Usage glossary for computers letter I
- What is Internet Group Management Protocol Definition IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol compare
- What is 4 Explorer Internet Explain IE4 Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE), version 4. Superseded by IE5 why
- What is Chat Relay Internet What is IRC Internet Relay Chat how better
- What is I Am Not A Layer Meaning IANAL I Am Not A Layer. A disclaimer often given with advice, indicating that the advice should not be relied upon as a point of law. cf TINLA when
- What is If I Recall Correctly Abbreviation Recall Correctly". Used normally to quality something quoted as fact, to indicate that the item is being quoted from memory rather than having checked back to original sources determines
- What is Protocol Printing Internet How to IPP Internet Printing Protocol. A protocol enabling users to print documents on any printer that is connected to the internet comparing to
- What is International Organization for Standardization Help Standardization. Relevant links: - ISO Home Page 2. ISO followed by a number is used to identify one of the published ISO standards. Relevant links: - IS depends on
- What is Institute of British Geographers Crossword IBG Institute of British Geographers which
- What is Information Technology Infrastructure Library Examples Infrastructure Library. A set of best practice guides for IT service management (i.e. for managing information technology, infrastructure, development and operations in large organisations).Relevant difference
- What is If and only if Encyclopedia mathematical abbreviation. A iff B indicates that A will only ever be true if condition B is true and not on any other condition. Thus "A iff B" is not the same as "A if B" when
- What is Firewall Connection Internet Information about ICF Internet Connection Firewall. Abbreviation used by Microsoft to refer to the firewall built into Windows XP pros and cons
- What is Document Control Interface Tutorial interface control document is a written specification that describes the interface between two (or more) components of a system (or between systems). The interface control document will therefore similarities
- What is Request Interrupt Error IRQ 1. Interrupt ReQuest. 2. Interrupt request number. 3. Interrupt request level. 4. Interrupt request channel how much
- What is Tender To Invitation Answer a Quotation Request or sometimes a RFQ or RFT. The ITT should specify the work or requirements that the tender is for, and may specify what information needs to be provided by the bidder. An ITT is how many
- What is System Detection Intrusion Means what system for detecting (unauthorised) intrusions into a network or individual computer.An Intrusion Detection System will typically either: monitor log files to detect intrusions on a single computer compare
- What is Integrated Circuit / Internet Connection / Incoming Connections /Intensive Care Description electronic device consisting of many electronic circuits integrated onto a single piece of silicon and housed in a chip. ICs are the building blocks of almost all electronic systems. 2. Internet why
- What is Information systems / Information services Definition IS 1. Information System(s). 2. Information Service(s how better
- What is Information stored locally browser Explain Cookie Data stored locally by a browser when it visits a website, used to stored information to customise the browsing experience - for example name and language selections when
- What is I am not an Expert / I am not an Engineer What is disclaimer sometimes given with advice (typically used in newsgroups and chat), indicating that the advice is being given by someone who acknowledges that they are not an expert in the field and determines
- What is Integrated Services Digital Network Meaning ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network. Digital modem line. Provides higher speeds than K56/V90. Single channel ISDN provides speeds of 56K to 64K. Dual channel ISDN provides speeds of 110K to 128K comparing to
- What is Industry Standard Architecture / Internet Security and AccelerationFirewall Client / Instruction Set Architecture Abbreviation Once a common bus architecture, was superseded by PCI and is now considered obsolete. 2. (Microsoft) Internet Security and Acceleration Firewall Client. 3. Instruction Set Architecture. Contributed depends on
- What is Protocol Datagram Internet How to IDP Internet Datagram Protocol. Relevant links: - Overview of IDP. Contributed by Kenneth Nellis which
- What is International Monetary Fund / Intelligent Message Filtering Help international organisation set up to promote the financial prosperity, stability and economic growth of its member countries. 2. Intelligent Message Filtering. A feature of Microsoft Exchange Server difference
- What is Case Any In Crossword IAC Chat abbreviation: In Any Case when
- What is Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Examples Icann Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. Relevant links: pros and cons
- What is Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications Encyclopedia IDNA Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications. A mechanism for handling domain names that contain non-ASCII characters, allowing domain names to use the full set of Unicode characters similarities
- What is Experience My In Information about IME Chat abbreviation for: In My Experience how much
- What is Indexed Sequential Access Method Tutorial A method for storing data and indexing it on a disk (or in a database). Data is stored sequentially, with a separate index for each key, allowing direct access to data records by key how many
- What is In My Very Humble Opinion Error IMVHO Abbreviation: In My Very Humble Opinion compare
- What is Language Definition Interface Answer IDL Interface Definition Language. IDL is part of CORBA why
- What is I Know What You Mean Means what IKWUM Chat abbreviation: I Know What You Mean how better
