you can check whether employees: Forgot to record their working difference help with
  • Term Data Transaction Answer data. Individual posting documents are called transaction data. For example, transaction data when help with
  • Term target value (FS-BA-PM-HP) Means what of the spread. This is the disbursement amount, for example, or the full fair value that was pros and cons help with
  • Term transport type (FI-AA) Description transport tax: Different types of vehicles are taxed at different rates. Example Invalid cars, code similarities help with
  • Term translation ratio (FI-LC) Definition The (consistent) relationship between the monetary units of two foreign currencies how much help with
  • Term Transfer/Borrow-Loan-Payback Explain items to another project if the requirement situation undergoes unplanned changes. In the case of a how many help with
  • Term Distance Travel What is The shortest possible distance between two nodes in the warehouse compare help with
  • Term Framework Template Meaning A repository used to define and store templates for master data objects why help with
  • Term Inf Mp Team Abbreviation group specific role how better help with
  • Term Category Target How to administration system. Example Target category A Administration system: AES Target type: Monthly when help with
  • Term Confirmation Treasury Help and services on behalf of the Federal Government agencies who received the goods and/or services determines help with
  • Term Diagnosis Treatment Crossword include: Admission diagnosis Discharge diagnosis Surgery diagnosis Cause of death Department main comparing to help with
  • Term Traceformatter Examples Formats log records as human-readable lines depends on help with
  • Term task list (IS-AD-MPD) Encyclopedia It describes the tasks to be carried out to maintain the aircraft and is only accessible via the which help with
  • Term transition (CRM-MD-PRO-OBJ) Information about first state (From State) may perform a certain action and enter the second state (To State) when difference help with
  • Term Bex Bw Text Tutorial you to display text (free text, characteristic value descriptions, generic text elements) in a when help with
  • Term Sd Zone Transportation Error factor for determining the route. For example, transportation zones can be defined according to pros and cons help with
  • Term takt time (PP-FLW) Answer defined for a production line. Minimum takt time Time for which a material remains in one takt of similarities help with
  • Term transport equipment (LE-YM) Means what Transport equipment is towed by a means of transport and can then be detached from it. It is how much help with
  • Term Time Teardown Description have been processed. The teardown time is part of the execution time how many help with
  • Term Number Deduction Tax Definition business function. Example This number is used in Denmark to report information such as location compare help with
  • Term Terminology Explain A set of terms representing the system of concepts of a particular subject field why help with
  • Term Shipment Tlb What is It is generated during a TLB run and is a planned shipment of multiple products that is formed on how better help with
  • Term Txs Fs Tranche Meaning Result of dividing all assets according to defined quality characteristics, such as a rating when help with
  • Term tax number (AP-TTE) Abbreviation Example VAT registration numbers issued to companies in Europe IT1234567891 for VAT registration determines help with
  • Term Tripping How to MAD) for a location product comparing to help with
  • Term task list (CA-GTF) Help displayed in a structure tree. For example, the period-end closing process can be represented as a depends on help with
  • Term table type (BC-DWB-DIC) Crossword attributes of an internal table in ABAP which help with
  • Term Excerption Terminology Examples searching through a corpus difference help with
  • Term Null Leaf Trailing Encyclopedia NULL value at the end of a hierarchy value when help with
  • Term Hierarchy Module Test Information about Hierarchical list of all test modules used by a test procedure pros and cons help with
  • Term Tab Tutorial that was designed in the Role Editor. A tab on the second level of the navigation bar can launch a similarities help with
  • Term third-party suit against legal action Error currently in the temporary possession of another person (a tenant, for example) and is seized by a how much help with
  • Term Fi Figures Transaction Answer The sum of all postings to an account, broken down by posting period and debit and credit how many help with
  • Term text object (SCM-ECT-DLP) Means what example, a delivery) and the associated texts is defined. Examples of text objects are the delivery compare help with
  • Term Tool Business Information Warehouse system Description and the index functions of the Source Data Layer, but not for reporting purposes. The Tool BI why help with
  • Term Portrayal Tile Definition occurrence of an R/3 organizational unit is represented by a colored tile. Tiles representing how better help with
  • Term 'to be deleted' note Explain vacant. Positions with this flag cannot be re-staffed when help with
  • Term TREX INI File Editor What is modify the TREX configuration. This function is called from the TREX Administration area in SAP determines help with
  • Term threshold value (CO-PC) Meaning A rule basis and a threshold value constitute an exception rule comparing to help with
  • Term Entry Tip Abbreviation import table). In time evaluation, attendances and absences and the time pairs formed if a time depends on help with
  • Term Identification Terminology How to Part of terminology excerption involving recognition and selection of designations which help with
  • Term Element Rate Tax Help Elements (values) used to determine excise duty rates difference help with
  • Term Crm History Transaction Crossword transaction history, users can navigate to the related transactions. Example: A transaction history when help with
  • Term Category Treatment Examples assigned to a case at movement level. On the basis of this assignment, the system automatically pros and cons help with
  • Term Time Total Encyclopedia Sum of process time and wait time similarities help with
  • Term Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Information about information between applications (and their processes) on a local (LAN) or wide area network (WAN how much help with
  • Term Ac Group Task Tutorial scheduler. Example Period-End Closing Day how many help with
  • Term Index Tranche Error sequence of individual tranches compare help with
  • Term Group Consolidation Top Answer consolidation group distinguishes a hierarchy uniquely. Any number of further consolidation groups why help with
  • Term template (FS-BA-SD) Means what object in the master data framework. In Customizing, a template prescribes which attributes are how better help with
  • Term Document Posting Transfer Description in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable when help with
  • Term Allocation Based Transaction Definition calculated from the internal activities performed and then posted in real time to the sender and determines help with
  • Term Telephony Explain in the industry by the term telecommunications , this term was brought back by the computer comparing to help with
  • Term Crm Tag What is attributes of the business transaction, for example a contract end date. The tag determines the depends on help with
  • Term 3 Tabcat Meaning three table categories according to whether they: contain a language field (type LANG or SPRAS) and which help with
  • Term Production Tv Abbreviation Production of a contribution that is primarily intended for the television market difference help with
  • Term Model Taxability How to used by the US Payroll component of the SAP HR System to determine the taxability of any given when help with
  • Term task in team entry Help medical service. Example The anesthetist task in a surgery (surgery anchor service pros and cons help with
  • Term Application Transport Crossword entries). In the actual commission application, which is generated in Customizing, no period similarities help with
  • Term Cm Fs Task Examples requiring the claim handler to examine the issue and process it further. 0 to x number of how much help with
  • Term Sbo Number Transaction Encyclopedia A successive number assigned automatically to each journal entry or inventory transaction how many help with
  • Term tab page (BC-FES-GUI) Information about page title is displayed along the top edge of the tab page in the tab index. In SAP GUI, a tab page compare help with
  • Term Type Expense Trading Tutorial Defines the characteristics of incidental costs incurred with the trading business why help with
  • Term Folder Target Error moved, or copied, or a link created, a target folder must be selected from the relevant folder how better help with
  • Term Agreements Target Answer agreements. In the target agreements of ICM, we differentiate between elementary targets and when help with
  • Term Transition Transient Means what systems, which ensures controlled error handling and the recovery of the connection determines help with
  • Term task in master project Description view of the subproject. The task has a special icon to distinguish it from other tasks comparing to help with
  • Term third-party planned independent requirement Definition An AFS PIR with version 98. These can be consumed only by third-party sales orders depends on help with
  • Term Limit Dependent Time Explain limit is specified in the contract for each covered benefit type and for each insured object which help with
  • Term Tremcard What is TRansport EMergency card (tremcard) accompanies the transport and must enable correct measures to difference help with
  • Term third-party wage type Meaning transferred to an SAP HR System. The term third-party wage type is used in the context of the when help with
  • Term term (BC-SRV-KPR-RET) Abbreviation Individual words and phrases in text pros and cons help with
  • Term Contract Transfer How to Transfer of security deposits If a business partner moves premises within a service territory, the similarities help with
  • Term Train-the-Trainer Workshop Help Preparatory course for SAP consultants who are to hold the Ready-to-Run R/3 Handover Workshop how much help with
  • Term translation (FS-BA-PM-FC) Crossword the position value clearing component for the purposes of internal clearing. A translation is a how many help with
  • Term Model Integration Technical Examples for SAP NetWeaver. This model consists of BizAtoms, BizFlows, IPO steps, and SAP Business One compare help with
  • Term Account Tax Encyclopedia The G/L account to which the calculated tax amount for a document is posted why help with
  • Term Coverage Test Information about an indication of how well the solution should run the business how better help with
  • Term text type (SCM-ECT-DLP) Tutorial for the business objects of Extended Warehouse Management when help with
  • Term Code Tax Error displaying tax. Examples of the specifications defined under the tax code are: Tax rate Type of tax determines help with
  • Term Port Ip Tcp Answer repository. One MDM repository always requires three sequential ports from a port number range comparing to help with
  • Term Type Transaction Means what posting rules for the electronic bank statement depends on help with
  • Term Tax Transaction Description excise tax, or withholding tax which help with
  • Term Definition Tax Definition group. Example Liable to tax Tax exempt Input tax difference help with
  • Term test procedure (SV-ASA) Explain A detailed instructions on how to set up, run and evaluate the results for a particular test case when help with
  • Term Value Trend What is during forecasting. For trend models and seasonal trend models, the system determines the increase pros and cons help with
  • Term test plan administration tool Meaning Hypertext-based tool for planning and performing tests similarities help with
  • Term type of case end Abbreviation Type of ending of outpatient cases. Examples End of quarter End of treatment Automatically ended how much help with
  • Term Lane Transportation How to A transportation route between two locations in a supply chain model how many help with
  • Term Cm Srm Task Help A business object that represents an activity performed in an initiative compare help with
  • Term Sequence Limit Time Crossword Example: The module booking time limit sequence could contain the following time limits: Early why help with
  • Term Date To Target Examples until and including today's date. The target to date is displayed as an interactive graph in how better help with
  • Term type of flat rate per case Encyclopedia rates per case and procedures surcharges and of the maximum length of stay when help with
  • Term Date Trigger Information about leading to disbursement determines help with
  • Term Document Tax Tutorial determination and calculation comparing to help with
  • Term time slot (IS-U-WM) Error the start time and length of a time slot in Customizing depends on help with
  • Term Proposal Transport Answer certain number of transport targets. The requests can be transportable change requests, Customizing which help with
  • Term Path Storage Template Means what The location on the SAP Business One server where layout files for snapshot templates are stored difference help with
  • Term Window Tolerance Description Size of the time window in which a certain maintenance task should be performed when help with
  • Term Costs Travel Definition Costs for travel involved in connection with medical treatment pros and cons help with
  • Term Version Target Explain partner when changes are made to the business partner data similarities help with
  • Term tax type (AP-MD-BP) What is the United States) VAT (value-added tax) Excise duty how much help with
  • Term Period Threshold Meaning Required minimum length of a program period for an employee to be macro eligible how many help with
  • Term Point Trigger Abbreviation operation release, or insertion of reference operation sets, when the status of an operation compare help with
  • Term Index Mining Text How to functions such as classification, searching for similar documents, and extracting keywords why help with
  • Term Method Teaching Help instructional means used to deliver the content of a business event type. Examples Classroom how better help with
