Usage glossary for computers letter C
- What is Cost Per Click / Commission per click Definition Term used by affiliate programs indicating a payment rate per advertisement click. 2. Commission Per Click. Term used by affiliate programs to indicate the commission paid for each click through a compare
- What is Client Services for Netware Explain CSN Client Services for Netware why
- What is Commercial Off The Shelf What is to any commercial product that can be purchased and used without any (or with minimal) customisation. Because of the lack of customisation required COTS products are generally cheaper than bespoke o how better
- What is Hkey_Local_Machine Meaning HKLM Common abbreviation for the Windows registry root HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, one of the Windows registry hives when
- What is Arse Your Cover Abbreviation Ass (US). A slang abbreviation meaning to take precautions to protect yourself against criticism, prosecution or other penalty should something go wrong. CYA can also be used as advice to others for determines
- What is Configure E-mail and Internet Connection Wizard How to Connection Wizard. A configuration Wizard that is part of Windows 2003 SBS which helps configure firewall, email, network and secure website.CEICW can be found on SBS 2003 under All Programs > Server comparing to
- What is Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire Help Recherche Nucléaire, which is French of the "European Particle Physicals Laboratory". This is the European laboratory for particle physics, located in Geneva. Relevant links: http://public depends on
- What is Officer Information Chief Crossword CIO Chief Information Officer which
- What is Conversion of data from a lower to a greater accuracy Examples data type from one with a lower accuracy (i.e. number of digits) or magnitude (i.e. min-max range) to one with a greater accuracy or magnitude. cf Narrowing Conversion difference
- What is Value Separated Comma Encyclopedia text file containing values with comma delimiters (i.e. commas separating distinct fields). Occasionally, but by no means a standard, the first line may contain the names of the fields. CSV files are when
- What is Time Universal Coordinated Information about UTC Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). It is the current term for what used to be commonly referred to as Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). See also time zone pros and cons
- What is Clockwise Workgroup Corporate Tutorial CW 1. Corporate (or) Workgroup. Microsoft Outlook is generally configured either for IMO or CW. 2. Clockwise. To move in the same direction as the hands on an analogue clock similarities
- What is Connecting and communicating with a database system Error Database Connectivity Connecting and communicating between an application and a database system how much
- What is Development Professional Continuing Answer A process of ensuring continual professional and relevant-skills related development during ones career. Many societies have a formal CPD system, requiring diary taking of events attended and how many
- What is Management Configuration Means what CM Abbreviation for Configuration Management. See Configuration Management for details compare
- What is Client Access License / Computer Aided Learning Description CAL 1. Client Access License. 2. Computer Aided Learning or Computer Assisted Learning why
- What is Carriage Return Line Feed Definition Carriage Return (CR, ASCII 13) followed by a Line Feed (LF, ASCII 10). In a block of ASCII text a CRLF is used to denote the end of a line for Windows systems (on Unix systems an end of line is how better
- What is Name Canonical Explain alias. It allows a domain name to act as an alias for an existing domain. A CNAME record should point to either an "A record" (recommended) or another CNAME when
- What is Component Object Model / Computer Output on Microfilm / Commercialdomain name What is by Microsoft. Relevant links: - Provides a brief overview of COM and COM-based technologies. 2. Computer Output on Microfilm. 3. One of the top level domain names o determines
- What is COM object implemented as a separate executable or DLL Meaning out-of-process server COM object implemented as a separate executable or as a DLL executed on another machine (i.e. DCOM).See also in-process server comparing to
- What is Customer Relationship Management / Compensating Resource Manager Abbreviation Relevant links: - Oncontact Software develops award-winning CRM solutions, customisable for mid-market CRM needs. - Entellium provides CRM software a depends on
- What is Code Division Multiple Access How to CDMA Code Division Multiple Access, a third generation digital wireless technology. Also referred to as CDMA2000. Relevant links: which
