government secure internet what is
Definition Government Secure Internet / Grid Security Infrastructure term. Meaning GSI 1.


Government Secure Internet / Grid Security Infrastructure definition

Explanation Government Secure Internet / Grid Security Infrastructure what is: GSI 1. Government Secure Internet. 2. Grid Security Infrastructure.

Define Global Spatial Data Infrastructure:
Use GSDI Global Spatial Data Infrastructure government secure internet / grid security infrastructure definition.
Define Genealogical Data Communication:
Use GEDCOM GEnealogical Data COMmunication. A common file format used to exchange computerized genealogical data between different genealogy programs. GEDCOM files typically use the file extension .ged government secure internet / grid security infrastructure explain.
Define Google's Page-Rank Algorithm:
Use Google's "PageRank" algorithm, frequently abbreviated to PR. Google's PageRank algorithm is used by the search engine to score pages based on the number of other pages that link to it and government secure internet / grid security infrastructure what is.
Define Global Positioning System:
Use Positioning System. A global system of satellite navigation that uses signals from satellites to identify the position of the GPS receiver on (or above) the Earth's surface. GPS was originally government secure internet / grid security infrastructure meaning.
Define Graphical Information:
Use GI Graphical Information. A general term for any information that has a geographic element, i.e. which has a physical location or area and could for instance be plotted on a map government secure internet / grid security infrastructure abbreviation.

More IT definition for software & computers Government Secure Internet / Grid Security Infrastructure in Glossary G.

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