  • Term Buffer Transactional Crossword directly in the backend storage layer. To allow well-defined transaction handling, each modifying when help with
  • Term Benefit Taxable Examples because of its non-cash nature. The cash equivalent value of the benefit must be declared by the determines help with
  • Term time-phased materials planning Encyclopedia cycle. If a vendor delivers a material on a certain day of the week, it is useful to perform the comparing to help with
  • Term Body Table Information about table body is addressed by appending [] onto the table name (e.g. a field symbol or a dereferenced depends on help with
  • Term Grouping Termination Tutorial determine the coverage continuation period for benefit plans for those employees. The system sorts which help with
  • Term Office Customs Transit Error Customs office that is closest to the exporter's or importer's company address difference help with
  • Term Order Tab Answer the tab key is pressed when help with
  • Term Logging Trace Means what set up a detailed trace and limit the size of the trace files. You can also search for specific pros and cons help with
  • Term Service Timeout Description A J2EE Engine module used for scheduling tasks for future execution in a background thread similarities help with
  • Term Notation Tooth Definition The following describes the most widely used system internationally, the 2-digit FDI (World Dental how much help with
  • Term Triangulation Explain more than two countries how many help with
  • Term Type Jurisdiction Tax What is A specific zoning of a country into tax jurisdictions compare help with
  • Term Payer Party Third Meaning insurer (insurance provider) that covers the costs, in full or inpart, of the patient's why help with
  • Term Group Transport Abbreviation All SAP Systems that access a common transport directory how better help with
  • Term transfer structure (BW-WHM) How to displays a selection of fields for an extract structure of the source system when help with
  • Term Box Text Help An input area in which you can type several lines of information determines help with
  • Term Table Text Crossword Table A is a text table for table B if key A consists of the key of B and an additional language comparing to help with
  • Term target object (EP-PIN) Examples content from the source object in the relationship depends on help with
  • Term Group Form Tax Encyclopedia field. Used by the Tax Reporter component of US Payroll to map wage type values to the which help with
  • Term Table Strapping Tank Information about or silo into volumes for a material. The values are different for every form of tank and for every difference help with
  • Term translator (BC-FES-GRA) Tutorial appropriate target format. This conversion is a syntactic conversion as opposed to the semantic when help with
  • Term Method Translation Error applied, such as the straight current-rate, modified current-rate, and temporal methods. In the pros and cons help with
  • Term task profile (BC-BMT-WFM) Answer organizational unit, or user. An employee's task profile consists of the tasks assigned to similarities help with
  • Term Mark Tone Means what are common in Southeast Asia and Africa. Since tones always accompany vowels (i.e. the syllabic how much help with
  • Term telephone sales (IS-BEV-LO-TS) Description does not matter whether the customers make the call themselves, or are called by an employee how many help with
  • Term Tagout Definition others that the equipment or machine cannot be operated until the tagout device is removed compare help with
  • Term Schema Text Explain supplied for all SRM procurement documents, but it is also possible to define your own text schemas why help with
  • Term Frequency Therapy What is Maximum number of remedies that can be prescribed in the therapy period how better help with
  • Term Route Carrier Title Meaning carrier route is a special type of route. It is used to create a geographical structure for home when help with
  • Term Tip Abbreviation specific field or feature in the application. Tips are presented in a small pop-up browser window determines help with
  • Term Index Tab How to Click the tab index once to display the tab page. In the SAP GUI tabstrip controls, a tab index is comparing to help with
  • Term term of rating procedure Help Classification for the rating procedure, according to the business validity of the rating depends on help with
  • Term Twb Bc Trailer Crossword determining the order of execution which help with
  • Term Category Term Examples length of the contract) Notice Renewal Posting Frequency Organizational assignment Adjustment Sales difference help with
  • Term time interval (SCM-APO-PPS) Encyclopedia capacity. In the case of resources that can be scheduled continually (single-activity and multi when help with
  • Term Category Transport Information about categories are road, rail, sea and inland waterways pros and cons help with
  • Term Organizer Transport Tutorial projects and Customizing projects similarities help with
  • Term Md Ap Template Error object. For example, the template Sales Area Data, which is based on the template type Sales Area how much help with
  • Term Commitment Total Answer business partner, with a limited amount of master data and flow data. The system displays the how many help with
  • Term Warehouse Tax Means what received or dispatched under duty suspension arrangements. A tax warehouse requires an official compare help with
  • Term transaction type (FI-AA) Description retirement, or transfer), and determines how the transaction is processed in the SAP system. The why help with
  • Term Tool Replacement Text Definition their line of industry. For example, the use of article may be preferable in the pharmaceuticals how better help with
  • Term temporal method of currency translation (FI-LC) Explain translated using the exchange rates that correspond to their valuation base in local currency when help with
  • Term test package (BC-TWB) What is package contains all the test cases that a tester is to perform within a specific time period determines help with
  • Term Unit Treatment Meaning multiappointment). A treatment unit can occur once only, or be scheduled cyclically. Example of comparing to help with
  • Term time between two DRP planning runs Abbreviation Component lead time that shows the time between two distribution requirements planning (DRP) runs depends on help with
  • Term Settings Technical How to define how the table should be handled when it is created in the database: Is the table is which help with
  • Term Age Technical Help for the calculation of the technical age (TA) in years difference help with
  • Term tracking (IS-M-AMC) Crossword characters, the width after the preceding character and the width before the subsequent character when help with
  • Term taxes on sales/purchases group Examples of tax on sales or purchases reporting that is, an integrated company that can be made up of one pros and cons help with
  • Term Item Term Encyclopedia formula consists of two TERMS, A and B, the result of which can be used either as the higher similarities help with
  • Term Profile Buckets Time Information about Planning, specifically: Which time buckets are used for planning How many periods of each time how much help with
  • Term Area Tab Tutorial Area of a screen, in which tabstrips can be displayed how many help with
  • Term Tag Test Error object is temporarily untagged for testing purposes compare help with
  • Term table (BC-DWB-DIC) Answer values of the same type) and rows (data records). Each record can be identified uniquely by one or why help with
  • Term Field Value Target Means what indicator is defined. As you can give any name to value fields, it is not possible for the system how better help with
  • Term Specifications Transfer Time Description that transfer data between time balances and wage types. Time balances and wage types are when help with
  • Term Fixing Down Top Definition Selection and copying of an assembly and the structure below it to be processed for an order determines help with
  • Term Expenses Trading Explain control various kinds of trading-related expenses, such as freight, loading charge, storage cost comparing to help with
  • Term Quantity Transfer What is quantity, the system can decide if the quantity to transfer is a large quantity, maximum quantity depends on help with
  • Term Factor Tracing Meaning A user-defined key for determining cost and quantity assignments in periodic allocation which help with
  • Term System Thread Abbreviation threads. It comprises two managers - Thread Manager and Application Thread Manager difference help with
  • Term Rebate Tax How to to employees who support family members or other persons on their income. Zone rebate A zone when help with
  • Term Voucher Payment Tax Help possession of a registration card, under the terms of the UK Construction Industry Scheme. The form pros and cons help with
  • Term Management Party Third Crossword belong to another owner. One specialized type of third-party management is acting on behalf of a similarities help with
  • Term Sd Processing Text Examples Editor in sales documents. Text processing in SD includes: Text maintenance: Creating and changing how much help with
  • Term I18 Bc Tagging Encyclopedia The value of a particular tag is not generally considered to be a part of the content of the text how many help with
  • Term Template Information about numerical values and the values of Boolean expressions (true or false). This tool is used for compare help with
  • Term TO item processing time Tutorial The time required to process a transfer order item for a warehouse movement why help with
  • Term Type Technology Error hardware R;D organization would be base, key, pacing, and embryonic technologies how better help with
  • Term Provider Training Answer courses. A training provider may be attached to the enterprise itself (internal training provider when help with
  • Term Collateral Transitional Means what the collateral agreement)is recovered determines help with
  • Term Scenario Based Time Description closing, standard cost revaluation, or check run comparing to help with
  • Term Demarcation Transaction Definition within the transaction depends on help with
  • Term transfer posting (FI-CA) Explain information taken mainly from the original items. The only difference in the new items is the which help with
  • Term Management Set Tool What is The management of tool sets in the production resource/tool system difference help with
  • Term Sbo Code Transaction Meaning be used for sorting purposes when help with
  • Term Symbol Type Transaction Abbreviation changed centrally for each item category, instead of in multiple clearing agreements pros and cons help with
  • Term Tools Organizer Transport How to A collection of tools that allows you to manage objects and requests in the Transport Organizer similarities help with
  • Term Jurisdiction Tax Help levied at more than one administrative level. For example, in the United States, taxes are levied how much help with
  • Term Ppe Ap Takt Crossword material passes through a takt on the production line in the shortest takt time needed for it to be how many help with
  • Term Object Reference Technical Examples connections and points of delivery replicated from the IS-U data model. Both the IS-U contracts and compare help with
  • Term Tasks Team Encyclopedia through, process, and delete them why help with
  • Term Format Text Information about Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is used for editing prescriptions, guidance texts, and references how better help with
  • Term Pa Profile Task Tutorial or user. Task profiles can contain user-defined tasks as well as standard ones. Task profiles are when help with
  • Term Pt Leveling Time Error If necessary, incentive wages results can be displayed determines help with
  • Term Cqm Xap Threshold Answer The limit or maximum for a specific attribute comparing to help with
  • Term Sd Item Text Means what sales order processing, the user can enter information for the customer or for internal purposes in depends on help with
  • Term Fes Bc Tree Description of items. The item at the top level of the structure is called the root. The subordinate items are which help with
  • Term top n product list Definition purposes in scenarios like Telesales or Internet Sales. There are two types: Determined in the difference help with
  • Term time series (FS-BA-PM-HP) Explain effectiveness of fair value hedging relationships. The system selects the time series are part of when help with
  • Term Fi Number Tax What is A tax number used for legal persons and natural persons alike (in Turkish, vergi numarasi pros and cons help with
  • Term Premium Target Meaning insurance contract (traditional insurance products similarities help with
  • Term Plan Treatment Abbreviation Planned dental treatment per tooth. The treatment plan is drawn up by the dentist how much help with
  • Term T Is Tree How to manager that refer to an object in the standard R/3 system). A node's existence depends on how many help with
  • Term Area Tax Help consist of one, some or all of the tax authorities at the school district, city, county, state or compare help with
  • Term Tabstrip Crossword and consists of a tab index and the corresponding tab pages. The tab index shows the titles of the why help with
  • Term Rule Target Examples rule. The target rule can apply to one or more commission contract partner. Example Target rule for how better help with
  • Term Check Value Tolerance Encyclopedia tolerance values are not exceeded, effectiveness is not calculated. If the check is applied to when help with
  • Term Scheduling Transportation Information about date. The system uses this to determine when transport activities must start to meet the requested determines help with
  • Term Inspection Tightened Tutorial than a normal inspection comparing to help with
  • Term Function Model Time Error to certain architecture guidelines in the time model. For example, every time model function must depends on help with
  • Term Parameter Temporary Answer that is, for the duration of a transaction. Temporary parameters consist of the same which help with
  • Term Definition Template Means what Collaboration Room properties, and mapping rules difference help with
  • Term Tablespace Description uses the term to describe an area for the storage of similar kinds of objects, such as tables when help with