- What is Sharing Connection Internet Description Abbreviation used by Microsoft to refer to the internet connection sharing facility built into more recent versions of Windows. Allows multiple computers to share a single internet connection which when
- What is Internet Protocol Control Protocol / IP Payload Compression Protocol Definition IPCP 1. Internet Protocol Control Protocol. 2. IP Payload Compression Protocol determines
- What is Provider Service Internet Explain company that provides access to the internet for others, typically via dial-up, ASDL or broadband. ISPs typically (but not always) also provide other services such as e-mail and web-space comparing to
- What is Incorrect rendering of ECMAScript What is ECMA Script ECMA's standard version of what is commonly known as JavaScript. Correctly known as "ECMAScript", i.e. without the space between ECMA and Script. cf ECMAScript depends on
- What is Internet Explorer Administration Kit Meaning Kit. A set of tools from Microsoft that allow the customisation, distribution and maintenance of internet explorer from a central location. Relevant links: which
- What is Management Lifecycle Information Abbreviation ILM Information Lifecycle Management difference
- What is Internet Engineering Task Force How to An international community of professionals dedicated to the development and smooth operation of the Internet. Much of the technical work of the IETF is done in its working groups - each working when
- What is Api Server Internet Help set of functions for interfacing to Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS). Relevant links: - Platform SDK pros and cons
- What is 6 Explorer Internet Crossword IE6 Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE), version 6 similarities
- What is Internet Mail Service / Information Management System Examples service in Microsoft Exchange server 5.x that is responsible for communicating with internet email systems and other SMTP capable systems to effect the transport of email messages (both to and from how much
- What is Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace Encyclopedia IPB Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace. Superceeded by the term Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment, see IPOE for details how many
- What is Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Information about IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. cf TLD. Relevant links: - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority home page compare
- What is Technology Information Tutorial IT Information Technology why
- What is Environment Translation Integrated Error ITE Integrated Translation Environment. A Borland development/translation tool how better
- What is Identifying relationships and trends in data Answer Data Mining Generic term for identifying possible relationships and trends between data items. Typically data mining is the statistical analysis of data to identify commonalities and patterns when
- What is Words Other In Means what IOW Chat abbreviation: In Other Words determines
- What is Index of Multiple Deprivation Description IMD Index of Multiple Deprivation. Provides a guide to the extent various types of deprivation within a geographic area. Relevant links: comparing to
- What is You Seek I Definition ICQ Instant messenger program. Stands for "I Seek You". Relevant links: depends on
- What is Repository Information Infrared Explain which is able to use infrared for communication, a type of wireless device. 2. Information Retrieval. The term can be applied to any activity which retrieves information which
- What is I Seem To Recall What is ISTR Chat abbreviation for: I Seem To Recall difference
- What is 5 Explorer Internet Meaning IE5 Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE), version 5. Superseded by IE6 when
- What is If Immediate Abbreviation provided on many (but not all) database systems that returns one of two values depending on a supplied condition. It takes the form: iif(condition,true-result,false-result pros and cons
- What is Notification Payment Instant How to system for real-time payment confirmation. IPN provides a retailer with real-time confirmation that a payment has successfully been made. It avoids the risk of later discovering that a payment has similarities
- What is Internet Protocol version 6 Help a 128bit (16 byte) address space, compared with the 32 bit (4 byte) address space used by IPv4. IPv6 provides a much larger address space than is available for IPv4 and is intended to overcome the how much
- What is In My Humble Opinion Crossword IMHO Chat abbreviation: In My Humble Opinion how many
- What is I'm Self Taught / In Service Training Examples Mark Haywood. Abbreviation used when referring to any skills that an individual learns or picks up for themselves - and covers any learning which is not through formal training. 2. In Service T compare
- What is IP over Ethernet / Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment Encyclopedia Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment. Formerly known as Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB) is a systematic, four-step, analytical methodology employed to reduce why
- What is Exchange Packet Internetwork Information about IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange. Novell Network networking protocol how better
- What is Information and Communication Technology Tutorial ICT Information and Communication Technology when
- What is Management Rights Information Error refers to a Microsoft Office technology that enables a document author to control who can access the document. It is intended as a means of control over who can view sensitive information. IRM can be determines
- What is Internet Explorer / That is Answer IE 1. Microsoft Internet Explorer. cf IE4, IE5, IE6, MSIE. 2. Abbreviation for the Latin "id est" meaning "that is" comparing to
- What is International Civil Aviation Organization Means what ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization. ICAO is responsible for a number of international standards. Relevant links: - ICAO Home page depends on
