studio vual what is
Definition Visual Studio .NET term. Meaning VS.Net (Microsoft) Visual Studio .NET glossary. How to.


Visual Studio .NET definition

Explanation Visual Studio .NET what is: VS.Net (Microsoft) Visual Studio .NET

Define Visual Basic:
Use VB (Microsoft) Visual Basic. cf VB6 and VB.Net visual studio .net definition.
Define Visual Component Library:
Use VCL Visual Component Library. Component library supplied with Borland Delphi and Borland C++ Builder visual studio .net explain.
Define Virtual LAN:
Use Area Network (LAN). System for allowing a set of computers to behave and interact as though they were on the same LAN, even though they may be on physically separate and distinct networks visual studio .net what is.
Define Virtual Memory / Virtual Machine / Voice Mail:
Use VM 1. Virtual Memory. Relevant links: - Description of the way Virtual Memory operates in Windows XP. 2. Virtual Machine. 3. Voice Mail visual studio .net meaning.
Define Very Large DataBase:
Use VLDB Very Large DataBase. Often regarded as any database over 100GB in size visual studio .net abbreviation.

More IT definition for software & computers Visual Studio .NET in Glossary V.

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