  • Term Route Target Definition Route that the system proposes automatically during sales order processing pros and cons help with
  • Term total shelf life (LE-WM) Explain date, for example, the number of days that a material is acceptable for use similarities help with
  • Term top-level navigation bar What is The two horizontal bands below the header area at the top of the screen how much help with
  • Term Environment Text Meaning is made up of a language, a local and a system codepage. All programs of an internal session have a how many help with
  • Term Mode Text Abbreviation The format in which a file can be processed compare help with
  • Term Group Tolerance How to be underpaid or overpaid why help with
  • Term Time Help a time stamp and of a time unit that precisely specifies the actual time. A person often works in how better help with
  • Term Family Task Crossword a payment). In a claim the same task might exist more than once for a claim subobject if there are when help with
  • Term Timeframe Examples data is constant. Essentially, this means that between these two dates, there are no changes of determines help with
  • Term Fi Posting Transfer Encyclopedia postings are made when preparing annual closing entries comparing to help with
  • Term Schedule Time Information about schedules for the individual course days. Each day schedule is assigned a day segment consisting of depends on help with
  • Term Pt Recording Time Tutorial for running payroll in payroll accounting. Time information includes attendance, absence, or which help with
  • Term Lso Pe Test Error A set of test items used to determine and measure the skills and knowledge of a learner difference help with
  • Term Report Transportation Answer working times, break and wait times, and times at the customer are recorded when help with
  • Term Object Temse Means what a header and the associated TemSe data pros and cons help with
  • Term Term Technical Description Represents a process object in ARIS notation. Technical terms provide the basis for the data model similarities help with
  • Term Compensation Cash Total Definition annual bonus/incentive awards paid over the past year how much help with
  • Term Sbo Territory Explain entries and entries at lower levels can be created in this hierarchy how many help with
  • Term third-party business transaction What is delivered directly by the vendor to the customer compare help with
  • Term Join Temporal Meaning is evaluated when the results set is determined. A time interval is assigned to each record in the why help with
  • Term Cs Ec Task Abbreviation tasks for the the various steps to reflect your business activities. Example: Within your how better help with
  • Term Group Point Trigger How to to an operation, you assign the standard trigger points in the group. By using trigger point when help with
  • Term Qm Tolerance Help dimensions of fit this is upper limit deviation minus lower limit deviation determines help with
  • Term Topology Technical Crossword segments Monitoring contexts CCMS agents known to the monitoring architecture, with their most comparing to help with
  • Term Model Trend Examples consumption values fall or rise constantly over a long time with occasional deviations depends on help with
  • Term transfer rule (BW-WHM) Encyclopedia transfer structure are assigned to the InfoObjects of the communication structure which help with
  • Term Textiles Information about Retail sector (further sectors: food, fresh produce difference help with
  • Term Task and Resource Management Tutorial usage of resources. Resources are deployed according to the actual workload considering their when help with
  • Term Resource Transportation Error is used in Supply Network Planning and is identical to the bucket resource. It represents a pros and cons help with
  • Term Corpus Text Answer help of the Retrieval System. A text corpus contain all the documents for reports similarities help with
  • Term Pm Task Means what quality notification. A task is assigned a code, defined in text form and allocated a status level how much help with
  • Term Session Training Description purposes. Training sessions can be called and edited as often as required. Database changes take how many help with
  • Term Sd Transaction Definition The merchant is credited and money is collected from the cardholder or issuing bank compare help with
  • Term team member (XAP-PD) Explain A role in SAP xPD. A person that is assigned to a team why help with
  • Term Agreement Price Transfer What is assigned to one responsibility area (profit center) for a CO object assigned to another how better help with
  • Term Le Slot Time Meaning Both times are expressed in hours, minutes and seconds. Example Work shift from 6:00 hours through when help with
  • Term trip (SCM-APO-SPP) Abbreviation Each time that the forecast values for the demand, the order items, or the average demand size per determines help with
  • Term Substitution Time How to employee must work for a period of time according to a planned working time that deviates from the comparing to help with
  • Term Limit Time Help or time period in the academic calendar depends on help with
  • Term Controller Domain Transport Crossword for all systems in the same transport domain which help with
  • Term transaction code (BC-DWB) Examples transaction code can contain up to 20 characters and should always begin with a letter. Permitted difference help with
  • Term Asset Technical Encyclopedia maintenance and that must be managed individually during use and maintenance. This type of when help with
  • Term Condition Tagging Information about state an item must have for tagging. Example You want to close a mechanical valve for tagging and pros and cons help with
  • Term Profile Tlb Tutorial The user can define the capacity of a means of transport by specifying the upper and lower limits similarities help with
  • Term Validity Temporal Error Valid From and Valid To how much help with
  • Term Duration Slot Time Answer Length of a time slot for evaluating workload data how many help with
  • Term Qualifier Text Means what following character as a function character. The masked function character thus acts as a normal compare help with
  • Term Change Tolerance Description defines the value by which the tolerance limit is altered why help with
  • Term View Dependent Time Definition that is not. The records of such views are therefore time dependent how better help with
  • Term Template Task Explain documentation work station. Task templates can have a connection to a base item and to an when help with
  • Term Schema Evaluation Time What is sequence and content of the program flow determines help with
  • Term Amount Trivial Meaning Regulating Turnover Tax) that determine whether or not to perform an adjustment of the input tax comparing to help with
  • Term Module Test Abbreviation module is usually a transaction with as many parameters as possible depends on help with
  • Term Type Tickler How to example, a tickler can be described as a 90-day initial probation tickler which help with
  • Term transfer order (LE-WM) Help storage bin in a warehouse complex at a specified time. A transfer order consists of items that difference help with
  • Term Ep Trace Crossword in programs during runtime. The program events are recorded to analyze the program's behavior when help with
  • Term Type Wage Transfer Examples appropriate currency after the payroll has run. In the standard system, the technical name of the pros and cons help with
  • Term Domain Transport Encyclopedia All systems in a transport domain have the same settings as the Change and Transport System similarities help with
  • Term Variant Transaction Information about variants for the same transaction. This enables you to simplify transaction flows by: Preassigning how much help with
  • Term Version Template Tutorial configuration. A template version is basically a static snapshop of a template. Every template has how many help with
  • Term Type Classification Target Error classification type lets you define central target values so that you do not have to individualize compare help with
  • Term telephone sales (IS-OIL-DS-OGSD) Answer Component that contains the necessary functions and information for telephone sales why help with
  • Term time slice (AP-MD) Means what object (for example, SAP Business Partner) is valid how better help with
  • Term transactional Remote Function Call Description it with a COMMIT WORK when help with
  • Term technical name (KM-KW) Definition attribute of information objects and can be used as a search criterion for information objects determines help with
  • Term Function Trace Explain internally when processing dependencies comparing to help with
  • Term Provider Service Transportation What is used: Road, rail, air or sea depends on help with
  • Term Management Talent Meaning competencies required to execute business strategies successfully. The core processes of Talent which help with
  • Term Refusal Temporary Abbreviation This status can be imposed by the customs authorities, the importer, or a third party difference help with
  • Term Page Code Target How to Unicode requires two code pages 1. source code page - for example SAP Code Page 1100 (ISO8859-1) 2 when help with
  • Term Tranche Of Thickness Help between the nominal value of a particular tranche and the total of all tranches pros and cons help with
  • Term time dependency by means of planned changes Crossword change documents and daily activation using a report similarities help with
  • Term Mp Is Tracing Examples changes to the batch master record and allows you to determine material use and the origin of a how much help with
  • Term Buffer Table Encyclopedia SQL/SQLJ and Open SQL/JDBC only. Buffer granularity is defined at design time how many help with
  • Term Hours Teaching Information about The mandatory teaching hours defined for a person or a position compare help with
  • Term transfer price (CO-PC) Tutorial code or profit center) to another why help with
  • Term Number Tail Error A customer key for identifying operation equipment how better help with
  • Term Activity Target Answer to manufacture the actual quantity of the product. This activity is calculated using the planned when help with
  • Term Currency Reporting Tax Means what calculating the tax amount due. In some cases this currency is different from the company reporting determines help with
  • Term Message Target Description synchronous source interface sends a request message, receives a response message, and optionally a comparing to help with
  • Term typical order lot size Definition generated from PP/DS-PPMs (with lot size margins). The system needs this lot size in order to depends on help with
  • Term target attribute (FS-BA-AN-PA) Explain A field attribute whose value can be determined using a derivation rule which help with
  • Term Target What is a selected time frame difference help with
  • Term Installation Technical Meaning modeled for the utilities industry as a piece of equipment in the Plant Maintenance (PM when help with
  • Term Hours Target Abbreviation be distributed for a day. The SAP System determines the target hours either from the employees&# pros and cons help with
  • Term Light Traffic How to Programmable status indicator displayed on the screen as an icon in the form of a traffic light similarities help with
  • Term Engine Mining Text Help for similar documents, and key word extraction how much help with
  • Term Material Tdp Crossword specific locations. It is referred to as a TDP-material because the TDP functional category deals how many help with
  • Term Repository Thumbnail Examples to be checked and generated images to be sent to a CM repository compare help with
  • Term Logistics Party Third Encyclopedia manufacturer of goods and a third-party logistics provider that is regulated using a service why help with
  • Term Icm Value Target Information about organization for a particular target and period. The target value is remunerated according to the how better help with
  • Term Date Training Tutorial Day on which a training activity is to take place or took place when help with
  • Term temporary import under bond Error bond to guarantee that they will be exported out of the customs territory at a later time. Examples determines help with
  • Term Asa Sv Task Answer member of the project team. A set of tasks is called an activity comparing to help with
  • Term terminal access identification number Means what Key that a collector in a warehouse must specify in order to obtain material depends on help with
  • Term Builder Template Description template, you must define the following three pieces of information: Template description which help with
  • Term tracking-related event type Definition additional information is reported to the SAP system together with the event message. Besides the difference help with
  • Term Ratio Sales Target Explain is part of the markdown profile. If the target sales ratio is reached, markdowns are not required when help with
  • Term Density Test What is to the base density (density at standard temperature) by the oil quantity conversion calculations pros and cons help with
  • Term Assignment Quantity Temporary Meaning product for the duration of a transaction. Temporary quantity assignments are necessary for similarities help with
  • Term Code Subclass Treasury Abbreviation to separate investment and certain other transactions from normal receipts and expenditure how much help with
  • Term Transaction Business Transfer How to accounting object. The transfer key date is usually the same as the closing date of a fiscal year how many help with
  • Term Icm Commission Target Help activity in question has actually been realized compare help with
  • Term Attribute Tracking Crossword Tracking attributes are defined for reporting purposes. For example, a business condition may why help with
  • Term transport layer (BC-JAS-SEC) Examples A basic protocol used by other protocols to communicate through the network how better help with
  • Term toolbar (EP-PIN-NAV) Encyclopedia based, that appears in the Enterprise Portal iPanel. Group and role toolbars appear in the iPanels when help with
  • Term Table Transparent Information about which is defined in the ABAP Dictionary and then created in the database. You can also use determines help with
