objective what is
What is Objective-C in Mac OS: and a runtime system that implements the dynamic functions of the.


Objective-C definition

Explanation OBJECTIVE-C: An object-oriented programming language based on standard C and a runtime system that implements the dynamic functions of the language. The few Objective-C extensions to the C language are mostly based on Smalltalk, one of the first object-oriented programming languages. Objective-C is available in the Cocoa application environment

More definitions for Mac OS users such as Objective-C in Dictionary O.

Help Osacompile:
Usage A shell tool for compiling script files objective-c definition.
Help Order:
Usage The maximum number of factors in an equation. For example, the equation x 2 + x + 1 has an order of 3 because there are three distinct factors in the equation ( x 2, x, and x 0 objective-c explain.
Help OpenGL Buffer:
Usage A buffer that holds image information in graphics card memory. In Core Video, you manipulate OpenGL buffers using the CVOpenGLBufferRef type, which is a wrapper around the standard OpenGL buffer type objective-c what is.
Help OpenGL:
Usage Language. An industry-wide standard for developing portable 2D and 3D graphics applications. OpenGL consists of an API and libraries that developers use to render content in their applications objective-c meaning.
Help One-Shot Timer:
Usage A Carbon event timer that fires only once. See also event timer objective-c abbreviation.
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