card smart what is
What is smart card in Mac OS: memory and a microprocessor embedded in it. A smart card can store.


smart card definition

Explanation SMART CARD: A plastic card similar in size to a credit card that has memory and a microprocessor embedded in it. A smart card can store and process information, including passwords, certificates, and keys. A smart card normally requires a personal identification number (PIN) or biometric measurement (such as a fingerprint) before releasing information and can carry out its own authentication evaluation. Smart cards can exchange information with a personal computer through a smart card reader

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Help Scheme:
Usage The component of a URL that identifies the type of resource it represents or the protocol to be used for accessing it, such as http, ftp, mailto, or file. See also document URL object smart card definition.
Help Sparse SDK:
Usage An SDK that is not a system SDK. Sparse SDKs may be provided by third parties, or you can build them yourself smart card explain.
Help Simple Search:
Usage terms in a query string to indexed terms using exact, character-for-character matching. Each term is matched separately. In Search Kit, by default, spaces between terms behave like Boolean AND smart card what is.
Help Sonogram:
Usage visualization of a signal’s frequency content. Typically, a sonogram’s horizontal axis is time, its vertical axis is frequency, and the visual intensity (in terms of color or dot size) of each smart card meaning.
Help SOAP:
Usage lightweight, platform-agnostic protocol used to exchange information in a decentralized, distributed environment. The protocol defines the XML elements that must be used to compose a message and how smart card abbreviation.
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