  • Term System Target Tutorial The system that is updated with data from a BC Set. Example Subsidiary system comparing to help with
  • Term Management Territory Error into territories according to criteria of your choice (such as size, distance, revenue, products depends on help with
  • Term Temperature Test Answer test density to calculate the base density (the density at standard temperature which help with
  • Term Workbench Execution Trading Means what A workbench for processing documents according to a particular business scenario in Global Trade difference help with
  • Term Fi Tolerance Description An accepted deviation from specified values when help with
  • Term Studies And Teaching Definition comprehensive functions for academic curriculum development, examination guidelines and event pros and cons help with
  • Term Fence Time Explain pattern. The time fence means that time is indicated more clearly within the diagram section of the similarities help with
  • Term tax type (AP-TTE) What is A specific kind of tax such as a MWST - German VAT - that belongs to the tax category SALES how much help with
  • Term task type (CA-TS) Meaning employee, for example, consulting or instructor function . Specific task components are usual for how many help with
  • Term Lc Fi Transfer Abbreviation which the complete investment, or a portion, in a company is sold to another company within the compare help with
  • Term Control Text How to text management profiles, text types, and access sequences why help with
  • Term Log Transmission Help A record of the tax data to be transmitted through the Internet using ELSTER how better help with
  • Term Generator Slice Time Crossword Indicator that is used to define the periods to be billed. They are defined in the billing schema when help with
  • Term Drive Test Examples A test drive to check whether the vehicle has been serviced correctly determines help with
  • Term 'to be reclassified' note Encyclopedia scale evaluation as soon as they become vacant comparing to help with
  • Term Table Interface Tax Information about Reporter component of US Payroll to prepare, then later generate, tax forms for submission to tax depends on help with
  • Term term (BC-DOC-TER) Tutorial The designation of a defined concept in a particular language by means of linguistic expression which help with
  • Term Management Promotion Trade Error a tool for conceiving and launching trade promotions difference help with
  • Term Grid Transmission Answer Grid used for transmission of energy when help with
  • Term Confirmation Time Means what It is possible to split the total time spent into various categories (for example, different pros and cons help with
  • Term Field Based Time Description the respective master data if changes have occurred in one of these fields within a specified similarities help with
  • Term Allowance Processing Tax Definition contractually established value how much help with
  • Term Type Warehouse Tax Explain Classifies the tax warehouse in manufacturing and/or finished product area how many help with
  • Term Unit Trading What is requirements. In the cable industry, the trading unit refers particularly to the length of the compare help with
  • Term Privilege Travel Meaning The employee-relevant parameters for travel expense accounting why help with
  • Term target stock level (SCM-APO-PPS) Abbreviation smooth out production and cover sporadic requirements how better help with
  • Term Id External Target How to uniquely identify an APO order. For example, motor number or vehicle number. Target means child when help with
  • Term Value Accrual Total Help change during the lifetime of the sales document determines help with
  • Term Be Crm Transfer Crossword follow-up application with billing data. A BEA could, for example, transfer billing information to comparing to help with
  • Term transfer posting (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM) Examples are made, for example, when preparing for period-end closing. In the securities area, transfer depends on help with
  • Term Wizard Template Encyclopedia template wizard to create HTML templates for ITS-driven applications based on SAP dialog which help with
  • Term Sbo Status Tax Information about Example Liable Exempt Acquisition (EU difference help with
  • Term theme (BC-FES-ITS) Tutorial instances of services that differ only in look and feel (that is, layout, graphics or language when help with
  • Term Document Transfer Tax Error An accounting document that is used to transfer tax from one account, or one tax code, to another pros and cons help with
  • Term Phase Untagging Temporary Answer passes through the following statuses: 1. Untag temporarily (optional) 2. Test tag printed similarities help with
  • Term Calendar Team Means what calendar entries, all personal calendar entries, and team availability within a unified scenario how much help with
  • Term Type Series Time Description used externally by applications to determine the class of time series data that they want to access how many help with
  • Term Sbo Group Tax Definition includes the tax code, the tax name, and the tax percentage compare help with
  • Term Target Over Time Explain The local time over the target area why help with
  • Term Element Table What is A table element can be specified in activity definition. The activity is then executed in how better help with
  • Term Component Level Top Meaning components that are assigned directly to software components when help with
  • Term Receipts Total Abbreviation Sum of production (planned and firmed), distribution receipts, and intransit receipts determines help with
  • Term Pm Fs Transaction How to online by a user, or in the background by the system, in a business process. This affects the comparing to help with
  • Term Service Measurement Tailored Help BMS). The user selects the required basic measurement service only depends on help with
  • Term Sbo Tree Crossword A hierarchical arrangement of items in multilevel categories which help with
  • Term Cpr Plm Task Examples contains the data indicating what needs to be carried out in a project, within which time frame difference help with
  • Term Flag Transparent Encyclopedia the table is converted to a transparent table when the technical settings are activated. The when help with
  • Term tolerance limit (MM-IV) Information about If the tolerance limit is exceeded, the relevant items are blocked and payment cannot be effected pros and cons help with
  • Term Partner Tracking Tutorial facilitate the application of common business practices and rules. Generally a tracking partner is similarities help with
  • Term Object Service Telecommunications Error network), which can be used to assign the telecommunications service to an open item (document item how much help with
  • Term Screen Table Answer Screen area in the blueprint framework that corresponds to a table dynpro in the SAP GUI how many help with
  • Term Category Template Means what templates of a particular category. A template category contains all of the attributes that can be compare help with
  • Term Ewm Scm Template Description system. The following characters can be used during the definition: N for a numeric character why help with
  • Term Statement Compensation Total Definition employee in a period, for example, one year. The Total Compensation Statement consists of how better help with
  • Term 2 Tabcat Explain three table categories according to whether they: contain a language field (type LANG or SPRAS) and when help with
  • Term Symbol Transport What is transported in any way, for example, by road, on water, or in the air determines help with
  • Term transportation group (SCM-APO-TP) Meaning product. Each product is assigned to a transportation group. Example: Product attributes could be comparing to help with
  • Term task type (SRM-CM) Abbreviation A generic name for a variety of SRM activities, such as Create Contract or Create Bid Invitation depends on help with
  • Term tax value of inventory How to material held as duty-paid has a tax value of inventory that records value of the tax already paid which help with
  • Term Bar Title Help using the SET TITLEBAR statement difference help with
  • Term Program Treatment Crossword Radiotherapy Physicochemical therapy when help with
  • Term Number Tooth Examples tooth notation. Example 16 is the number for the 6th tooth from the front in the upper right jaw pros and cons help with
  • Term Type Transfer Encyclopedia net present values transferred for a cash flow view and a splitting level are to be stored similarities help with
  • Term treatment and cost plan Information about treatment and cost plan covers the entire treatment. The dentist draws up the treatment and cost how much help with
  • Term trigger (SCM-BAS-DM) Tutorial that the system is to execute how many help with
  • Term Co Currency Transaction Error differ from the controlling area currency and the object currency. The SAP system can perform compare help with
  • Term Administrator Library Template Answer A role that is responsible for creating, changing, and deleting templates in the template library why help with
  • Term Editor Worklist Translation Means what objects. This includes generating the worklists, releasing the generated worklists for translation how better help with
  • Term Layout Tab Description meet customer needs precisely, and is displayed in the form of tab pages. You can define the number when help with
  • Term Sap Telemarketing Definition qualification through a variety of channels. This includes list management and supports the determines help with
  • Term Control Transfer Explain purpose of transferring the costs calculated for particular materials into another cost estimate comparing to help with
  • Term Condition Transaction What is represent amount- and time-based conditions that create an immediate posting if a specific depends on help with
  • Term Method Triggering Meaning that was used for creating, moving or changing the commission-triggering object in the calling which help with
  • Term Storage Temse Abbreviation processing and human resources administration data difference help with
  • Term Combination Type Tax How to calculation of tax for a certain wage type. Primarily used in conjunction with tax class and tax when help with
  • Term Rights Party Third Help third-party rights as a creditor in the form of a security certificate, an assignment, a pledge, or pros and cons help with
  • Term Service Trex Crossword search, text-mining, and classification functions of Search and Classification (TREX). The service similarities help with
  • Term Origin Tax Examples A definition of the place of production in relation to the place of sale how much help with
  • Term technical type (MP-APP-CR) Encyclopedia Valid values are names of all inheriting classes of an MDoc class. The technical type is only used how many help with
  • Term Rpm Xap Team Information about A group of people who work together on a project for a certain period compare help with
  • Term Country Third Tutorial A state that is not a member of the European Union why help with
  • Term Phase Tagging Error passes through the following statuses: 1. Tag (optional) 2. Tag printed (optional) 3. Tagged how better help with
  • Term Completed Transaction Answer may result from the completion of the business lifecycle for the object or upon the object being when help with
  • Term time interval (BC-SRV) Means what always inclusive, the end time always exclusive. In the time interval 01.01.2000 8:00:00 through 01 determines help with
  • Term time recording ID card Description events, such as clock-in and clock-out times and off-site work, at time recording terminals comparing to help with
  • Term task type (LE-TRM) Definition Defines whether the activity performed in a task is an operation or a movement depends on help with
  • Term target quantity based on components Explain activity quantity from iPPE. Although the confirmation is entered at the assembly level, the system which help with
  • Term Empties Tied What is related material (usually a full product). In this context, the material flagged as tied empties difference help with
  • Term tracking service provider profile Meaning the tracking service provider to process an event handler when help with
  • Term Credit Target Abbreviation Overhead Cost Controlling (CO-OM), the target credit is calculated by multiplying the actual pros and cons help with
  • Term task level (CA-TS) How to valuation. Specific task levels are allowed for each task type. The task levels determine the similarities help with
  • Term Replacement Temporary Help the repair order, the temporary replacement is managed as a loaner item that is a sub-item of the how much help with
  • Term Fi Number Tax Crossword country has its own system. For example, in some countries, tax numbers are only assigned to legal how many help with
  • Term text element (BW-BEX) Examples consequently the Web application, are based. You can select individual text elements to be compare help with
  • Term Report Transmission Encyclopedia partner. This report summarizes data like number transmission lines, value in transmission lines why help with
  • Term Category Task Information about to allocate the tasks you define to its processing activities how better help with
  • Term Generation Table Tutorial are usually saved to table AUSP. For a faster search, assigned values are saved a second time by when help with
  • Term Data Evaluation Time Error includes actual working times that may have been refined during time evaluation and are therefore determines help with
  • Term Parameter Dependent Time Answer model (PPM): Activity: Override scrap Mode: Override duration variable/fixed, penalty costs comparing to help with
  • Term transaction currency (FI-LC) Means what business transaction can be posted in the transaction currency as well as in the local currency depends on help with
  • Term Amount Base Tax Description specific requirements, the cash discount amount may or may not be contained in the tax base amount which help with
  • Term tax group (IS-OIL-DS-TDP) Definition so that a change to the excise duty rate is automatically applied to all the materials, and difference help with
  • Term Coverage Of Type Explain insurance provider management. Example: Member Dependent coverage Privately insured when help with
  • Term template (BC-SRV-FP) What is for a new form, determining its initial structure and settings in Adobe Designer. Paper forms pros and cons help with
