term local currency help what is
Meaning of local currency (PSM-FM). What is it: Currency of the company code in which an earmarked.


Definition local currency (PSM-FM)

LOCAL CURRENCY (PSM-FM) title: local currency (PSM-FM) (SAP Library - Glossary)
LOCAL CURRENCY (PSM-FM) category: Funds Management (PSM-FM)

Currency of the company code in which an earmarked funds document is posted.

More terms such as local currency (PSM-FM) in Dictionary L.

Manual Logical Register:
Help Identification of a measurement task in which the logical register is linked to an actual register and a logical register number is generated local currency (psm-fm) definition.
Manual Log Attribute:
Help attribute that is similar to a status attribute in that it is a receptacle for standard SAP T100 messages. A log attribute can represent multiple messages. In effect, a log attribute provides a means local currency (psm-fm) explain.
Manual Local Assortment:
Help An assortment valid in one store only. Assortment modules can be assigned to more than one store. This means that the same assortment can be listed in a number of stores local currency (psm-fm) what is.
Manual Letter Of Exemption:
Help A letter written by a government or local authority certifying a company's tax-exempt status local currency (psm-fm) meaning.
Manual Lien:
Help related to land, residential property, and land leases. According to German law, these differ from similar rights for movable property. Liens include mortgages, real property loans and annuity local currency (psm-fm) abbreviation.
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