Explanation VIEW MENU: A menu that provides commands that affect what users see in a window. In the Finder, for example, the View menu contains commands for displaying windows as columns, icons, or lists
More definitions for Mac OS users such as View menu in Dictionary V.
- Help VR:
- Usage See QuickTime VR view menu definition.
- Help VFS:
- Usage A set of standard internal file-system interfaces and utilities that facilitate support for additional file systems. VFS provides an infrastructure for file systems built into the kernel view menu explain.
- Help VoiceOver:
- Usage A spoken user interface technology for visually impaired users. VoiceOver is part of OS X view menu what is.
- Help Virtual Memory:
- Usage See VM view menu meaning.
- Help Variation Axis:
- Usage used to produce different type styles for a font. For example, a font that has a weighting axis could be displayed with weights that range from 0.7 point (light) to 1.3 points (bold). It is possible view menu abbreviation.