  • Term Deal Triangular Meaning Triangular deals are based on two independent contracts linked by a protocol. The goods receipts similarities help with
  • Term Document Tracing Abbreviation Solution. This data record is stored in the tracing table how much help with
  • Term System Management Transport How to transports between SAP Systems. The Transport Management System is part of the Change and Transport how many help with
  • Term Editor Transformation Help called using transaction STRANS compare help with
  • Term Terminal Crossword A point of sale terminal or register in which a payment card transaction is processed why help with
  • Term Consumption Threshold Examples An activity in procurement that consumes monetary amounts up to a defined threshold how better help with
  • Term Telemodule Encyclopedia a PC before it can be used to transmit tax data through the Internet when help with
  • Term transfer order (SCM-EWM) Information about logical or physical goods movements. These can include: Stock removals Putaways Internal movements determines help with
  • Term Token Tutorial statements. ABAP words, operands, operators and some special characters are tokens comparing to help with
  • Term Middleware Telephony Error distribution (ACD), queue handling and interactive voice recognition (IVR). Communicates with the depends on help with
  • Term target object (EP-UNI) Answer navigation terms, it always the object from which information is requested which help with
  • Term Difference Translation Temporal Means what translation of the value of a specifc asset to produce different results in a second currency. The difference help with
  • Term Mt Crm Task Description Process Configuration activity performed in the Central Software Deployment Manager when help with
  • Term Conversion Type Definition object of a differentdata type, in accordance with conversion rules pros and cons help with
  • Term Ticker Explain Web item that displays the content of a table as a ticker similarities help with
  • Term Fi Record Totals What is grouped according to criteria in general ledger accounting and other downstream accounting systems how much help with
  • Term Aba Bc Typing Meaning specifies at which operand positions a formal parameter or field symbol can be used and which type how many help with
  • Term Itu Km Task Abbreviation task by combining a number of recorded steps into a task and creating a task description in the SAP compare help with
  • Term tax classification (IS-OIL-PRA-REV) How to that apply to each tax type why help with
  • Term Vc Ep Table Help A set of rows, also known as a relation. The table is the central object of the relational model how better help with
  • Term Dependency Table Crossword values for different characteristics. During the interactive configuration the table dependencies when help with
  • Term Literal Field Text Examples and that can be linked with a text symbol. The length is at least one character and a maximum of determines help with
  • Term Bw Package Test Encyclopedia environment for BI objects (RSRV). A test package is created by selecting particular elementary comparing to help with
  • Term Design Technical Information about introduction of the R/3 System. The technical design is part of the conceptual design and is depends on help with
  • Term Landscape System Two Tutorial system . Customizing and development changes are first made in . After they have been which help with
  • Term Dependency Task Error dependencies, the start or outcome of one task depends on the start or outcome of another linked difference help with
  • Term Type List Task Answer task list types are used: Routing Reference operation set Rate routing Standard rate routing when help with
  • Term Attribute Text Means what information. The text can be updated as required. No values can be reported and no alerts can be pros and cons help with
  • Term Code Template Description A key that clearly identifies a template used for recurring journal entries similarities help with
  • Term Kind Table Definition access types. Standard tables, sorted tables, and hashed tables are table kinds how much help with
  • Term Sbo Type Transaction Explain The specification of a financial transaction, for example, telephone or regular transaction how many help with
  • Term Category Type What is types, and table types compare help with
  • Term text processing (CRM-BE) Meaning Billing Engine Application (BEA). This service is usually called during billing in a BEA, and can why help with
  • Term table-specific Fallback Code Page Abbreviation for an individual table. The conversion tool will use the table-specific Fallback Code Page for the how better help with
  • Term takt-based scheduling (PP-FLW) How to time and the number of takts. In contrast to lead-time scheduling via the routing, takt-based when help with
  • Term Number Part Temse Help temporary sequential file) storage determines help with
  • Term Pm Tolerance Crossword a maintenance package does not affect subsequent scheduling comparing to help with
  • Term Trader Examples transaction. The SAP system can be set to default to a particular trader, depending on the user depends on help with
  • Term Investment Target Encyclopedia not the actual premium receipt that is used as the basis for investment, but the agreed premium which help with
  • Term temporal method of currency translation (EC-CS) Information about translated using the exchange rates that correspond to their valuation base in local currency difference help with
  • Term Ehs Unit Transport Tutorial A motor vehicle without a trailer or a unit comprising a motor vehicle and trailer when help with
  • Term Variant Rule Termination Error program. Within a termination variant, different termination rules can be defined for different pros and cons help with
  • Term Group Transformer Answer permissible combination of transformers and the compatibility of their windings similarities help with
  • Term task list for functional location Means what functional location task list to: Define and update tasks for a functional location Prepare how much help with
  • Term trader's & schedulers's workbench Description efficiently control the balance between supply and demand in primary and secondary distribution how many help with
  • Term Parameter Table Definition internal standard tables with header line. The definition of a table parameter takes place using compare help with
  • Term tag (BC-MID-BUS) Explain that causes the SAP BC server to perform a specified action (typically to insert the value of a why help with
  • Term total DRP/deployment lead time What is DRP and deployment lead time between two locations how better help with
  • Term Model Time Meaning status. The update includes all scheduled and future-dated unscheduled processing that has been when help with
  • Term template type (AP-MD) Abbreviation Area contains the mini-template types Shipping and Billing determines help with
  • Term Object Logo T How to together. Example: The T-Logo object InfoObject consists of the table entries of the InfoObject comparing to help with
  • Term System Test Help An environment used for prototyping and testing of system settings and processes depends on help with
  • Term Load Takt Crossword assigned to the line segments. You can display the takt load for one or more selected line segments which help with
  • Term Variance Total Examples of an order. To determine the total variance, the SAP System compares the target costs calculated difference help with
  • Term Planning Transportation Encyclopedia Scheduling (TP/VS) application and is used for medium to long-term planning. It enables the when help with
  • Term Le Tracking Information about location, and details about shipments, goods, equipment, and other objects in the logistics process pros and cons help with
  • Term text element (BC-I18) Tutorial writing system, and possibly in relation to the text itself. A single text element may consist of similarities help with
  • Term topic (EP-PIN-PSL) Error application, role, workset, page or iView. A topic may be mapped to a cluster zone to implement how much help with
  • Term text determination procedure (SD) Answer sequence and language in which the texts are copied how many help with
  • Term Box Declaration Tax Means what The field in the advance return located next to the code for the tax group compare help with
  • Term target group (BC-CTS) Description You can specify target groups as a transport target when you define consolidation and delivery why help with
  • Term Form Transaction Definition example, stock, loan, and swap. In Bank Analyzer, a transaction form is used to classify the how better help with
  • Term Service Provider Telnet Explain J2EE Engine using the telnet protocol when help with
  • Term Agent Tracking What is data (tracking records) at runtime and passes this data to a local tracking data store. A tracking determines help with
  • Term Protection Resource Thread Meaning thread if the thread does not provide such functionality. This is a feature of the Java(tm comparing to help with
  • Term Line Now Time Abbreviation Line that marks the position for the current point in time (date or time of day) on the time axis depends on help with
  • Term Partner Trading How to A trading partner is a legally independent company belonging to the group which help with
  • Term territory (CRM-MD-TM) Help responsibility, for example: Geographical locations (for example, by zip codes) Products, product difference help with
  • Term Jas Bc Trace Crossword system. Generally, trace records are used for monitoring system or application runtime errors and when help with
  • Term Scheduling Today Examples of days specified by the user. If the start date of an order/network is more than the specified pros and cons help with
  • Term Classification Exemption Tax Encyclopedia amount reduction Alternative rate reduction similarities help with
  • Term Company Transmission Information about Company that runs, maintains and extends transmission grids how much help with
  • Term Evaluation Time Tutorial absence information entered by employees against the company-internal, contractual, and collective how many help with
  • Term transfer price (IS-R) Error Valuation price of a stock transfer compare help with
  • Term transportation service provider selection Answer Assignment of planned shipments to transportation service providers why help with
  • Term Type Time Means what A grouping of personnel times determined during time evaluation how better help with
  • Term Completion Technical Description contains have been performed. The technical completion of a maintenance order results in the when help with
  • Term Comparison Balance Trial Definition companies or two posting periods simultaneously, so that the figures can be compared determines help with
  • Term time unit (SCM-EWM) Explain unit in which specific time information is processed in Warehouse Management comparing to help with
  • Term taxonomy (FIN-SEM-BCS) What is structure includes: Items for general information Balance sheet items Income statement items Other depends on help with
  • Term Em Scm Task Meaning activity (single-task activity) or several activities (multi-task activity which help with
  • Term Variant Provision Trip Abbreviation sector, private enterprise) or settlement method for travel expenses (such as US receipt accounting difference help with
  • Term Sd Group Transportation How to relevant for transportation. Each material is assigned to a transportation group. For example, a when help with
  • Term transfer structure (CO-PC) Help cost component layout into the cost components of another cost component layout. If the cost pros and cons help with
  • Term type (BC-SRV-RM) Crossword provides the user with orientation when searching for element types (examples of types are similarities help with
  • Term Master Title Examples The term has different applications in the various media sectors: Film industry: The film title is how much help with
  • Term Trigg's tracking signal Encyclopedia be better to choose another model how many help with
  • Term Billing Gas Thermal Information about converted into a heat quantity using the gas volume correction factor and the calorific value. This compare help with
  • Term Calculation Distance Travel Tutorial Calculation that uses a travel path to determine the distance covered in the warehouse why help with
  • Term Condition Independent Time Error conditions in purchase orders are time-independent. In the case of quotations and scheduling how better help with
  • Term type of input tax distribution Answer distribution: Final input tax distribution Preliminary input tax distribution when help with
  • Term text determination (SCM-ECT-DLP) Means what processing in Extended Warehouse Management determines help with
  • Term Planning Tactical Description ensure compliance of maintenance objects, optimize utilization of each maintenance object, and comparing to help with
  • Term Reserves Of Transfer Definition is also called hidden reserves, or undisclosed reserves. According to tax legislation in certain depends on help with
  • Term transportation zone (IS-BEV-LO-RP) Explain Ship-to party`s regional zone which help with
  • Term Trading What is An area consisting of the functions for entering and changing Treasury transactions and positions difference help with
  • Term Teleconference Meaning A business meeting using audio communication by telephone when help with
  • Term Pair Twisted Abbreviation each other, each with a circumference measuring 0.4, 0.6 or 0.8 mm. The two wires are denoted a pros and cons help with
  • Term Mdm Taxonomy How to Catalog items are classified into a hierarchy of categories for ease of searching and maintaining similarities help with
  • Term Location Transhipment Help Location at which goods are loaded from one vehicle to another how much help with
  • Term Difference Posting Temporal Crossword posts a business transaction prior to the date of the balance sheet, and the other trading partner how many help with
  • Term target range of coverage (IS-R) Examples forecast is the number of periods for which the material is to be available at the customer. It is compare help with
  • Term Wcm Pm Tagging Encyclopedia so during work on the technical system. You must observe the following safety rules: Tag why help with
  • Term Bids Tied Information about time. Depending on the validation rules defined for an auction, tied bids may or may not be how better help with
