Usage glossary for computers letter P
- What is Service Rate Premium Definition PRS Premium Rate Service. A service provided at a higher cost but normally with better features or performance than a non-premium rate service compare
- What is Part of an intranet accessible externally Explain Extranet An intranet (or part of an intranet) that is accessible to computers outside of the company. why
- What is Routing Based Policy What is links: - Information about Policy Based Routing. how better
- What is Personal Identification Number / Performance Improvement Network / Prior Information Notice Meaning A general term used to refer to any number used to authenticate a person. For example a PIN number for bank withdrawals is used to authenticate the use of a cash-card, and the cash-card cannot be when
- What is Personal Area Network / Horizontal rotation / To move Abbreviation wireless network that covers a few meters around a person's workspace. A PAN is used for communication between personal devices, such as bluetooth devices like wireless keyboards, headphones, cell determines
- What is Programmable Read Only Memory How to PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory (Programmable ROM). Semiconductor memory that is non-volatile (so it retains its contents when the power is off) which can be programmed only once comparing to
- What is Programmable Logic Controller / Power Line Communications / PublicLimited Company Help Power Line Communications. Means the same as Broadband over Power Lines, see BPL for details. 3. Public Limited Company. A registered company in the UK, owned by shareholders depends on
- What is Problem In Chair Not In Computer Crossword Computer. An abbreviation indicating that a problem was not computer related but lies with the person in the chair, i.e. a user related problem.Similar abbreviations: PBKAC and ESO which
- What is Problem Between Keyboard And Chair Examples Chair. Abbreviation indicating that a problem (or cause of a problem) is the user of the computer (and not a hardware or software problem). Similar abbreviations: ESO, PICNIC difference
- What is Pay per click, where an advertiser pays for each click through Encyclopedia Pay-Per-Click Pay-Per-Click, often abbreviated PPC. Where a company (or advertiser) pays (a search engine or affiliate site) for each click-through on an advertisement. cf Pay-Per-Click Fraud when
- What is Board Circuit Printed Information about PCB Printed Circuit Board. See also PWB pros and cons
- What is Public service agreement / Public service advert / Public serviceannouncement / Psalms Tutorial voluntary program set up by central government, typically with the objective of setting voluntary service or performance targets. 2. Public Service Advert. A type of advertisement served up by similarities
- What is Library Imaging Python Error that adds image processing capabilities to applications that use Python.Relevant links: - Python Imaging Library, download and information how much
- What is Policy for keeping equipment up to date Answer software and hardware resources up to date. For example a simple evergreening policy might be to replace all computers older than four years with new models. cf "technology replacement" how many
- What is Popular internet browser from the Mozilla Foundation Means what Firefox is a graphical web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and is based on the Mozilla browser. It is cross platform (so runs on a wide range of software platforms), and is widely compare
- What is Position Oriented Navigation Code Description Code. A PON code is a postcode system developed for Ireland that is based on geographic coordinates. A PON Code is a seven character alphanumeric code generated from a longitude and latitude. Each why
- What is Planning and/or management of an operation or campaign Definition Strategy The planning and/or management of an operation or campaign how better
- What is Public Key Cryptography Standard Explain PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standard when
- What is Id Process What is identifier (normally a number) which uniquely identifies a process on a given system. PIDs are assigned by the operating system automatically when a process starts determines
- What is Atm Over Ppp Meaning PPPoA Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM comparing to
- What is Language Job Printer Abbreviation developed by Hewlett-Packard to provide a method for switching printer languages and for communicating status information between a printer and host computer.Relevant links: http://lprng.sourceforge depends on
- What is Personal Computer / Politically correct / Piece How to designed for use by one person at a time.Once generally accepted to refer to an IBM PC compatible (i.e. x86 based system typically running some version of Microsoft Windows or DOS). Typically these which
- What is Information Identifiable Personal Help Personal Identifiable Information is any information which can be used to track back to an individual. PII is therefore any information which can be used to identify an individual, whether directly difference
- What is Ata Parallel Crossword PATA Abbreviation for Parallel ATA. PATA is the term now commonly used for what historically was termed simply IDE.PATA has a maximum data transfer rate of 133MB/sec. See ATA for details. cf SATA when
