term controller output help what is
Meaning of output controller. What is it: Component for managing spool and output requests.


Definition output controller

OUTPUT CONTROLLER title: output controller (BC-CCM-PRN) (SAP Library - Glossary)
OUTPUT CONTROLLER category: Print and Output Management (BC-CCM-PRN)

Component for managing spool and output requests.

More terms such as output controller in Dictionary O.

Manual Object Abbreviation:
Help represents an object in the system. Users assign abbreviations when they create objects. Abbreviations can be up to 12 alphanumeric characters long. The abbreviation can be used to identify the output controller definition.
Manual Other Elimination Difference (EC-CS):
Help incurred during interunit elimination when a consolidation unit and its partner unit portray their business relationships in their individual financial statement records in different ways. Reasons output controller explain.
Manual Overview Area:
Help the Organization and Staffing interface. In addition to the overview area, the Organization and Staffing interface consists of a search area, a selection area, and a detail area. When you select output controller what is.
Manual Order Reallocation:
Help Process of changing the maintenance locations within a task list referenced by a PM/CS order due to a change of maintenance location within the order header output controller meaning.
Manual Office For Coorganization:
Help An association for applying modern methods of efficiency to the exchange of information between trade and industry output controller abbreviation.
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