context vual what is
What is visual context in Mac OS: For example, an OpenGL context specifies where OpenGL drawing.


visual context definition

Explanation VISUAL CONTEXT: An abstract space that indicates where drawing should occur. For example, an OpenGL context specifies where OpenGL drawing should occur. A visual context is typically associated with an NSView or HIView object

More definitions for Mac OS users such as visual context in Dictionary V.

Help Valid Extension:
Usage A filename extension that does not contain spaces, periods, or characters that are not supported by the underlying file system. Compare active extension visual context definition.
Help Visible Obszar:
Usage The portion of a window’s content region that is visible to the user visual context explain.
Help Vector Index:
Usage In Search Kit, an index containing document URL objects, as keys, mapped to the terms that each document contains. See also index , inverted index , inverted-vector index visual context what is.
Help Virtual Address:
Usage that is usable by software. Each task has its own range of virtual addresses, which begins at address zero. The Mach operating system makes the CPU hardware map these addresses onto physical memory visual context meaning.
Help Virtual Source:
Usage A designation by a software MIDI device indicating that it can transmit MIDI data. Compare virtual destination visual context abbreviation.
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