blue green what is
Definition Red, Green, Blue term. Meaning together make white.Shown using their respective colours.


Red, Green, Blue definition

Explanation Red, Green, Blue what is: RGB Red, Green, Blue. The three primary colours which together make white.Shown using their respective colours: Red, Green and Blue. When displaying colour on computer monitors (or TVs and projectors) colour values are made up of combinations of red, green and blue. Any colour can be represented by the correct proportion of red, green and CMYK. Relevant links: - What colour names are supported in HTML. Article lists the RGB components of common web-colours and provides a tool for selecting colours by colour number.

Define Release Candidate 1:
Use RC1 Release Candidate 1, i.e. the first (beta) release of something. cf RC red, green, blue definition.
Define Ratio Of Circumference To Diameter Of A Circle / Primary In:
Use circumference of a circle to the diameter of the circle. Often written as the (lower case) Greek letter π. PI is an irrational number, meaning that if it were written out in full it would never end red, green, blue explain.
Define Really Simple Syndication / Relay Spam Stopper / Royal Statistical Society:
Use Simple Syndication. A format used for syndicating news and content of news-like sites.  RSS publishes information via an XML format, providing a channel, title, link, description and a series of red, green, blue what is.
Define Register Of Known Spam Operators:
Use Known Spam Operators. Register of known spam operators that have been terminated 3 or more times by Internet Service Providers for spam offences. Relevant links: red, green, blue meaning.
Define Rolling On Floor Laughing:
Use ROFL Chat abbreviation for "Rolling On Floor Laughing" or "Roles On Floor Laughing". cf ROTFL red, green, blue abbreviation.

More IT definition for software & computers Red, Green, Blue in Glossary R.

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