term code okpo help what is
Meaning of OKPO code. What is it: An industry classification code used in Russia definition. What.


Definition OKPO code

OKPO CODE title: OKPO code (FI) (SAP Library - Glossary)
OKPO CODE category: Financial Accounting (FI)
OKPO CODE explained:

An industry classification code used in Russia.

More terms such as OKPO code in Dictionary O.

Manual Opportunity Assessment:
Help the sales methodology in Opportunity Management, which enables users to qualify an opportunity, that is, to estimate the potential chance of its success. The user answers a set of questions in a okpo code definition.
Manual Order Lead Time:
Help The lead time of an order is the time between the basic order dates minus the order floats okpo code explain.
Manual Object Management Group:
Help An open membership, not-for-profit consortium that produces and maintains computer industry specifications for interoperable enterprise applications. For more information, see http://www.omg.org okpo code what is.
Manual Object Information:
Help which affects the reference object for the notification or order and that can be displayed from the notification or order. This data can consist of the following: Structure data (for example, object okpo code meaning.
Manual Object Orientation:
Help Processing and editing of objects irrespective of their specific features. The user does not need to know the particular processing steps that have been assigned to a specific object okpo code abbreviation.
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