term code okdp help what is
Meaning of OKDP code. What is it: the Russian Classification of Economic Activities, Production.


Definition OKDP code

OKDP CODE title: OKDP code (LO) (SAP Library - Glossary)
OKDP CODE category: Logistics - General (LO)
OKDP CODE explained:

A code used to categorize business activities according to the Russian Classification of Economic Activities, Production, and Services (OKDP for short), for the purpose of collecting economic statistics.

For example, the extraction of stone for construction and monuments has the OKDP code 1411.

More terms such as OKDP code in Dictionary O.

Manual Open Quantity (IS-AFS-ARUN):
Help Order quantity, which could not be allocated stock due to the current stock situation okdp code definition.
Manual Originating NoA:
Help A NoA which requires the setup of a tickler process at the time of its processing okdp code explain.
Manual One-Step Production Confirmation:
Help executing the production backflush: The system reads all open backflushes and corresponding components. The components are sorted according to posting date and assigned to product cost collectors okdp code what is.
Manual Original Task:
Help A task whose dates influence another (dependent) project and that is therefore mapped in this dependent project as a mirrored task okdp code meaning.
Manual Object Stack:
Help processing of real estate objects. The object stack displays a limited number of real estate objects that were processed during the current transaction call. You can navigate to the objects by okdp code abbreviation.
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