Explanation Windows 9x what is: W9x Abbreviation for Windows 95 and Windows 98, sometimes also used to include Windows ME. Any software said to run on Windows 9x should run on Windows 95 and Windows 98, and probably Windows ME. W9x is often also expressed as "Windows 9x".
- Define Windows 95, 98 Or ME:
- Use Abbreviation for Windows 95 and Windows 98, sometimes also used to include Windows ME. Any software said to run on Windows 9x should run on Windows 95 and Windows 98, and probably Windows ME. Windows windows 9x definition.
- Define World Wide Web Consortium:
- Use Consortium. W3C describes itself as: "World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web windows 9x explain.
- Define Windows For Workgroups:
- Use WFW Windows For Workgroups. Also known as Windows 3.11. Successor to Windows 3.1. Predecessor to Windows 95 windows 9x what is.
- Define Wireless Internet Service Provider / A Small Bundle Of Something:
- Use Internet Service Provider (Wireless-ISP). Typically refers to a provider of WiFi hot-spots, but may also refer to an ISP that provides an internet connection via WiFi. 2. In general usage a small windows 9x meaning.
- Define Well Known Text:
- Use WKT Well Known Text windows 9x abbreviation.