menu what is
What is menu ID in Mac OS: A unique ID that identifies a menu. Apple Id Menu in computers.


menu ID definition

Explanation MENU ID: A unique ID that identifies a menu

More definitions for Mac OS users such as menu ID in Dictionary M.

Help Modeless Dialog:
Usage A dialog that does not require the user to dismiss it before interacting with anything else onscreen. The “find and replace” dialog in many word processors is an example of a modeless dialog menu id definition.
Help Matrix:
Usage numbers arranged in a grid. It can be thought of as the mathematical equivalent of a two-dimensional array. Much like two-dimensional arrays, matrices are composed of rows and columns with their menu id explain.
Help Multitimbral:
Usage In Core Audio, describes an instrument unit configured to allow production of more than one timbre simultaneously. Compare monotimbral menu id what is.
Help Media ID:
Usage A unique identifier assigned to a media folder by DVD Playback Services. This identifier can be used as a key when saving information about media playback, such as bookmarks menu id meaning.
Help Minimum Term Frequency:
Usage In Search Kit, the fewest number of times a term can appear in a document and still be indexed. This functionality is not currently supported by Search Kit indexes menu id abbreviation.
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