before common before chrtian what is
Definition Before Common Era, Before Christian Era term. Meaning before the believed year of birth.


Before Common Era, Before Christian Era definition

Explanation Before Common Era, Before Christian Era what is: BCE 1. Before Common Era. BCE denotes that a year is before the believed year of birth of Christ. BCE otherwise has the same significance as BC. BCE is an attempt to remove references to Christ from the common dating system, which uses His birth as the zero reference point for measuring the Politically Correct (PC). 2. Before Christian Era. Same meaning as BC.

Define Beginning Of File:
Use BOF Beginning Of File. cf EOF before common era, before christian era definition.
Define Block Bit Transfer:
Use transfer. Refers to the copying or transfer of a block of data (bits) representing an image from one memory location to another. Typically the destination is a (memory mapped) display, printer or before common era, before christian era explain.
Define British Thermal Unit:
Use Unit. One BTU is defined as the energy required to increase the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. BTUs are typically used to rate air conditioners (and some heaters). To before common era, before christian era what is.
Define Body Mass Index:
Use A widely used indication of obesity.The Body Mass Index for a person is calculated by dividing the individual's weight in kg by their height in meters squared. The resulting BMI figure gives an before common era, before christian era meaning.
Define Budget Cost For Work Scheduled:
Use BCWS Budget Cost for Work Scheduled before common era, before christian era abbreviation.

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