table method virtual what is
Definition Virtual Method Table term. Meaning VMT Virtual Method Table glossary. How to use Table.


Virtual Method Table definition

Explanation Virtual Method Table what is: VMT Virtual Method Table.

Define Visual Basic .NET:
Use Visual Basic .NET. Touted by Microsoft as the next version of VB after VB6, but regarded by some as a new language in its own right because of the magnitude of the changes between VB6 and VB.Net virtual method table definition.
Define Vector Product Format:
Use Format. A standard format, structure and organisation for large geographic databases, intended to maximise compatibility with other applications. Relevant links: www.nima virtual method table explain.
Define Very Large DataBase:
Use VLDB Very Large DataBase. Often regarded as any database over 100GB in size virtual method table what is.
Define Visual Basic:
Use VB (Microsoft) Visual Basic. cf VB6 and VB.Net virtual method table meaning.
Define Virtual Network Computing (Remote Desktop Control Software):
Use Computing. VNC is a software package allowing the desktop on a remote computer to be be controlled. Software needs to be installed on the computer to be controlled, and VNC supports Windows and a virtual method table abbreviation.

More IT definition for software & computers Virtual Method Table in Glossary V.

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