Explanation Windows Template Library what is: WTL Windows Template Library. Relevant links: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wtl - Yahoo News group for developers using WTL.
- Define What You See Is What You Get:
- Use See Is What You Get. Normally applied to document or HTML editors (and historically to Word Processors) that allow you to view the document while editing it as it will appear when printed or viewed windows template library definition.
- Define Word Processor / WordPerfect / Work Package:
- Use Processor. Generic abbreviation for any word processor. 2. WordPerfect. Originally a standalone word processor but now an integrated office suite. Available from Corel. 3. Work Package. A defined windows template library explain.
- Define Windows For Workgroups:
- Use WFW Windows For Workgroups. Also known as Windows 3.11. Successor to Windows 3.1. Predecessor to Windows 95 windows template library what is.
- Define Wireless Zero Configuration:
- Use Configuration. Also known as Wireless Auto Configuration. Is a process where a wireless network device automatically selects the wireless network to use. Relevant links: www.microsoft windows template library meaning.
- Define Web Robot:
- Use A generic term applied to any program which retrieves information from websites.Common examples of web-bots include: Search engines use web-bots (sometimes also called search-bots or simply bots) to windows template library abbreviation.