- What is Paint Shop Pro / Professional Support Partnership Examples PSP 1. Paint Shop Pro. A popular and versatile commercial package for manipulating images. 2. Professional Support Partnership pros and cons
- What is Portable Application Description file Encyclopedia Description file. A file containing product descriptions, specifications and other information, expressed in format consistent with the PAD specification (which in turn is an XML file). This allows similarities
- What is Performance Management System / Pantone Matching System Information about Pantone Matching System. A standard system for selecting and matching colours, where each colour and shade is assigned a unique number.Relevant links: how much
- What is Pre-boot Execution Environment Tutorial PXE Pre-boot Execution Environment. An Intel standard for booting across a LAN. A workstation boots into the PXE where it can respond to management configuration before loading the operating system how many
- What is Peripheral Computer Interface / Payment Card Industry / Payment CardIndustry Data Security Standard Error 32 or 64 bit bus architecture described by the PCI Local Bus Specification. cf ISA. 2. Payment Card Industry. 3. Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard. See PCI DSS compare
- What is 3 Version Pop Answer POP 3 Post Office Protocol version 3. Used for accessing email, see POP for details.The version of POP adopted is version 3, hence the name POP 3 why
- What is Output Input Programmed Means what PIO Programmed Input/Output how better
- What is Virtual To Physical Description P2V Physical To Virtual when
- What is Private internet like network Definition Intranet Private network using internet type tools, but available only within an organisation determines
- What is Plain Old Telephone Service Explain POTS Plain Old Telephone Service comparing to
- What is Inclusion For Pay What is PFI Pay For Inclusion. Normally refers to a search engine that will only include a site in its database in return for a fee depends on
- What is Point Interception Packet Meaning PIP Packet Interception Point which
- What is Password / Print Working Directory Abbreviation for "Password". 2. Print Working Directory, or Present Working Directory.PWD is a Unix command which prints (i.e. displays) the full path of the current working directory difference
- What is Ethernet Over Ppp How to PPPoE Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. Relevant links: when
- What is Permanent Virtual Channel / Permanent Virtual Circuit / PermanentVirtual Connection Help PVC 1. Permanent Virtual Channel. 2. Permanent Virtual Circuit. 3. Permanent Virtual Connection pros and cons
- What is Format Document Portable Crossword PDF Portable Document Format (file). A document format developed by Adobe, for storing and formatting published documents. PDF files are recognised by the file extension .pdf. Relevant links similarities
- What is Program Evaluation Review Technique Examples Pert Program Evaluation Review Technique. See also Pert Chart how much
- What is Pretty Darn Quick / Parallel Database Query Encyclopedia Quick. Means as soon as possible..Similar in meaning to ASAP. 2. Parallel Data Query (or Parallel Data Queries). Refers to breaking a query down into a number of smaller parts each of which can then how many
- What is Public Switched Network / Packet Switch Node Information about PSN 1. Public Switched Network. 2. Packet Switch Node compare
- What is Public Switched Telephone Network Tutorial PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network. Relevant links: why
- What is Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Error Security Standard. A common industry security standard developed from a collaboration between Visa and MasterCard. cf CISP. Relevant links: how better
- What is Public Relations / Page Rank / Problem Report / Progress Report /Perpendicular Recording Answer Usually refers to Google's "PageRank" algorithm. 3. Problem Report. 4. Progress Report. 5. Perpendicular Recording. See PMR (Perpendicular Magnetic Recording when
- What is Language Control Printer Means what PCL Printer Control Language. A language developed by HP in for controlling printers. Relevant links: - the HP website, use their site search to find further information about PCL determines
- What is People / Pay per lead Description 2. Pay Per Lead. An affiliate marketing term meaning that a payment (or commission) is paid for each lead, regardless of whether this ends in a sale. Depending on the content a lead may be a comparing to
- What is Extension Address Physical Definition method of allowing Intel 32bit x86 processors to exceed the normal 4GB limit of addressable memory space, allowing access to memory beyond 4GB. Whilst PAE allows the total available memory to extend depends on
- What is Metrics Font Printer Explain PFM Printer Font Metrics. A file that describes fonts for a printer which
- What is Recorder Video Personal What is PVR Personal Video Recorder (or Personal Video Recording). Similar in concept to a video recorder, but records in digital typically to solid state storage or to disk difference
- What is Practical Extraction and Reporting Language Meaning Language.A common scripting language used on both Windows and UNIX platforms. It was originally popular on UNIX platforms but is now common on Windows systems, particularly for server scripting when
- What is Packing And Postage Abbreviation P&P Postage and Packing. Also abbreviated to P+P pros and cons