- What is Compact disc / Change Directory / Candela Help contain audio (Audio-CD), video (Video-CD) or data (CD-ROM). Audio CDs contain audio sampled at 16-bit, 44.1kHz and provides 74 or 80 minutes of two-channel (stereo) audio. CD-ROMs can store up to difference
- What is Compare / Carry Forward / ColdFusion Crossword cf 1. Abbreviation for "Compare". From the Latin "conferre". 2. Carry Forward or Carried Forward. 3. ColdFusion (web development environment). See ColdFusion for details when
- What is Compound Annual Growth Rate Examples average year to year percentage growth rate (i.e. change), typically measured across multiple years.Relevant links: - Detailed definition of CAGR, together with formula pros and cons
- What is Call Level Interface / Command Line Interface / Caller LineIdentification Encyclopedia interface with a computer requiring solely textual input and providing only textual output. 2. Command Line Interface. cf GUI. 3. Caller Line Identification. Allows the recipient of a telephone call similarities
- What is Code and controls sharing the same page Information about Inline Coding In ASP.NET where code and controls share the same page. cf Code Behind how much
- What is Hkey_Classes_Root Tutorial HKCR Common abbreviation for the Windows registry root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, one of the Windows registry hives how many
- What is Computer Integrated Manufacturing / Common Information Model Error CIM 1. Computer Integrated Manufacturing. CIM refers to the use of computer aided technologies in manufacturing. CIM therefore includes CAD and CAM. cf CAD/CAM. 2. Common Information Model compare
- What is Critical Infrastructure Protection Initiative Answer CIPI Critical Infrastructure Protection Initiative - initiative from the Open GIS Consortium why
- What is Completely automated public Turning test Means what Turning test. An automated test to tell humans and computers apart.Various forms of captcha are often used on web site forms, to try to block access by web-bots and yet permit access by genuine human how better
- What is Code name for Microsoft security initiative Description from Microsoft aiming for features greater data security, personal privacy and system integrity. Will build upon TCPA. Relevant links: - for a discussion on when
- What is Report Performance Cost Definition CPR Cost Performance Report. A report showing cost and schedule information determines
- What is Request Signing Certificate Explain CSR Certificate Signing Request. A CSR is generated in respect of a website as the first step in obtaining a certificate for use with SSL comparing to
- What is Unit Processing Central What is the part of a computer that executes machine code instructions and coordinates and directs the interaction of the different components of the computer. A typical computer has a single CPU, but som depends on
- What is Cryptographic API Component Object Model Meaning Object Model. A security suite from Microsoft that allows application developers to incorporate security technologies into their applications using COM. Windows VISTA (and later) no longer support which
- What is Clear To Send / Common Type System Abbreviation serial hardware flow control. See also RTS. 2. Common Type System. Part of the .NET framework. Defines the basic datatypes that managed code is allowed to use plus rules for creating, persisting difference
- What is Carbon Copy / Continuity Check / C Compiler / Credit Card / ConditionalCompilation / Conditional Comments / Cubic Centimeter / Cubic Capacity How to that is CC'd to someone is copied to that person, with all the recipients of the e-mail or memo seeing the person named on the distribution list. cf BCC. 2. Continuity Check. 3. C Compiler. cc is the when
- What is Impression Per Cost Help iMpression) or Cost Per Mille (from the French word). Term used by affiliate programs indicating a payment rate based on number of impressions (or displays) of an advertisement. Normally quoted as pros and cons
- What is Communications in one direction only / Single sided printing Crossword which data can only be sent in one direction. 2. A text formatting term indicating that printing is only one one side of a sheet of paper. Commonly referred to as single sided printing. cf duplex similarities
- What is Point Centre Examples Centroid Centre point of a geographic area. See also Seed Point how much
- What is System Versions Concurrent Encyclopedia cvs Concurrent Versions System. Popular open source version control system. cf RCS and SCCS. Relevant links: how many
- What is Systems Cisco Information about network solutions provider. The term CISCO is normally used to refer to network equipment produced by Cisco or one of their certification schemes (see also CCNA and CCNP). Relevant links: compare
- What is Content Management System / Course Management System Tutorial application designed to help manage the content of a website. Typically a CMS allows multiple people to work on the content of a website without them needing to know HTML. Relevant links: www.opencms why
