stemming what is
What is stemming in Mac OS: inflectional word components, typically endings. Language dependent.


stemming definition

Explanation STEMMING: The algorithm-based removal of morphological and inflectional word components, typically endings. Language dependent. Stemming is sometimes referred to as suffix stripping, although some stemming algorithms perform prefix stripping as well. Information retrieval systems use stemming to improve search quality and to reduce index size. Search Kit does not support stemming; if needed, client applications implement it. Some stemming algorithms handle only regular variants, such as converting “swimming” to “swim,” and do not handle irregular variants, such as converting “swam” to “swim.”

More definitions for Mac OS users such as stemming in Dictionary S.

Help Scrolling Menu:
Usage A menu that contains more items than are visible onscreen. Scrolling menus have triangles that indicate hidden menu items stemming definition.
Help Search Result:
Usage In Xcode, the set of documents that meet search criteria stemming explain.
Help Stopword:
Usage A word not to add to a search index. When Search Kit adds terms from a document to an index, it skips over words in its stopword list stemming what is.
Help SBR:
Usage Spectral Bandwidth Replication. A technique used in AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) encoding (among other encoding technologies) to improve perceived audio quality stemming meaning.
Help Standard Suite:
Usage information for a set of standard AppleScript terms that scriptable applications should support if possible. The Standard suite contains commands such as count, delete, duplicate, and make, and stemming abbreviation.
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