- What is Chart Management Project How to for project management. Each task is illustrated as a horizontal bar on a chart, with time along the horizontal axis and tasks along the vertical axis. See also Pert chart similarities
- What is Time Standard Pacific Help PST Pacific Standard Time. Abbreviated name for the time zone used on the West coast of America. PST = UTC - 8 hours how much
- What is PON Code / Price Of Non Conformance Crossword postcode addressing system used in Ireland. PONC is pronounced "Punk". See PON Code for details. 2. Price Of Non Conformance. A method used to assign a financial cost to non conformance how many
- What is Controller Domain Primary Examples Windows NT domain, one domain controller is the primary domain controller and any other domain controllers are backup ones (BDC). The distinction between PDC and BDC do not exist in Windows 2000 and compare
- What is Port Address Translation / Portable Appliance Testing / Public AccessTerminal / Performance Acceleration Technology Encyclopedia Portable Appliance Testing. Periodic inspection and testing of portable appliances for electrical safety and maintenance. Relevant links: 3. Public Access Terminal. Refers to why
- What is Power On Self Test / Act of sending a newsgroup message / To send a message Information about tests performed by a computer's BIOS straight after power up. 2. The act of sending a message to a newsgroup, where others can view and respond to it. The term Post can also be used to refer to that how better
- What is Parser generator tool available on Unix systems Tutorial YACC Parser generator tool available on Unix systems. YACC stands for Yet Another Compiler Compiler when
- What is Point Of View / Privately Owned Vehicle Error context, POV may mean any of the following: As a chat abbreviation: POV is an abbreviated way of writing "point of view". The view from a camera. POV here meaning the point of view from determines
- What is Private Internet eXchange (firewall) Answer of a firewall the design of which was acquired by Cisco systems in 1995.Relevant links: - Cisco PIX Firewall Basics comparing to
- What is Click Per Pay Means what PPC Abbreviation for Pay Per Click depends on
- What is Improvement Accuracy Positional Description Typically used to refer to a project for improving the positional accuracy of geographic data. Can also be used to refer to techniques to improve the positional accuracy of geographic data which
- What is Parallel Cache Management / Pulse Code Modulation Definition PCM 1. In an Oracle database: Parallel Cache Management. 2. Pulse Code Modulation. A scheme for encoding analogue audio data as a series of pulses, i.e. as digital data. difference
- What is Proxy Auto-Configuration (file) Explain PAC file (which is a .js file) provides a means to allow browser proxy configuration to be configured through the use of a single JavaScript function FindProxyForURL() Conceptually each time the when
- What is Platform for Privacy Preferences What is P3P Platform for Privacy Preferences. Relevant links: - Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) Project pros and cons
- What is Management Data Product Meaning PDM Product Data Management similarities
- What is Board Wiring Printed Abbreviation but in Japan is normally referred to as PWB to avoid confusion with "Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)" which is a poison. Relevant links: how much
- What is Program code made available to others How to available for view, reuse and modification by others, normally with no license fee or restrictions on use. Relevant links: - The full comp how many
- What is Patter and Component Markup Language Help PCML Patter and Component Markup Language. Relevant links: compare
- What is Unit Supply Power Crossword device that converts from the mains AC electrical supply into DC voltage (or voltages) required by an electronic device. A PSU may be internal to the device or external. Typically the larger the why
- What is Graphics Network Portable Examples compressed loss-less image format. Image files saved using the PNG format are usually given a .png file extension. Relevant links: Contributed by Kenneth Nellis how better
- What is Mode Ftp Passive Encyclopedia to get around a problem where a firewall will block FTP communications. A firewall protecting a client will allow outgoing connections but block incoming ones. The issue with FTP is that whilst the when
- What is Area Global Program Information about Global Area. The PGA is a memory region containing data and control information for a single process (server or background). One PGA is allocated for each server process, the PGA is exclusive to that determines
- What is Putting something down / Person with little or no knowledge / To kill-file Tutorial something down. For example to plonk a bag on a table would be to put a bag down on a table. 2. Person with Little Or No Knowledge. A derogatory term, cf noob. Whereas someone might describe comparing to
- What is Exchange Branch Private Error PBX Private Branch Exchange depends on
- What is File Address Postcode Answer address database for addresses in the UK, containing UK addresses and postcodes. PAF is a licensed product from the Royal Mail.Relevant links: - For information on PAF from which
- What is Please Means what Pls Chat abbreviation for "Please" difference
- What is Recording Magnetic Perpendicular Description technique for obtaining higher storage capacity from disks. Also known as PR (Perpendicular Recording). Relevant links: - Information on Perpe when