- What is Cool Error KL Chat abbreviation for "Cool", meaning something is trendy. Possibly derived from "kewl", a slang spelling of "cool" how better
- What is Computer Aided Software Engineering Answer CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering. The use of computer tools to assist in developing software when
- What is Writable Readable Cd Means what CD-RW CD-Readable-Writable. A compact disc (CD) which can be recorded to and overwritten many times. cf CD-R determines
- What is Convert to a digital equivalent Description Digitise The process of converting an analogue signal (such as sound) or image (such as a conventional map) to a digital equivalent comparing to
- What is Common Object Request Broker Architecture Definition CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture depends on
- What is Engineer Novell Certified Explain CNE Certified Novell Engineer. Higher certification than, and requiring, CNA. Relevant links: which
- What is Check Redundancy Cyclic What is Contributed by Kenneth Nellis. An error detection code that is calculated using the data with which it is transmitted (or saved). When the data is received (or read) the CRC value can be calculated difference
- What is Commercial-Off-The-Shelf / Scottish Meaning SCOTS 1. Standards-based Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (technology). 2. Abbreviation for Scottish or belonging to Scotland when
- What is Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacture Abbreviation Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM). Usually refers to an integrated CAD and CAM design and production. cf CIM. CAD/CAM is software used to assist in the design and manufacture of products, for example pros and cons
- What is File Weights Custom How to Weighting File).Also known as a Custom Weight List (CWL). In the context of Microsoft Exchange (2003 or later) it refers to the file MSExchange.UceContentFilter.xml which contains custom weightings similarities
- What is Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Dispatch Help CAD/CAM. Relevant links: - links to CAD resources on the internet. Contributed by Kenneth Nellis. 2. Computer Aided Dispatch, or Computer Assisted Dis how much
- What is Protocol Enrolment Certificate Crossword CEP Certificate Enrolment Protocol how many
- What is Common abbreviation for defragment / Windows defragmentation utility Examples degrament, the process of rearranging how files are stored on a disk to make them contiguous rather than scattered all over the disk. See defragment for details. 2. The name of the disk compare
- What is Recordable Disc Compact Encyclopedia CD-R CD-Recordable. A recordable (normally write once) compact disc (CD), cf CD-RW why
- What is Computer Aided Design and Drafting Information about CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting. Same meaning as CAD how better
- What is Common name for WPAD protocol Tutorial Autoproxy Common name given for Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) protocol when
- What is Consumer Price Index / Characters per inch Error calculated index showing how the average cost of consumer prices changes over time. The way in which CPI is calculated (and for example the basket of goods used to calculate it), vary from country to determines
- What is Change Mode (file permissions) Answer Mode". Chmod is a command line utility available on both Unix systems which allows the file permissions of files to be changed. (The closest equivalent to Chmod on Windows is the command line comparing to
- What is Interface Gateway Common Means what standard allowing programs to interface to web servers. CGI programs can be written in any compilable language. CGI programs are executed on the server, normally in response to some input from a web depends on
- What is Chart used for project management Description chart used for project management. It represents each task of a project as a box (circle or rectangle), arrows between tasks are used to show the sequence and task dependencies (i.e. which which
- What is Return Carriage Definition character 13 (decimal), used to denote a carriage return in a block of text. On Unix style systems a CR is used to denote the end of a line (whilst on Windows systems an end of line is denoted by difference
- What is Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black Explain The four colours used in the ink based printing process (when printing in colour).Shown using their respective colours: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Web development and and applications when
- What is Officer Executive Chief What is corporation the CEO is the individually ultimately responsible for overseeing the running of the company. The term CEO is used in the USA, its British equivalent is Managing Director (MD pros and cons
