keypath what is
What is keypath in Mac OS: for the traversal of relationships between enterprise objects. See also.


keypath definition

Explanation KEYPATH: A chain of keys supported by key-value coding that allows for the traversal of relationships between enterprise objects. See also KVC

More definitions for Mac OS users such as keypath in Dictionary K.

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Usage Key distribution center. In Kerberos, the sum of two separate software processes: the ticket-granting server and the authentication server keypath definition.
Help KEXT:
Usage Kernel extension. A dynamically loaded bundle that extends the functionality of the kernel. The I/O Kit, file system, and networking components of Darwin can be extended by KEXTs keypath explain.
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Usage An adjustment to the normal spacing that occurs between two or more specifically named glyphs, known as the kerning pair keypath what is.
Help Keychain Item:
Usage encrypted and protected by the keychain, plus its associated attributes and access object. Each keychain item has a class that determines what attributes it has; for example Internet password items keypath meaning.
Help Keyboard Glyph:
Usage A graphical representation of a physical key that doesn’??t have a character equivalent (such as a function key or the Shift key keypath abbreviation.
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