term button configurable help what is
Meaning of configurable button. What is it: button is a pushbutton that has two areas: a pushbutton.


Definition configurable button

CONFIGURABLE BUTTON title: configurable button (BC-FES) (SAP Library - Glossary)
CONFIGURABLE BUTTON category: Frontend Services (BC-FES)

Element of the graphical user interface.

A configurable button is a pushbutton that has two areas: a pushbutton area and a menu button area.

When you press the pushbutton area, you perform the function described in the text on the configurable button.

The menu button area consists of a menu that contains the available functions for the pushbutton area. You can open this menu and select the function that you want to be performed when the pushbutton area is pressed. To give the pushbutton area a different function, select a function from the menu. The system uses this function's text as the label for the configurable button.

More terms such as configurable button in Dictionary C.

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