- What is Cascading Style Sheet(s) Meaning to HTML allowing paragraph formatting to be defined once and then applied to multiple paragraphs in an HTML document. Relevant links: - W3C page on CSS. similarities
- What is Client server application requiring minimal network traffic / Computerused only as a network client Abbreviation application that is designed to minimize the amount of data (including the application itself) that needs to be transferred from the server to the client. Thin client applications are therefore small how much
- What is Runtime Language Common How to CLR Common Language Runtime. The CLR executes .NET code and is similar in concept to the Java Virtual Machine how many
- What is Cisco Certified Network Associate Help Certification indicates a knowledge in networking suitable for supporting LANs and dial up services. CCNA is a lower level of certification than CCNP. Relevant links: compare
- What is Common Language Specification / Clear Screen Crossword The CLS is a set of rules that defines the minimum core set of .NET constructs that every .NET language (implementation) must support. A component that confirms to the CLS should be usable by why
- What is Delivery On Cash Examples COD Cash on delivery. Indicates that a purchase will be paid for at the point (or time) or delivery how better
- What is Cross platform standard for transmission of serial data Encyclopedia standard for the transmission of serial data between peripherals. Developed by Apple and defined by the IEEE 1394 standard, Firewire is available for all computers. The IEEE 1394 standard allows for when
- What is Web Services Catalog Information about CS-W Catalog Services - Web determines
- What is Objects Data Collaboration Tutorial CDO Collaboration Data Objects. Relevant links: comparing to
- What is Conversion of data to one with a lower precision Error data type from one with a greater accuracy (i.e. number of digits) or magnitude (i.e. min-max range) down to one with a lower accuracy or magnitude. cf Widening Conversion depends on
- What is Program Preview Customer Answer CPP Customer Preview Program. System for allowing customers to preview a product before its general release which
- What is Security Access Code Means what mechanism used in the Microsoft CLR. CAS works by assigning trust levels (i.e. permissions) to software code (rather than the traditional model of assigning permissions by user). Relevant links: http difference
- What is List Weights Custom Description weightings that sites within a Custom Weights File. Custom Weights are used to assign weightings to words and phrases which Microsoft Exchange uses as part of its process for assigning spam when
- What is Connecting and communicating over a network Definition Network Connectivity Connecting and communicating between two or more computers, typically over a network pros and cons
- What is Correct name for VMS (OS) Explain Open VMS The correct full name for the "VMS" Operating System (OS), see VMS for a description. Not to be confused with Open Source. See also DCL. Relevant links: similarities
- What is Classless Inter-Domain Routing What is addressing scheme for IP addresses, providing greater flexibility in defining the domain than was possible with simple class A, B and C addressing.Relevant links: http://public.pacbell how much
- What is Common UNIX Printing System Meaning CUPS Common UNIX Printing System. CUPS provides a portable printing layer for UNIX based operating systems. Relevant links: Contributed by Kenneth Nellis how many
- What is Manufacture Aided Computer Abbreviation CAM Computer Aided Manufacture compare
- What is Rate Through Click How to CTR Click Through Rate. Abbreviation used by affiliate networks. Is the percentage of the number of advertisement displays that resulted in a click. cf CPM, EPC why
- What is COM object executed on the same machine Help in-process server COM object implemented as a DLL that is executed on the same machine. See also out-of-process server how better
- What is Common Internet File System Crossword CIFS Common Internet File System. File sharing protocol based originally on SMB (Server Message Block when
- What is CD-ROM File System Examples CDFS CD-ROM File System determines
- What is Control Program Monitor (OS) Encyclopedia operating system for 8-bit computers. CP/M stood for Control Program Monitor, and pre-dates DOS. Relevant links: comparing to
- What is Colour component of a video signal Information about Chrominance The colour component of a video signal. For Hi 8 and SVHS signals the signal is divided into the luminance (brightness) and the chrominance (colour depends on
- What is Television Circuit Closed Tutorial television system where the camera and video monitor (or TV) are connected directly via cables and the camera signal is not broadcast for others to pick-up. CCTV is typically used for video which
