what is
Definition VB.Net term. Meaning VB7 Occasional name given to VB.Net glossary. How to use Net Vb in.


VB.Net definition

Explanation VB.Net what is: VB7 Occasional name given to VB.Net.

Define Vector Product Format:
Use Format. A standard format, structure and organisation for large geographic databases, intended to maximise compatibility with other applications. Relevant links: www.nima vb.net definition.
Define Voice Over IP:
Use Sending voice data (i.e. human conversations) using IP packets across a network (such as the internet) instead of across a (traditional) telephone network. A number of companies offer VoIP services vb.net explain.
Define Virtual Method Table:
Use VMT Virtual Method Table vb.net what is.
Define Voice And Data Access Point:
Use VDAP Voice and Data Access Point vb.net meaning.
Define Visual Basic 6:
Use Visual Basic - Version 6. The last version of VB before Microsoft switched to .NET. cf VB. Relevant links: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-gb/vbrun/default.aspx - Visual Basic 7 Resource Center (from vb.net abbreviation.

More IT definition for software & computers VB.Net in Glossary V.

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