  • Term term (CRM-BF-CPE) Tutorial The substructure of a formula that includes parameters for commodity pricing when help with
  • Term total shelf life (SCM-APO-SNP) Error production to the expiration date. It includes the maturation time and the shelf life determines help with
  • Term Equipment Test Answer Test equipment includes equipment, instruments, papers, and materials required for quality comparing to help with
  • Term Pair Time Means what uploaded from a time recording terminal to the SAP system. Time pairs are formed so that time depends on help with
  • Term task list group (PP) Description processes Are used to produce similar materials A task list group can be used, for example, to which help with
  • Term Type Number Tax Definition IT1234567891 Tax number type: ITO (Italian VAT registration number difference help with
  • Term Organization Task Explain organizational relationships and operation/exercise-specific command and control relationships for when help with
  • Term Rate Total What is Exchange rate of a non-ferrous metal plus the procurement charge pros and cons help with
  • Term Portion Time Meaning time portion is relevant for billing in the following cases: For values that are valuated with time similarities help with
  • Term Master Tour Abbreviation shipment such as vehicle, trailer, driver, and alternate driver how much help with
  • Term Transaction Trading How to the money and capital markets are cleared here how many help with
  • Term total replenishment lead time Help finished products. The total replenishment lead time is calculated by adding all planned delivery compare help with
  • Term Re Value Threshold Crossword be adjusted. The system calculates this figure from the following data: Minimum change as why help with
  • Term total weight of a means of transportation Examples Contains the tare weight of the means of transport and the weight of the load how better help with
  • Term Catalog Test Encyclopedia structure can contain links to supplementary documents when help with
  • Term Responsible Template Information about An employee who creates and administers project templates determines help with
  • Term Allocation Template Tutorial method, information such as the sender, quantities, and costs do not need to be entered. Instead comparing to help with
  • Term Condition Transferred Error contract, where you can keep or reject the condition depends on help with
  • Term Document Time Answer The information on all time data for an employee which help with
  • Term Location Tax Means what locations can be defined in terms of tax communities, countries, and jurisdictions, and also in difference help with
  • Term task group (BC-BMT-WFM) Description are used in a common context. You can set up hierarchies of task groups by inserting task groups when help with
  • Term time ticket for individual incentive wages Definition Time-based time ticket Premium time ticket pros and cons help with
  • Term time slice (PSM-GM) Explain receiving funds is matched with the different fiscal year of the organization donating the funds similarities help with
  • Term Tax and Revenue Management What is by SAP for managing taxes and revenues in the public sector, and is based on the following how much help with
  • Term Doc Bc Table Meaning An area of the screen that provides users with information that is divided into columns and rows how many help with
  • Term Card Template Abbreviation A card used as a template for transaction Exchange Card compare help with
  • Term transport layer (BC-CTS) How to be transported. A transport layer is assigned to each development class and thus to all objects in why help with
  • Term Ticket Verifier for Lotus Domino Help integrating the Web frontend of Lotus Domino applications into the portal how better help with
  • Term transaction valid until further notice Crossword bank can change this interest rate at any time to bring it into line with current interest rate when help with
  • Term time-dependent master data Examples forecast attributes for chocolate. Additional sources of supply may be required for chocolate at determines help with
  • Term transport into next system Encyclopedia into the next defined transport target in the landscape comparing to help with
  • Term Store Trust Information about trusted Certification Authorities. Unlike a keystore, it does not contain a private key depends on help with
  • Term Log Workflow Technical Tutorial Enhanced view of the workflow log, with technical details for the workflow system administrator which help with
  • Term Authorization Trader Error may conclude to individual contract types, product types and transaction types difference help with
  • Term Key Foreign Text Answer table consists of the key of the check table and an additional language key field when help with
  • Term type of settlement unit Means what unit types: Settlement unit Cost object settlement unit Data exchange settlement unit pros and cons help with
  • Term typing (BC-DWB-TOO) Description conversions in ABAP programs. When you call this function, the SAP System evaluates parameters in similarities help with
  • Term task (BC-BMT-WFM) Definition by a method of an object type. Object type and method must be defined in the Business Object how much help with
  • Term Sd Type Text Explain documents. Text types include: Sales texts Shipping texts Internal notes how many help with
  • Term File Text What is DATASET statement. In a text file, the content is handled as text of the character representation compare help with
  • Term Land Of Tract Meaning technical term in the cadaster for a topographically separate area why help with
  • Term Editor Text Abbreviation lines or even pages how better help with
  • Term transfer posting (MM-IM) How to pure book transfers (that is, stock changes that do not involve physical movement - the material when help with
  • Term Timestamp Help For example, the point in time at which a phone call from a customer is answered, a service order determines help with
  • Term Determination Tax Crossword factors such as transaction type, taxable country, tax type, exemptions, and calculation method comparing to help with
  • Term Statement Time Examples The time statement can be used to inform employees of the following data in relation to their depends on help with
  • Term Procedure Calculation Tax Encyclopedia A function used to calculate tax. Example Reduced base amount Quantity based reductions which help with
  • Term time and labor data Information about Management. It offers you comprehensive and effective concepts and processes for manually and difference help with
  • Term target quantity (IS-EC-BOS) Tutorial is used to determine the target quantity for the resource. The resource is created as a costing when help with
  • Term Adapter Technical Error One integration for SAP NetWeaver and other systems, such as mySAP ERP, so that information can be pros and cons help with
  • Term translation ratio (EC-CS) Answer The relationship between the monetary units of two foreign currencies to each other similarities help with
  • Term Model Phase Three Means what in three phases: Checking, Replication and Deletion. In the check phase, the data is checked for how much help with
  • Term Number Warehouse Tax Description Number of a tax warehouse assigned by the government agencies how many help with
  • Term tracking service provider profile registration Definition handlers with a tracking service provider profile compare help with
  • Term Limit Technical Explain on the available devices and machinery. The technical limit does not take into consideration why help with
  • Term Facility Storage Temporary What is A place at which waste is collected, preliminarily treated, grouped for disposal, or stored how better help with
  • Term Column Tag Meaning tag column according to the paragraph tags in the style when help with
  • Term Operator Grid Transmission Abbreviation Member of an interconnected power grid determines help with
  • Term Coefficient Theil How to with the primitive forecast. The primitive forecast uses the last historical value for the forecast comparing to help with
  • Term Provisions Trip Help how they are to be dealt with for taxation. The trip provisions are defined for each respective depends on help with
  • Term Grouping Activity Teaching Crossword Contains related teaching activities and defines the unit for these teaching activities which help with
  • Term technical source of application Examples of view. Examples: by a registered candidate by a registered candidate manual application entry difference help with
  • Term Request Transport Encyclopedia request records released corrections. When the request is released, the transport is performed. For when help with
  • Term Whm Bw Transformation Information about through a transformation. A transformation converts the records in a data package from the format pros and cons help with
  • Term trailer (SCM-APO-VS) Tutorial Vehicle resource that cannot move by itself similarities help with
  • Term Return Tds Error You file TDS returns with the Income Tax Department. The return containes details of TDS that you how much help with
  • Term tenant with customer account Answer business partner as master tenant responsible for paying the rent. You have to create the tenant how many help with
  • Term Doc Bc Text Means what Matter, chiefly words, treated as data for computer processing and display compare help with
  • Term List Target Description given marketing activity and which is drawn up especially with this activity in mind why help with
  • Term Sap Telemarketing Definition qualification through a variety of channels. This includes list management and supports the how better help with
  • Term Category Goods Trading Explain trading goods category indicates how a product appears in trade and commerce (for example, as a when help with
  • Term Balance Tracking Time What is The amount of time spent on a selected project during the current time period determines help with
  • Term Synchronization Transaction Meaning resource in a multithreaded environment. Java has a built-in synchronization mechanism - the comparing to help with
  • Term Payment Of Terms Abbreviation to goods supplied and services performed. Example: Stipulation of down-payment (advance payment depends on help with
  • Term table index (BC-ABA) How to primary table index for index tables and secondary table indexes for the administration of sorted which help with
  • Term title (BC-FES-GUI) Help user is in the SAP System. It is constructed according to certain rules and displayed in the title difference help with
  • Term Cm Srm Threshold Crossword acceptable range of variance. When the actual value for an indicator is above or below the when help with
  • Term Connection Track Examples Transport connection between two tracks pros and cons help with
  • Term Contract Route Truck Encyclopedia Agreement between a sold-to party and a forwarding agent for transportation of goods similarities help with
  • Term task (IS-U-WM) Information about processed in a predefined order. It concerns an interaction between the SAP System and the GIS that how much help with
  • Term Data Test Tutorial evaluate the system compliance to the defined set of criteria and expected results how many help with
  • Term Icon Task Error were last active, you can double-click the appropriate task icon. Alternatively, you can select a compare help with
  • Term tax determination procedure (LO) Answer legal requirements of the relevant country. Example: It can be used to calculate the value-added why help with
  • Term trial balance budget report Means what A trial balance report that is calculated on the basis of a selected budget scenario how better help with
  • Term Sop Scm Task Description An activity to be completed by the person responsible before a certain xS;OP meeting when help with
  • Term User Tenant Definition customer) that can access its applications, services, and reports through the portal of the service determines help with
  • Term target group (FS-BP) Explain customer-specific criteria. Example You assign business partners to groups that can be analyzed for comparing to help with
  • Term technical validity (AP-MD) What is times do not necessarily have to coincide with the periods in which the changes become valid depends on help with
  • Term Price Based Time Meaning Price that has both a time and quantity reference, such as a demand price ($/kW/365 days which help with
  • Term Statistics Access Table Abbreviation displayed, broken down by table accesses difference help with
  • Term Type Trigger How to additional commission cases is bundled into trigger types in the trigger rule when help with
  • Term territory (CRM-IM-IPM) Help contract can for instance stipulate that the right to the television airing of the film sold is pros and cons help with
  • Term Area Takt Crossword processing center on the lowest level of the line hierarchy corresponds to one takt area. The similarities help with
  • Term Case Test Examples object. It can be a description of a manual test or a procedure for an automatic test (e.g. CATT how much help with
  • Term Asset Tangible Encyclopedia A tangible component of the asset portfolio (for example, machines, land, or buildings how many help with
  • Term Trexnet Information about components use TREXNet to communication with each other. TREXNet can be configured for secure compare help with
  • Term Bar Function Telephony Tutorial enables the agent to directly access all telephony functions why help with
  • Term Group Table Error summary table An actual line item table A plan line item tables how better help with
  • Term Wage Time Answer irrespective of the amount the employee produces. A specified rate of pay is effected for each unit when help with
  • Term Data Training Means what Training activities entered in the system determines help with
  • Term Cycle Tagging Description phase 2. Temporary untagging phase (optional) 3. Untagging phase comparing to help with
  • Term Report Tax Definition A summary of the sales tax collected from sales and purchase invoices for a defined period of time depends on help with
  • Term Folder Trash Explain An iPanel folder in which the user can permanently delete unlocked components which help with
  • Term team member (XAP-RPM) What is A person assigned to a team difference help with
  • Term Request Change Transportable Meaning settings after release when help with
