suite standard what is
What is Standard suite in Mac OS: AppleScript terms that scriptable applications should support if.


Standard suite definition

Explanation STANDARD SUITE: The scriptability information for a set of standard AppleScript terms that scriptable applications should support if possible. The Standard suite contains commands such as count, delete, duplicate, and make, and classes such as application, document, and window. Cocoa scripting provides a great deal of automatic support for the Standard suite

More definitions for Mac OS users such as Standard suite in Dictionary S.

Help Selection Range:
Usage The contiguous sequence of characters in the source text that mark where the next editing operation is to occur. The glyphs corresponding to those characters are commonly highlighted onscreen standard suite definition.
Help Synonym:
Usage information retrieval system considers to be equivalent to another term for both indexing and querying. For example, an IR system could define “car,” “passenger vehicle,” and “automobile” to be standard suite explain.
Help Suite Terminology:
Usage A property list that maps AppleScript terminology—the English-like words and phrases you can use in a script—to the class and command descriptions in a suite definition standard suite what is.
Help Spinlock:
Usage Any of a family of lock types characterized by continuously polling to see if a lock is available, rather than putting the waiting thread to sleep standard suite meaning.
Help Simple Message:
Usage In Mach, a message that contains neither references to ports nor pointers to data. Compare nonsimple message standard suite abbreviation.
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