curve cubic what is
What is cubic curve in Mac OS: A curve defined by a cubic equation. See also Bi?1zier curve. Apple.


cubic curve definition

Explanation CUBIC CURVE: A curve defined by a cubic equation. See also Bi?1zier curve

More definitions for Mac OS users such as cubic curve in Dictionary C.

Help Cross-Project Reference:
Usage A reference from the project that contains an application to a project that contains a framework. It lets you access the targets and products of the referenced project from your current project cubic curve definition.
Help Current Matrix:
Usage OpenGL to transform coordinates in one system to those of another system, such as the modelview matrix, the perspective matrix, and the texture matrix. GL shading language allows user-defined cubic curve explain.
Help CDSA Plug-In:
Usage A software module that connects to CDSA through a standard interface and that implements or extends CDSA security services for a particular operating system and hardware environment cubic curve what is.
Help Composite Value:
Usage In AppleScript, a value that contains other values. Lists, records, and strings are examples of composite values cubic curve meaning.
Help Clock Drift:
Usage In audio, the deviation, over time, of one system output relative to another, due to differing counting rates. Clock drift interferes with synchronization cubic curve abbreviation.
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