term code okved help what is
Meaning of OKVED code. What is it: a company is engaged in, according to the All-Russian.


Definition OKVED code

OKVED CODE title: OKVED code (LO) (SAP Library - Glossary)
OKVED CODE category: Logistics - General (LO)
OKVED CODE explained:

A code used in Russia to classify what business activities a company is engaged in, according to the All-Russian Classification of Economic Activities. The codes cover different types of business activities from all areas, such as industry, agriculture, and education.

The OKVED code is used for preparing economic statistics.

More terms such as OKVED code in Dictionary O.

Manual Order Unit:
Help A unit of measure enabling Purchasing to order a material in a unit that differs from the base unit defined for the material okved code definition.
Manual One-Time Credit:
Help Credit which allows the authorized credit sum to be used only once and afterwards must be repaid and not used again okved code explain.
Manual Owner (SCM-ECT-LIM):
Help who has legal ownership of a stock. The business partner can transfer this stock to another business partner , without transferring ownership, for the purposes of storage, administration, or further okved code what is.
Manual Open (MP-APP-DPE):
Help Object status indicating that the object has been saved but not published. Changes can still be made to the object in this status okved code meaning.
Manual Official Document Number Format:
Help official document number is structured, as prescribed by the authorities. Example In Argentina, the official document number format can be represented as D-BBBB-NNNNNNNN, whereby D is a character okved code abbreviation.
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