term official subcontracting what is
Meaning of official subcontracting challan number. What is it: The official number of a.


Definition official subcontracting challan number

OFFICIAL SUBCONTRACTING CHALLAN NUMBER title: official subcontracting challan number (MM-IM) (SAP Library - Glossary)

The official number of a subcontracting challan, as recognised by the excise authorities.

More terms such as official subcontracting challan number in Dictionary O.

Manual Overall Score:
Help evaluation, the score that expresses a vendor's general rating. The vendor's scores in respect of a number of individual main criteria are merged to arrive at this single, all-inclusive official subcontracting challan number definition.
Manual Occupancy Overview:
Help Representation of the occupancy of an organizational unit supporting beds in absolute and percentage figures, or with the actual names of the patients who currently occupy the beds on this care unit official subcontracting challan number explain.
Manual Organizational Change Management:
Help management of changes to an organization caused by the implementation of the SAP System. A plan should be developed that addresses the changes and provides steps to mitigate any negative impacts official subcontracting challan number what is.
Manual Object Value:
Help object that is obtained depending on the object type, from the current, market and lending value of the object and is referenced to the asset from the object management. This value is used for other official subcontracting challan number meaning.
Manual Operating Time:
Help The effective time that a capacity, such as a machine, is available to work. Working time, break times, and rate of capacity utilization are all factors in the calculation official subcontracting challan number abbreviation.
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