- What is Pictorial presentation of a logical sequence of steps Definition showing the individual steps and sequence of those steps in a procedure or system. It provides a graphic pictorial representation of the sequence of steps. Relevant links: http://en.wikipedia pros and cons
- What is Unit Distribution Power Explain PDU Power Distribution Unit similarities
- What is Protocol Office Post What is for accessing e-mail, allowing e-mails to be downloaded form a server, stored locally and therefore available for off-line reading. cf POP 3. See also: IMAP, SMTP. Relevant links: how much
- What is Book Address Personal Meaning PAB Personal Address Book, used by Outlook and other Microsoft Windows e-mail programs how many
- What is Point-to-Point Protocol Abbreviation PPP Point-to-Point Protocol compare
- What is Point To Point Tunneling Protocol How to Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol is a network protocol that provides secure transfer of data from a remote client to a server. PPTP supports multiple network protocols (IP, IPX, and NetBEUI) and why
- What is Print queue that feeds a collection of printers Help Printer Pool A single print queue that feeds a collection of multiple printers how better
- What is Probe Problem Crossword PRB 1. Abbreviation for "Problem" 2. Abbreviation for "Probe" when
- What is Pence per minute / Pence per message Examples PPM 1. Pence Per Minute - a charge rate per minute. 2. Pence Per Message - a charge rate per message determines
- What is Pain In the A*** Encyclopedia PITA Chat abbreviation for: Pain In The Arse/Ass. Used to refer to a troublesome problem, which may be a recurring problem or a one-off issue comparing to
- What is Plug and Play / Pen and Paper Information about PnP 1. Abbreviation for Plug and Play. 2. Abbreviation for Pen and Paper depends on
- What is Assistant Digital Personal Tutorial generic term used to describe any small portable hand-held electronic device that provides a minimum of storage and retrieval functions, such as calendar and address book. PDAs are also referred to which
- What is View Per Pay Error PPV Pay Per View difference
- What is Percentage with a lower score or rank / percentage with a lower or equal rank Answer distribution with a lower score or rank. For example if 70% of the population were shorter than you, then your height would be said to be at the 70th percentile. See also quintile, decile. 2. The per when
- What is Point when all database data is written to disk Means what Checkpoint At a database checkpoint the database flushes out data not yet written to disk pros and cons
- What is Package and Deployment Wizard Description PDW Package and Deployment Wizard similarities
- What is Psion computers operating system Definition 1997 by Psion computers. Suited for embedded mobile devices, it is used both in many handheld mobile devices, including some mobile phones (for example Nokia). EPOC also forms the basis of of the how much
- What is Protocol Authentication Password Explain PAP Password Authentication Protocol how many
- What is Executable Portable What is PE Portable Executable. Typically Java (running on a Java Virtual Machine) or .NET (running on CLR compare
- What is Petabyte / Playback / Lead / Personal Best / Paper Back Meaning bytes. 2. Abbreviation for Play Back. 3. In chemistry Pb stands for Lead. Lead is a soft metal, historically commonly used for pipes, roofing and in paint. Less commonly used today because of its da why
- What is Point of Interest / Point of Interface Abbreviation used as a general term to refer to a point of interest on a map - for example city centre points could be termed points of interest, as might cash points or petrol stations. 2. Point of Interface how better
- What is Plan Development Personal How to normally covering no more than a year, which maps out individual personal development goals. A personal development plan may also indicate how those goals are to be achieved and any achievement when
- What is Price on application / Price over average Help simply that the price of some commodity is available on request but is not made public otherwise. Price-on-application is used where it is impractical to provide a listed price because of other determines
- What is Firewall Personal Crossword PFW Personal Firewall. A firewall intended to protect a single PC. Usually a software firewall comparing to
- What is Loss And Profit Examples P&L Profit and Loss. Also abbreviated to P+L depends on
- What is Infrastructure Key Public Encyclopedia ensures that, for an online transaction, the person is who they say they are and that no-one else has access to the information. Under PKI a digital certificate is generated by a trusted third party which
- What is Phase Alternating Line (tv standard) Information about name of the analogue television standard used in Westren Europe, Australisa, New Zealand and parts of Asia. A PAL picture is made of 625 scan lines of which 575 are visible. cf NTSC, SDTV, HDTV difference
Definitions for computer scientists
Computer library, software engineers in practical use.
Windows Phase Alternating Line (tv standard) definition Public Key Infrastructure explain Profit and Loss what is Personal Firewall meaning Price on application /. explain.
What is Premium Rate Service definition Part of an intranet accessible for developers.