operation what is
What is operation in Mac OS: contains an operator. (2) In WebObjects, a specific process or task.


operation definition

Explanation OPERATION: (1) In AppleScript, the evaluation of an expression that contains an operator. (2) In WebObjects, a specific process or task that a web service implements. Much like Java methods, a web service operation can define an arbitrary number of parameters and return values. Operations are invoked by web service consumers and executed by web service providers

More definitions for Mac OS users such as operation in Dictionary O.

Help OHCI:
Usage Open Host Controller Interface. The register-level standards that are used by most USB and FireWire controller chips operation definition.
Help Opaque Type:
Usage and Carbon, an aggregate data type plus a suite of functions that operate on instances of that type. The individual fields of an initialized opaque type are hidden from clients, but the type’s operation explain.
Help Operator:
Usage phrase that derives a value from another value or pair of values. In Search Kit, operators include AND , OR , NOT , parentheses, quotation marks, and several others. Search Kit interprets operators operation what is.
Help Optional Parameter:
Usage In AppleScript, a parameter that need not be included for a command to be successful operation meaning.
Help Objective-C:
Usage programming language based on standard C and a runtime system that implements the dynamic functions of the language. The few Objective-C extensions to the C language are mostly based on Smalltalk operation abbreviation.
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