- What is If You See What I Mean Description IYSWIM Chat abbreviation for: If You See What I Mean which
- What is Internet Control Message Protocol Definition ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol. An extension to the Internet Protocol (IP), supporting additional control, error and information messages. The ping command uses ICMP difference
- What is Responder Voice Interactive Explain IVR Interactive Voice Responder. A system for allowing telephone callers to interact with a computer through speech or touch tone dialling when
- What is IP address and port number / A receptacle into which a component can befitted What is Applications communicate by sockets - the ip address indicates the network address of the machine to which messages should be sent and the port number is the logical destination on that machine pros and cons
- What is Internet Small Computer System Interface Meaning Interface. A prominent IP-based storage networking protocol, it is a combination of IP and SCSI, allowing SCSI commands to be sent across IP packets and responses received via IP. .iSCSI is used on similarities
- What is Identifier / Identification / Intelligent Design Abbreviation Normally something (typically a number or string) that will uniquely identify an object within a specific context. cf UID, GUID. 2. Abbreviation for IDentification. 3. Intelligent Design. A how much
- What is Information and Communications Technologies / Integrated CircuitTechnology/ Institute of Computer Technology How to ITC 1. Information and Communications Technologies. 2. Integrated Circuit Technology. 3. Institute of Computer Technology. Relevant links: - Institute of Computer Technology home page how many
- What is 7 Explorer Internet Help IE6 Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE), version 7. IE 7 was released for general use in November 2006, although beta versions had been in circulation long before that compare
- What is Management Colour Image Crossword ICM is an API for providing consistent colour matching across different types of device, for example consistent colour between scanners, cameras, displays and printers. Relevant links: www.micros why
- What is Protocol Internet Examples IP Internet Protocol. IP specifies the format of packets (called datagrams) containing data and a destination address. IP is often combined with TCP. See also IPv4, IPv6 how better
- What is Internet Protocol version 4 Encyclopedia IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4. Current IP standard, uses 32 bit (4 byte) addresses. cf IPv6 when
- What is Integrated Development Environment / Integrated drive electronics Information about Environment. As a minimum, the integration of a source code editor, compiler and debugger for software development. An IDE will often offer more than this, such as on-line help, syntax highlighting determines
- What is Internet Message Access Protocol Tutorial A protocol for accessing electronic e-mail (or bulletin boards). IMAP allows e-mails to be read by a client but still be stored on a central server. IMAP is suited to environments where people need comparing to
- What is Intel technology for executing parallel threads on a single processor Error for multi-threading in in the Pentium 4 micro-architecture. Hyper-Threading enables the processor to execute multiple threads in parallel on the same processor. Hyper-Threading allows different threa depends on
- What is Internet mail only / In my opinion Answer IMO 1. Internet Mail Only. Microsoft Outlook is generally configured either for IMO or CW. 2. Abbreviation for "In My Opinion" which
- What is Table Organized Index Means what type in an Oracle database. An index where the data for each row is held within the same index structure as the primary key index. In a SQL Server database this is known as a clustered index. difference
- What is Vendor Software Independent Description ISV Independent Software Vendor. A third party software vendor when
- What is Disassembler Language Intermediary Definition ILDASM IL Disassembler (Intermediary Language disassembler). Tool for examining the contents of an MSIL file pros and cons
- What is Environment Operating Internet Explain IOL Internet Operating Environment similarities
- What is Messaging Instant What is IM 1. Instant Messaging. See Instant Messaging. 2. Instant Message how much
- What is Opinion Your In Meaning IYO Chat abbreviation: In Your Opinion. Normally qualified with a question or a statement how many
- What is Connector Mail Internet Abbreviation service in early versions of Microsoft Exchange server that was responsible for communicating with internet email systems and other SMTP capable systems to effect the transport of email messages compare
- What is International Business Machines / I'm Being Moved / Its Better Manually How to A large corporation, that came out with the original IBM PC. Relevant links: 2. I'm Being Moved. Said to have originated from IBM corporation (see above), which had a policy of re why
- What is Security Protocol Internet Help abbreviated to IP Security). Encrypts TCP/IP traffic to secure communications within an intranet and provide the highest levels of security for VPN traffic across the Internet how better
- What is Data About Information Crossword data. Metadata describes the structure and attributes of data, it may also include any license or copyright terms, origin of the data, cautions about the robustness of the data and perhaps when
- What is Link Bound In Examples a link which points to a page (and which therefore could bring visitors to the page). The link may be from another page on the site or from a page on a different site. Maximising the number of in b determines
- What is Atm Over Ip Encyclopedia IPoA IP over ATM. cf IPoE comparing to
Definitions for computer scientists
Computer library, software engineers in practical use.
Windows IP over ATM definition In Bound Link explain Information about data what is Internet Protocol Security meaning International Business Machines / I'm Being. explain.
What is Internet Group Management Protocol definition Internet Explorer 4 for developers.