  • Term target chart of accounts Abbreviation are not stored in the financial documents. The system derives these accounts by means of a mapping pros and cons help with
  • Term Exemption Tax How to Freedom from tax obligation. General exemption and specific exemptions are exemption types similarities help with
  • Term time category (SCM-EM) Help example, base plan or reversed plan how much help with
  • Term Price Transformed Crossword information (for example, the starting price and next valid bid values) displayed in the cockpit is how many help with
  • Term tax status (IS-OIL-DS-TDP) Examples payable as duty-paid or duty-free compare help with
  • Term time slice (IS-U-BI) Encyclopedia Time interval within which a specified object was not changed why help with
  • Term Snippet Text Information about Document Features function in the search result list from SP6. Multiple snippets can be found for how better help with
  • Term Revenue Exempt Tax Tutorial That part of income on which no taxes must be paid when help with
  • Term Tier Error A separate layer of related systems and applications inside a network determines help with
  • Term Taxable Answer An attribute that describes if a product, business partner, or a transaction is liable to tax comparing to help with
  • Term technical name (BC-CUS-TOL) Means what documentation). The technical name of a hypertext object consists of: Object name Documentation depends on help with
  • Term Contents Of Table Description table of contents is determined by the catalog schema which help with
  • Term Element Tax Definition An object that contains the tax components difference help with
  • Term Project Driven Template Explain associated project in cProjects. The structure (for example phases and tasks) of the project is when help with
  • Term Business Of Type What is provide this information in statutory reports, both about your own company and about your business pros and cons help with
  • Term text type (CA-GTF-DOB) Meaning A means of displaying a reference or prescription text during the dialog process similarities help with
  • Term Fm Psm Transfer Abbreviation regrouping of budget estimates. In doing so, budget is transferred from a funds center that has how much help with
  • Term Hold Toggle How to using one button. This function is a combination of the hold and retrieve functions. In other how many help with
  • Term Profile Slot Time Help appointment scheduling. The time slot profile contains, amongst others, the following parameters compare help with
  • Term Profile Tolerance Crossword an advance, how amounts that exceed the reference amount are handled by the system why help with
  • Term Teraspace Examples in size (OS/400 job). A teraspace can be made up of several individually allocated and deallocated how better help with
  • Term Component Task Encyclopedia components, for example, normal hours, overtime or travel hours. Specific task components are when help with
  • Term text profile (SCM-ECT-DLP) Information about Grouping of allowed text types (such as all packing texts from the delivery text group determines help with
  • Term Txs Fs Trigger Tutorial Activates an event that is defined in the funding transaction comparing to help with
  • Term Builder Load Transport Error products together into shipments based on stock transfers that lie between the upper and lower depends on help with
  • Term time slot (IS-H) Answer physician or a building unit, for example) offers appointments for outpatient visits which help with
  • Term Confirmation Total Means what individual confirmations. The recruiter or succession planner forms an opinion based on the results difference help with
  • Term time of loss/claim Description Date (and possibly time) on which the loss/claim occurred when help with
  • Term Id Treasury Definition Identifier for the treasury of the local authority pros and cons help with
  • Term type of technical object Explain technical object: Fleet objects Type of technical object: Heavy goods vehicle, Automobile, Fork similarities help with
  • Term Tariff What is Smallest combination of risks and scope of coverage for which an amount is calculated how much help with
  • Term Scenario List Task Meaning scenario is a component of the zero-based budgeting method how many help with
  • Term Float Total Abbreviation dates without affecting the latest dates of its successor or the latest finish date of the network compare help with
  • Term Document Training How to documents help the text mining engine to learn which features are typical of individual categories why help with
  • Term transactions for commission contract Help for the commission contract consist of both open items as well as cleared items, and they represent how better help with
  • Term table category (BC-DWB-DIC) Crossword be a: Transparent database table (is created in the database) Pooled table (table data is stored when help with
  • Term type group (BC-ABA) Examples globally visible data types and constants. Does not support its own dynpros. The introductory determines help with
  • Term transaction type (SRM-EBP) Encyclopedia such as purchase orders, bid invitations etc.). The transaction type controls the filing/storage of comparing to help with
  • Term task type (BC-CCM) Information about depending on the task of the underlying application process. It is used as the identifying part of depends on help with
  • Term Profile Travel Tutorial System. The travel profile helps to control compliance with trip rules when the Travel Planning which help with
  • Term Type Activity Tour Error Classifies the activities that can be carried out during a tour difference help with
  • Term Trial Answer level of quality is reached at the optimum cost for a particular production line. The trial when help with
  • Term Schedule Testing Means what testing schedule determines: What is to be inspected (storage conditions) When the stability tests pros and cons help with
  • Term time stamp (BC-ABA) Description without decimal places (short form) or the length 11 with seven decimal places (long form). The similarities help with
  • Term Management Template Definition Component used to create the templates for coinsurance business (distribution plan template how much help with
  • Term Data Technical Explain necessary for the sale and follow-up service provider processes. For example, in the how many help with
  • Term Author Test What is used to create Web-based tests compare help with
  • Term Expenditure Claim Total Meaning payments plus total of all reserves why help with
  • Term Pt Constraint Time Abbreviation specifies how the system reacts to such collisions. Time contraints comprise the following: Time how better help with
  • Term Bsp Bc Theme How to used to change the appearance of a Business Server Page (BSP) after the page has been created when help with
  • Term tax class (PY-US) Help component of the SAP HR System. Examples include regular salary, bonus or 401(k) contributions determines help with
  • Term Tractor Crossword divided into compartments. In general, tractors do not have a load-bearing capacity comparing to help with
  • Term Incidence Tax Examples business transaction. Example Exempt Due depends on help with
  • Term Requirement Transfer Encyclopedia to a destination storage bin in a warehouse complex which help with
  • Term transport equipment (IS-R) Information about material master record and is assigned to the material to be transported (for example, merchandise difference help with
  • Term Table Tax Tutorial or permillage rates) and/or tax amounts to tax bases when help with
  • Term Determination Tour Error processing. During tour determination, the system determines the optimal tour for each shipment pros and cons help with
  • Term Reference Cross Textual Answer textual cross-reference can contain the complete path to the target document. Textual cross similarities help with
  • Term Aggregation Based Time Means what time-based field (for example, period). It does not, for example, make sense to sum the number of how much help with
  • Term territory assignment function category Description Territory Management are mapped. Partner functions that are mapped can be used to classify the how many help with
  • Term Decomposition Time Definition dividing the optimization problem into a chronological sequence of partial problems and then compare help with
  • Term Sd Quantity Target Explain customer uses a contract release order to release the entire value or a quantity value from the why help with
  • Term Authorization Transaction What is business partner to individual contract types, product types and transaction types how better help with
  • Term Lo List Task Meaning objects include the header, operations, material assignments, production resources or tools and when help with
  • Term Pt Category Time Abbreviation grouping for work schedules determines help with
  • Term tab page display element How to area. Tab page display elements are used when fields, tables or the like are to be placed in a tab comparing to help with
  • Term Publishing Dependent Time Help Whether or not this function can be used depends on the settings of the folder in which the depends on help with
  • Term Amendment Technical Crossword Amendment affecting the insurance-specific data (mathematical calculations which help with
  • Term Variant Price Transfer Examples plan data. Transfer price variants must be created if a valuation approach is chosen for the difference help with
  • Term File Sequential Temporary Encyclopedia among other things, is temporarily stored. The data is stored either in the file system or when help with
  • Term Category Type Transaction Information about corresponding transaction types. There are different specifications for each transaction type pros and cons help with
  • Term Panel Task Tutorial driven set of tools for building a model similarities help with
  • Term tour (IS-BEV-DSD) Error a sequence of sales calls and deliveries to customers who are assigned to a specific tour. Default how much help with
  • Term template (CA-GTF-DOB) Answer Document Builder distinguishes between user and system templates how many help with
  • Term Location Transshipment Means what a distribution center in the case of cross-docking compare help with
  • Term Labeling Ticketing Description delivery, according to the requirements of your customers why help with
  • Term Difference Translation Definition local currency is valued using different exchange rates between two periods how better help with
  • Term Unit Settlement Top Explain settlement unit is the highest in the hierarchy when help with
  • Term Co Record Totals What is The cumulative display of all line items posted within one period determines help with
  • Term transaction type (EC-CS) Meaning financial statement item. They are used, for example, to show: The changes in fixed assets, from comparing to help with
  • Term Account Template Abbreviation Describes a contract account that is used as a copy template, when creating a contract account depends on help with
  • Term Contract Trading How to and control the related follow-on documents. There are one-sided and two-sided trading contracts which help with
  • Term transfer order for multiple deliveries Help several outbound deliveries in the Warehouse Management System (WMS) and create a transfer order difference help with
  • Term Exempt Tax Crossword which no tax must be paid when help with
  • Term Check Frame Time Examples and obtain a new operational condition or type, does not have another operational condition or type pros and cons help with
  • Term Office Tax Encyclopedia Tax authorities responsible for the administration and collection of taxes similarities help with
  • Term tolerance limit (IS-A) Information about and the open value. The system compares the value transmitted with the value that is still open in how much help with
  • Term Process Technical Tutorial There must be relations and transitions between the technical steps for the technical process to be how many help with
  • Term Tenseki Error term, which are often affiliates of their domicile company. It changes employee's main compare help with
  • Term Launcher Transaction Answer transactions directly from the Interaction Center (IC) WebClient screen. It is essentially a why help with
  • Term Management Number Telephone Means what parameters. Objects that can be managed here include the disconnection status, type of connection how better help with
  • Term Todo Description in their programs and also provides an overview of the status of the checks they have carried out when help with
  • Term Location Trace Definition areas such as components, packages, classes, and methods. It is used to emit trace messages determines help with
  • Term transaction type (FI-LC) Explain are used, for example, to show: The changes in fixed assets, from opening to closing balance The comparing to help with
  • Term time limit for error message What is shift) is changed. A date shift is not allowed within this time period. The system determines this depends on help with
  • Term Group Transaction Meaning used for a sales document type which help with
  • Term tax type (PY-US) Abbreviation These categories represent calculation formulas that are used by the BSI tax calculation engine difference help with
  • Term task of a worklist How to RCP worklist. You define the type of processing in the logical service. Example Check for changes when help with
  • Term Node Network Telecommunications Help more network edges end. Point where several data transmission links meet. In local area networks pros and cons help with
  • Term Name Type Crossword statically usable. The absolute type name can only be used in dynamic statement forms similarities help with
  • Term Marker Temporary Examples the current terminal session. They are no longer available when you log off. Temporary markers are how much help with
  • Term technical field for position Encyclopedia processing positions, the correction server, and so on how many help with
  • Term Vc Lo Term Information about following terms: y sin(2*x)+1 sin(2*x) 2*x 2 x 1 compare help with
  • Term Id Tax Tutorial and natural persons that are liable for tax why help with
  • Term Bundle Task Error the case of a pick and pack activity, a resource is assigned consecutive picking tasks belonging to how better help with
  • Term Profile Terminology Answer One terminology profile is assigned to each case type when help with
