th_user_lt th_delete_user what is
Th_user_info definition tmp_gui_directory_list_files explain th_environment what is th_remote.

SAP function modules T

  • Module Th_User_List Definition Show which users are logged into an app server compare help ABAP
  • Module Th_Delete_User Explain Logoff a user. Similar results to using SM04 why help ABAP
  • Module Terminal_Id_Get What is Return the terminal id how better help ABAP
  • Module Th_Popup Meaning Display a popup system message on a specific users screen when help ABAP
  • Module Th_Remote_Transaction Abbreviation Run a transaction on a remote server. Optionally provide BDC data tobe used in the transaction determines help ABAP
  • Module Th_Environment How to Get the UNIX environment comparing to help ABAP
  • Module Tmp_Gui_Directory_List_Files Help Retrieve all of the files and subdirectories on the Presentation Server(PC) for a given directory.When a value other than * or *.* is used for the filter,you will not get any directories, unless they match your wildcard filter.For example, if you en depends on help ABAP
  • Module Th_User_Info Crossword Give information about the current user (sessions, workstation loggedin from, etc) which help ABAP

SAP all function modules & definitions

What a function module does?

Describe Th_user_info definition tmp_gui_directory_list_files explain th_environment what is th_remote_transaction meaning th_popup abbreviation terminal_id_get how to. help.

Explain Th_user_list definition th_delete_user explain terminal_id_get what tutorial.