scheduler what is
What is scheduler in Mac OS: program thread) runs, including assignment of start times. The.


scheduler definition

Explanation SCHEDULER: The part of Mach that determines when each program (or program thread) runs, including assignment of start times. The priority of a program’s thread can affect its scheduling. See also task , thread

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Help Script Editor:
Usage An application distributed with OS X that provides a basic environment for editing, compiling, and executing scripts scheduler definition.
Help Scan Direction:
Usage In DVD playback, a forward or backward direction with respect to the video stream scheduler explain.
Help Scroller:
Usage scroll bar that the user drags to view other parts of a document. The scroller size reflects how much of the document is visible; the smaller the scroller, the less of the content the user can see at scheduler what is.
Help Speech Attribute:
Usage A setting defined on a speech channel that affects the characteristics of the spoken output for a subset of voices or for all voices associated with a particular synthesizer scheduler meaning.
Help Scene:
Usage See chapter scheduler abbreviation.
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