time type identification what is
Definition Run-Time Type Identification term. Meaning type of an object to be identified from a.


Run-Time Type Identification definition

Explanation Run-Time Type Identification what is: RTTI Run-Time Type Identification. Mechanism allowing the type of an object to be identified from a handle to its base type.

Define Rolling On Floor Laughing:
Use ROFL Chat abbreviation for "Rolling On Floor Laughing" or "Roles On Floor Laughing". cf ROTFL run-time type identification definition.
Define Ratio Of Circumference To Diameter Of A Circle / Primary In:
Use circumference of a circle to the diameter of the circle. Often written as the (lower case) Greek letter π. PI is an irrational number, meaning that if it were written out in full it would never end run-time type identification explain.
Define Round Trip Time:
Use The length of time it takes for a network packet to go from one device (typically a computer) to another and for an acknowledgement to be returned. The higher the RTT the higher the network latency run-time type identification what is.
Define Rolling On The Floor Laughing:
Use ROTFL Chat abbreviation: "Rolling On The Floor Laughing" or "Roles On The Floor Laughing". Often abbreviated to ROFL run-time type identification meaning.
Define Road Traffic Accident / Ready To Assemble:
Use RTA 1. Road Traffic Accident. 2. Ready To Assemble. Abbreviation used on some items that are sold in kit form which require some assembly before use run-time type identification abbreviation.

More IT definition for software & computers Run-Time Type Identification in Glossary R.

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