  • Term third-party provision of components Means what product, which is to be produced by a subcontractor, are provided by an external vendor instead of determines help with
  • Term Toolbar Panel Task Description The toolbar that enables you to display the various task panels comparing to help with
  • Term Demand Total Definition total demand is equal to the sum of the forecast, sales orders, dependent demand, and distributed depends on help with
  • Term time stamp (IS-A-DBM) Explain start the day or end the day which help with
  • Term Routing Technical What is logical receivers. The physical address (end point) of the required receiver is retrieved from the difference help with
  • Term tenant without customer account Meaning A tenant without a customer account in the lease-out that is used for the correspondence function when help with
  • Term Pa Termination Abbreviation The dissolution of the contract of employment by an employee or employer pros and cons help with
  • Term Analysis Needs Training How to Analysis of and planning to meet the training needs within the enterprise similarities help with
  • Term Id Task Help generates a unique task ID value itself or validates the value entered by the user. In both cases how much help with
  • Term Method Transfer Crossword capitalized in the receiving company code. The following transfer methods are possible: Gross how many help with
  • Term Hedge Transaction Examples influence positions are used to deliver to IAS accounting the identifying characteristics of the compare help with
  • Term transfer price (EC-PCA) Encyclopedia code or profit center) to another within a group why help with
  • Term tax category (AP-TTE) Information about Sales Tax Withholding Tax Excise Tax Example The tax type MWST (German VAT) is assigned to the tax how better help with
  • Term Termaction Tutorial Service currently supports exact linguistic searches and fuzzy searches when help with
  • Term Installation Device Technical Error other registers and device can be defined upon technical installation. Technical installation is a determines help with
  • Term Split Order Transfer Answer pool and then split according to selection criteria to create several transfer orders. The split comparing to help with
  • Term Engine Search Trex Means what tolerant search, phrase search, Boolean search, and attribute search depends on help with
  • Term Class Document Technical Description system in a format that can be read by SAP ArchiveLink. One or more technical document classes can which help with
  • Term Cs Server Telephony Definition depending on configuration, between the SAP system and a PBX or computer telephony integration (CTI difference help with
  • Term tax class (IS-OIL-PRA-REV) Explain default rate for a severance tax may be 6%, but for a disadvantaged area, the rate may be less when help with
  • Term task (IS-A-DBM) What is An assignment of work to be carried out in the workshop pros and cons help with
  • Term transaction number (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM) Meaning A unique key that identifies a financial transaction within a company code similarities help with
  • Term transaction type (FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM) Abbreviation The transaction type also controls the activities in the transaction and position management how much help with
  • Term Item Test How to test question or exercise how many help with
  • Term Group Timeslot Help be met: The time slots of a timeslot group can cover, at most, a time period of two days. The time compare help with
  • Term Specification Technical Crossword enhancements, interfaces, reports, data transfer and so on, in accordance with the conditions why help with
  • Term System Trusting Examples trusting system regulates the RFC server. To display the trusting systems in a trusted system, use how better help with
  • Term Pricing Time Encyclopedia with the day of the week when help with
  • Term Type Target Information about their periodicity and their target rule. A target type can define one or more target rules. Example determines help with
  • Term Room Team Tutorial A portal application that facilitates collaboration between online users in different locations comparing to help with
  • Term Transport Error components to be transported are specified in the object list of a transport request. Each depends on help with
  • Term Timepoint Answer administrator during configuration. Essentially, they define background jobs, which run during which help with
  • Term Environment Test Means what observation and evaluation of testing. There are different test environments to suit the test difference help with
  • Term Bct Bw Task Description be carried out independently by the task carrier in order to achieve a concrete target end. Example when help with
  • Term History Tooth Definition performed on this tooth that has been recorded in the system pros and cons help with
  • Term Specialist Development Talent Explain the HR manager and line manager (supervisor). The talent development specialist performs tasks from similarities help with
  • Term table-driven dynamic parallel processing What is workflow. To do so, specify a multiline container element. At runtime, the activity or block is how much help with
  • Term File Trigger Meaning file exists, it means that all the POS data for a store is ready for transferal how many help with
  • Term List Hit Table Abbreviation accessed by a program or transaction, the number of accesses, and the time required compare help with
  • Term transaction type (FIN-SEM-BCS) How to to show the historical changes to items. For example, they are used to show: Changes in fixed why help with
  • Term Purchasing Team Help ownership of and process a shopping cart and resulting follow-on documents created by another how better help with
  • Term third-party settlement risk Crossword Basel II perspective. Third-party settlement risk is the potential loss incurred if the when help with
  • Term Industry Of Type Examples provide this information in statutory reports, both about your own company and about your business determines help with
  • Term Property Type Technical Encyclopedia types, with the exception of with reference types. In elementary data types of the predefined ABAP comparing to help with
  • Term Costs Transportation Information about another via sea, air, or land depends on help with
  • Term transaction (FI-AF-DPC) Tutorial transaction category determines which documents can be grouped together which help with
  • Term tracking ID code set Error ID code set makes it possible to assign an application object to an event handler and to the difference help with
  • Term Rate Flat Travel Answer flat rate for miles or kilometers when help with
  • Term Talent Means what develop qualifications and potentials. With their commitment and performance, talents contribute pros and cons help with
  • Term Key Tolerance Description dimensions for fit, in an abbreviated form. The tolerance key can be assigned: Target value Lower similarities help with
  • Term type (IS-B-RA) Definition A Customizing value that the user can freely define, derived from a certain category how much help with
  • Term TREX Text Mining Engine Explain searching for similar documents, and feature extraction how many help with
  • Term Recorder Transaction What is can be generated from the recorder. This program can then be implemented for data transfer. The compare help with
  • Term Currency Target Meaning the currency exchange, using the exchange rate why help with
  • Term Table Linkage Type Abbreviation event for an object type. The particular object for which the event was triggered is immaterial. In how better help with
  • Term Handler Event Top How to contains the information about the hierarchical relationships between all event handlers within the when help with
  • Term H Is Transfer Help without first returning it to the archive determines help with
  • Term Live To Time Crossword VMC cache: Life-span of a cache object comparing to help with
  • Term transaction type (EC-PCA) Examples financial statement item. In Profit Center Accounting, they are used to show the changes in fixed depends on help with
  • Term Pricing Date Two Encyclopedia technique that the actual price at which you sell a grid value of your material is determined which help with
  • Term Transfer Step Two Information about 039; until received at the second plant. The two-step transfer provides one mechanism for difference help with
  • Term time base and exposure to inflation variant Tutorial interval (for example, month, quarter, half year, or year) to adjust any given item for inflation when help with
  • Term technical work item display Error data can be changed in the technical view pros and cons help with
  • Term task list (BC-FES-GUI) Answer have defined for your application area. If you choose one of these tasks by double-clicking, it is similarities help with
  • Term Chinese Traditional Means what used in Taiwan and in several other Chinese-speaking communities outside the People's Republic how much help with
  • Term transaction type (FS-AM) Description The internal key for controlling processing of a payment item how many help with
  • Term Area Tool Definition access to such key applications as real-time collaboration or a search component. Applications may compare help with
  • Term taxes on sales/purchases Explain A generic term for input and output tax why help with
  • Term Offset Takt What is the activities at a station/line segment how better help with
  • Term Scheme Package Total Meaning Employees are given complete flexibility to model their package to suit their lifestyle and their when help with
  • Term Group Talent Abbreviation group share a common characteristic. Candidates can belong to any number of talent groups determines help with
  • Term Editor Theme How to fixed number of theme properties (such as the background color) and hereby change the look and feel comparing to help with
  • Term Splitting To Help placed in a pool and divided to create several transfer orders based on splitting criteria depends on help with
  • Term tab page display area Crossword information that is displayed on a tab page in the information or detail area is grouped together which help with
  • Term Management Team Examples date information in the SAP system about themselves and other employees, as well as about open difference help with
  • Term Authority Tax Encyclopedia Any government agency authorized to levy taxes upon employees, employers, or both when help with
  • Term Archived Be To Information about A function used to mark archiving sessions to be archived using BC_ARCHIVE pros and cons help with
  • Term Share Transfer Tutorial Percentage share that is transferred similarities help with
  • Term Category Certificate Treatment Error hospital for processing cases and the related invoicing. Examples for certificate categories how much help with
  • Term Dashboard Task Answer users to get an overview of all tasks to which they are assigned or all tasks which they are how many help with
  • Term Confirmation Step Two Means what order or transfer order item. In the first step, you verify that the material has been picked from compare help with
  • Term Class Turnover Description the payment items that generate a turnover (such as transaction type and medium why help with
  • Term Set Tile Definition The CRM Mobile Application consists of different components, each of which contains tile sets how better help with
  • Term transaction history (CRM-BTX) Explain List of all the sales transactions created for a business partner in a specific time period when help with
  • Term Management Time What is monitor their time in the system via their Microsoft Office Outlook calendars determines help with
  • Term Situation Tax Meaning Whether the goods were manufactured in Brazil or abroad Whether they are subject to ICMS, and if comparing to help with
  • Term Type Certificate Treatment Abbreviation referrals for a second opinion depends on help with
  • Term Ewm Scm Trip How to determination, trips are determined on the basis of routes which help with
  • Term transaction type (IS-A-RL) Help returnable packaging account statements. The system converts the SAP posting types into transaction difference help with
  • Term Record Trailer Crossword employee records in the magnetic file that is sent to legal authorities (for example, EEO Reporting when help with
  • Term target value (IS-HT-SW) Examples The maximum possible or target value for value contracts pros and cons help with
  • Term terms of payment key Encyclopedia following specifications are possible using the terms of payment key: Day limit Rules for similarities help with
  • Term Manager Thread Information about A J2EE Engine module, which provides threads for the execution of J2EE Engine system operations how much help with
  • Term Ac Task Tutorial task types is assigned to each task: Transaction Report program Flow definition Other tasks (such how many help with
  • Term Area Title Error from one page to another. It contains the header area with the company logo, the quick search box compare help with
  • Term Settlement Technical Answer A settlement without interest and charge calculation why help with
  • Term technical results analysis cost element Means what process For results analysis how better help with
  • Term Header Temse Description Record that contains header information of a TemSe object when help with
  • Term Company Tax Definition US Payroll component of the SAP HR System, each such designation is assigned a distinct Employer determines help with
  • Term Plan Savings Thrift Explain Government and members of the uniformed services comparing to help with
  • Term Sbo Threshold What is supplies have to be declared in the advanced return depends on help with
  • Term ticketing/labeling text type Meaning the label in the value-added service ticketing/labeling. Example: Customer order number recommended which help with
  • Term Workstation Treasury Abbreviation analysis and transaction and position management. It uploads cash management data from distributed difference help with

Definition for SAP ERP system

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Treasury workstation definition ticketing/labeling text type explain threshold (SBO) what is thrift savings plan meaning tax company abbreviation TemSe header.

Target attribute (FS-AM-PR-PR) definition transportation planning