bind what is
What is bind in Mac OS: a connection between that object and a rendering context. Apple Bind in.


bind definition

Explanation BIND: An operation that creates a new object and then establishes a connection between that object and a rendering context

More definitions for Mac OS users such as bind in Dictionary B.

Help Baseline Delta:
Usage The distance (in points) between a baseline and y = 0; sometimes referred to as delta-y. See also baseline type bind definition.
Help Buffer Pool:
Usage A collection of preallocated buffers that can be used over and over. Keeping a pool of buffers available requires less overhead than allocating and deallocating a buffer each time it is needed bind explain.
Help Button:
Usage See bevel button , icon button , push button , radio button bind what is.
Help Build Setting Specification:
Usage The information Xcode uses to determine the value of a build setting at build time bind meaning.
Help Build Configuration:
Usage build settings that tells Xcode how to build a product. The typical build configurations are Debug and Release, but you can define additional build configurations. See also build setting bind abbreviation.
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