What does BAL_LOG_HDR_CHANGE: Change log header
SAP bal_log_hdr_change help. Function module bal_log_hdr_change manual. Hot to use usage bal_log_hdr_change
in prompt.
More function modules from SAP ERP such as bal_log_hdr_change in Dictionary B.
- Definition BAL_LOG_DELETE:
- Usage Delete log (from database also at Save definition.
- Usage Either output extended long text or call a callback routine (basedon the data in BAL_S_MSG-PARAMS explain.
- Definition BAL_DB_LOAD:
- Usage Load logs from the database what is.
- Usage Get message defaults meaning.
- Definition BP_EVENT_RAISE:
- Usage Trigger an event from ABAP/4 program abbreviation.
More SAP function modules list like BAL_LOG_HDR_CHANGE in SAP B.