- What is Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert Error CCIE Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert difference
- What is Device Coupled Charge Answer CCD Charge Coupled Device. The image recording device inside a digital camera when
- What is Development Custom Means what Bespoke Something which is developed (or heavily customised) for a particular customer or application. cf COTS pros and cons
- What is Tube Ray Cathode Description televisions (other than 'thin' LCD ones) use and are referred to as CRT monitors. Unlike LCD monitors, CRT monitors are characterised by being bulky and heavy (and can be prone to flicker similarities
- What is Complex Instruction Set Computer Definition CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer. cf RISC how much
- What is Preview Technology Community Explain CTP Community Technology Preview. A term used by Microsoft to denote a pre-release (sometimes pre formal beta release), point in time release of a product for review purposes how many
- What is Security Internet Comodo What is CIS Comodo Internet Security. A security suite from Comodo, which includes both Firewall and AntiVirus compare
- What is Cisco Certified Network Professional Meaning Professional. Certification indicates a knowledge in networking suitable for supporting LANs and WANs. CCNP requires CCNA. Relevant links: why
- What is Close of Play / Code of Practice / Coefficient of Performance / apoliceman Abbreviation end of. So close of play today means by the end of today. 2. Code of Practice. cf ACOP. 3. Coefficient of Performance. A unit of measurement for the energy efficiency of heating (or cooling how better
- What is Continuous Improvement / Customer Intelligence How to CI 1. Continuous Improvement. 2. Customer Intelligence when
- What is Control over a connected device Help Device Control When used in the context of computer video editing, Device Control refers to a situation whereby the editing system controls the record/playback device to which it is connected determines
- What is Computational Linguistics / Centilitre / Chloride / Centre Line Crossword processing of natural language, either extracting information for an IT system from natural language or generation of natural language from an IT system. Computational Linguistics is a branch of comparing to
- What is Cost Per Acquisition / Commission Per Acquisition Examples term used by affiliate networks. An acquisition is a lead or a sale, i.e. some event that generates revenue (or a cost). CPA is therefore the cost (or reward) per lead or sale. 2. Commission Per depends on
- What is Language Markup Coldfusion Encyclopedia CFML Coldfusion Markup Language. A markup language used by Coldfusion with a syntax that closely resembles HTML which
- What is Cardholder Information Security Program Information about Program. An initiative from Visa, for ensuring the security of cardholder information. cf PCI DSS. Relevant links: - CISP difference
- What is Chinese, Japanese and Korean Tutorial CJK Chinese, Japanese and Korean when
- What is Certificate Of Authentication / Course(s) of Action Error or Certificate of Authenticity). A paper document which certifies that an item is genuine.A COA is typically used where the certificate is easier to verify than the item. The COA is intended as an pros and cons
- What is System Reference Coordinate Answer CRS Coordinate Reference System similarities
- What is Check Point Certified Security Expert / Center for ComputationalSciences and Engineering Means what CCSE 1. Check Point Certified Security Expert. 2. Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering, at Berkeley. Relevant links: how much
- What is Administrator Novell Certified Description CNA Certified Novell Administrator. Relevant links: - Novell Professional Certifications how many
- What is Sale Per Cost Definition CPS Cost Per Sale (or Pay Per Sale). Term used by affiliate programs indicating a payment rate for a for a sale compare
- What is Correct Me If I'm Wrong Explain CMIIW Chat abbreviation: Correct Me If I'm Wrong why
- What is Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol / A man What is Authentication Protocol. An authentication protocol. The server sends the client a (one time) key to be used to encrypt a username and password combination. Subsequently the server may reconfirm the how better
- What is See Cdma2000 Meaning CDMA Code Division Multiple Access, a third generation digital wireless technology. Also referred to as CDMA2000. Relevant links: when
Definitions for computer scientists
Computer library, software engineers in practical use.
Windows CDMA2000 - see definition Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol / A man explain Correct Me If I'm Wrong what is Cost per sale meaning Certified Novell. explain.
What is Cost Per Click / Commission per click definition Client Services for for developers.